Trial and error: the advantages and disadvantages of


2018-03-21 10:43:19




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Humanity originated several thousand years ago. And during all this time, it constantly evolves. The reasons for this were always a lot, but without the ingenuity of man it simply would not have been possible. Trial and error has been and is currently one of the main.

trial and error


Clearly recorded in historical documents of this method are few. But despite this, it deserves special attention.

Trial and error – the way in which the problem solution is achieved by the selection of options as long as the result will not be correct (e.g. in mathematics) or acceptable (with the invention of new methods in science).

Mankind has always used this method. Roughly a century ago, psychologists tried to find similarities between the people who have used this method of learning. And they succeeded. A person who seeks the answer to the problem, forced to choose, to experiment and watch the result. This continues until, until a flash of inspiration on the subject. The experimenter goes to a new level of thinking in this matter.

Method in world history

One of the most famous people who used this method was Edison. All know his story of the invention of the light bulb. He experimented until, has not yet happened. But Edison perfected the method. When searching for a solution, he divided the tasks between people who worked for him. Accordingly, material on the topic is much bigger than one person. And on the basis of the obtained data the method of trial and error was a great success in the activities of Edison. Thanks to this man had research institutions that apply, including, and this method.


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the method of trial and error in mathematics


This method has several levels of difficulty. They were so divided for better absorption. The task of the first level is easy, and the search for its solution takes a bit of force. But the answers it has are not so much. With increasing degree of difficulty increases and the complexity of the task. Trial and error 5 class – trudnoreshaemyh and time-consuming.

Be aware that with increasing level of difficulty increases and the amount of knowledge that man possesses. To better understand what is at stake, consider the technique. The first and second levels allow inventors to improve it. On the last stage of complexity is created a completely new product.

For Example, the case when young people are the subject of the thesis took trudnoreshaemyh the task of air navigation. The students did not possess the same knowledge as many of the scientists who worked in this area, but due to the wide range of knowledge of the children they managed to find the answer. And the scope of the solution were very far from science the confectionery business. It would seem that this is impossible, but it is a fact. Young people were even issued a copyright certificate for the invention.


The First advantage can be considered to be creative. Tasks by trial and error solve allow you to use both hemispheres of the brain for a response.

Result Is the example of how to build boats. Excavations show how over the centuries, piece by piece to change shape. Researchers have consistently tried something new. If the boat was sinking, then this form is crossed out, if left to float on the water, then took it. Thus, in the end, a compromise solution had been found.

If the task is not too complex, this method takes a little time. Some emerging issues can be ten options, one or two of which would be correct. But if we consider, for example, robotics, in this case without the use of other methods of investigation can drag on for decades and bring millions of options.

The tasks are divided into several levels allows us to estimate how fast and possible is the search for a solution. This reduces the time for decision. And for complex tasks you can use the method of trial and error in parallel with the other.

solving problems by trial and error


With the development of technology and science, this method began to lose its popularity.

In some areas simply irrational to create thousands of samples to change one item at a time. So often now use other methods based on specific knowledge. For this were studied the nature of things, the interaction of elements with each other. Began to use mathematical calculations, scientific studies, experiments and experiences of the past.

Trial and error all the same excellent to use in the work. But to build a car in this way it seems stupid and irrelevant. So now, with the current level of civilization development, it is necessary in the exact Sciences, for the most part to use other methods.

Often in the way the task can describe a lot of completely minor things and do not consider a priori important things. For example, the inventor of penicillin (antibiotic) argued that with the right approach the medication could invent yearstwenty before it. This has contributed to the saving of countless lives.

For complex tasks, there are often situations when the problem lies in one area of knowledge, and its solution is completely different.

Not always the researcher is convinced that the answer will generally be found.

Author of the method of trial and error

Who exactly invented this way of learning, we'll never know. More precisely, we know that this clearly was an inventive man who most likely wanted to improve his life.

In ancient times, people were rather limited in many things. All have been built using that method. There were not any basic knowledge in physics, mathematics, chemistry and other relevant Sciences. So they had to act at random. So got the fire to protect themselves from predators, cook food and heat their homes. Weapon to get food, boats to travel on rivers. Everything was invented in the collision of man with difficulty. But each time the problem has led to a better quality of life.

