The most interesting facts about the lynx. Features, legends


2018-03-21 03:07:09




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Interesting facts about the lynx are constantly attracted to this Regal animal the attention of researchers. The beast, being a bright representative of the cat family, intrigues people with its original appearance, special behavior. What science knows about the owner of the ears with tassels at the moment, is left unresolved mysteries?

Legends about the lynx: the vision

Rare animal receives such frequent mention in the history at all times as this instance of the cat family. The legend of lynx are often associated with eyes of the beast. The inhabitants of Ancient Greece sincerely believed that its sharp vision, the predator is able to see through objects. Even the thick walls was not considered an obstacle to the penetration of his gaze. Not surprisingly, the animal's name is a reference to the legendary character of Lucius, who had the same talent.

interesting facts about lynxes

Heraldry – an area where also shown active interest in the Royal “cat”. Often there are assumptions that this animal, mistakenly taken for a lion, emblazoned on the coat of arms of Finland. Interesting about the lynx – the popularity of this image in heraldry is associated with the peculiarities of view, its sharpness and fullness. The same reason has forced astronomers in 1690 to stop on behalf of the representative of the cat family like the name of the constellation.

Features of the lynx: the rumor

Visual Acuity possessed by the animal, is not the only fact which is worth knowing for potential hunters. Attention and ears of a predator, having characteristic tassels. Thanks “antenna” be sure to mention impeccable hearing, listing interesting facts about the lynx.


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facts about lynxes

Not surprisingly, hunters are able to track this “cat”, announced top-class experts. Perfect hearing allows animals to calculate the human steps long before the approaching danger. However, if you deprive the beast special brushes, servants, ‘sound amplifiers”, the ability to hear at a distance of several kilometers gone.

The Manner of communication

Interesting facts about bobcats, indicate impeccable upbringing Regal animals, which can boast not all people. If these instances of the cat family are facing each other, they never forget to say Hello. The ritual begins with a mutual sniffing of noses, followed by a touch to the foreheads of each other.

interesting about the lynx

Facts about the lynx point and the ability of the luxurious “cats” to create a full-fledged unit of society. However this occurs only during the period which is given of furnishing the offspring. Animals not only live nearby but also jointly involved in the care of newborns. Moms and dads provide children with food, getting to them little rodents. Also both members of the pair teach kids the basics of hunting in preparation for independent living.

Lynx danger

A Valuable fur, possessed by these animals for a long time pushed people to their capture. At the moment the animal listed in the red book. Interesting facts about lynxes completely refute the legend that says that every human encounter with the forest cat ends with the death of the first. In fact, the independent nature of the beast encourages him to avoid any contact with anyone who does not belong to the category of representatives of the same family.

the legend of the lynx

Lynx, identified person, will try to disappear from his sight. Animals never attack people first. However, the fight with them can lead to serious consequences. Physical capabilities allow furry animals, even to break the neck of the enemy.

It is believed that the lynx hunts prey sitting on a tree, and pounced jumping from it. In reality forest cat chooses to land ambushed. She has no rivals, in terms of ability to creep up silently. But lynx is not capable of sustained pursuit, the prey can get away, if I get through the first 60 meters.

Is There a lynx enemies

Every predator there are rivals in the forest Kingdom, lynx is no exception. Scientists managed to establish a negative ratio of animal to a Fox. The origins of competition associated with the habit of animals that look like them, steal someone else's food. It is interesting that lynx only kill their enemies, throwing the defeated body in the woods. As food they are not considered.

Lynx Attack first, allowing the foxes to approach them as close as possible. By the way jump the wildcat can be up to four meters, which gives the species a clear advantage over many other predators.

The Volume of food consumed has also been the subject of curiosity of researchers. Failed to establish that the average daily diet of the lynx consists of approximately two kilograms of meat. They get the required number, hunting down rodents, hares, birds.

So look the most exciting information about lynx, which had managed to acquire a scholar.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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