It is Known that many researchers used this method in his writings.

However, the description of the method and in active use, we are seeing the psychologist Thorndike in the late nineteenth century.

the method of trial and error grade 5

Studies of Thorndike

An Example of a method of trial and error can be considered in scientific works of the scientist-physiologist. He put various behavioural experiments with animals, placing them in a special box.

One of the experiments was approximately as follows. A cat placed in a box, looking for the exit. The box itself will have 1 option: you had to click on a spring and the door swung open. The animal used a lot of action (so-called samples), and most of them were unsuccessful. The cat remained in the box. But after some set of choices the animal could press the spring and get out of the box. Thus, the cat getting into a box, over time memorized the scenarios. And out of the crate for a shorter time.

Thorndike proved that the method is valid, and though the result is not linear, but over time, the repetition of the same action, the solution comes almost instantly.

the method of trial and error mathematics grade 5

The Solution of problems by trial and error

Examples of this method a great many, but the result is really interesting.

In the early twentieth century lived a famous designer of aircraft engine Mikulin. At that time, there has been a huge number of crashes due to the magneto, i.e. the spark, after some time the flight disappeared. There were a lot of experiments and thinking about the reason, but the answer came in a totally unexpected situation.

Alexander met on the street man with a black eye. At that moment, to him, came the realisation that the man without one eye sees much worse. He shared this observation with the Aviator Utochkin. When installed in the aircraft magneto the second, the number of crashes decreased significantly. And Utochkin some time paid after each demonstration flight Mikulin remuneration.

Application of the method in mathematics

Quite often a matter of trial and error in mathematics is applied in schools as a way to develop logical thinking and speed test search options. This allows you to enhance the learning experience and make elements of the game.

You can Often find in textbooks job with the wording “solve the equation by trial and error”. In this case, you must find the answers. When you have found the correct answer, he just proved practically, that is, the necessary calculations. In the end, we make sure that it is the only right answer.

Example of the practical problem

The Method of trial and error in mathematics grade 5 (latest editions) are often featured. Here is an example.

It is Necessary to identify which parties may be in the rectangle. Assuming that the area (S) = 32 cm, and the perimeter (P) = 24 cm

The Solution to this problem: suppose the length of one side 4. Hence the length of another side of the same.

We Get the following equation:

24 – 4 – 4 = 16

16 divided by 2 = 8

8 cm – this is the width.

Check on formula of square. S = A*B = 8*4 = 32 cm. As we can see, the decision is correct. It is also possible to compute the perimeter. The following formula is obtained the calculation is R = 2* (A + b) = 2* (4 + 8) = 24.

In mathematics the method of trial and error is not always great for finding solutions. You can often use more appropriate ways, thus takes less time. But for the development of thinking this method is available in the Arsenal of every teacher.

problem by trial and error

Theory of inventive problem solving

In short, trial and error is one of the most inefficient. When a person gets into unusual for him a difficult situation, the actions at random are likely to be fruitless. You can spend a lot of time and not succeed. The theory of solving inventive problems based on already known patterns, and are usually used other methods of learning. TRIZ is often used in the upbringing of children, making this process interesting and exciting for the child.


Having Examined this method withsafe to say that it is quite interesting. Despite the shortcomings, it is often used in creative problem solving.

However, not always allows to achieve the desired result. Ever the researcher does not know when to stop looking or I might make a couple of efforts and a great invention was born. It is also unclear how much time will be spent.

If you decide to use this method for the solution of any problem, you should understand that the answer sometimes can be in a completely unexpected area. But it allows you to look at search from different points of view. May have to sketch out a few dozen variations, and maybe thousands. But it is only perseverance and belief in success will lead to the desired result.

trial and error example

Sometimes this method is used additional. For example, at the initial stage to narrow the search. Or when the study was carried out in many ways and stalled. In this case, the creative component of the method allows to find a compromise solution to the problem.

Trial and error is often used in teaching. It allows the kids to their own experience to find solutions in different situations. It teaches them to remember the correct behaviors that are accepted in society.

The Artists use this method to search for inspiration.

The Method is worth trying out in everyday life when solving problems. Perhaps some things will appear to you differently.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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