Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: a contribution to biology. The pros and cons of the theory of Lamarck


2018-03-21 11:02:18




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The First comprehensive theory of evolution was proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Contribution to the biology of the scientist were based on the thoughts and principles already existed in the scientific circles of the time. The most important of these was the idea of the scala naturae and the idea that species can change in different environments.

The Scala naturae, "great chain of being” dates back to Aristotle and probably earlier than that. This is a hierarchical system of classification, at the bottom of which are protozoa, and above – the most complex.

The idea of change types in the early 19th century was quite common – they do not become a breakthrough of Lamarck. For example, Buffon, his coach, expressed his own ideas about this, although they were all very vague.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck contribution to biology

Path to biology

Lamarck went to the thorny path of science for a long time serving in the army, and for four years he studied medicine, first brother talked him out of it. He became a student of a leading French naturalist Bernard de Jussieu, focused on botany, and in 1978 he published a three-volume collection of the French flora, which was impressive enough to attract the attention of Buffon, who took him under his wing and secured a place in the French Academy of Sciences and the Royal Botanic gardens. After the French revolution, the gardens in 1793 was converted into the national Museum of natural history, Lamarck was appointed Professor of invertebrates (although this was not his specialty), which he held until his death.

The merits of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in biology the theory of evolution is not limited. Many of his achievements are taken for granted – the word “biology” is his invention, as well as a systematic category "vertebrates", "invertebrates", "insects”, “armored”, “spider”, “echinoderms", "ringed worms".


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The Teachings of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was presented in three publications. He became interested in the evolution of sorting in the natural history Museum collection of fossil and modern molluscs Brugera, the previous Keeper of the exhibits of the Department of invertebrates. Lamarck noticed that they are similar, and delaying their distribution in time, could trace a direct line from the ancient samples to modern. This triggered other thoughts, which he had outlined the book 1801 “Studies the organization of living bodies”.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck contribution

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: contribution to biology

But the real details of the explanation of the evolutionary process appeared in his main work of 1809, “Philosophy of Zoology”. In 1815 he published the first volume of the textbook “Natural history of invertebrates”, which also described ideas of Lamarck.

The Concept of "great chain" has become a cornerstone of Lamarckism. But he went on his contemporaries, trying to justify its mechanism, and not to take itself as a matter of course. He suggested that animal life provides a built-in ability, an innate quality to become more and more complex, which would explain the presence of a natural hierarchical classification. This can be illustrated not as the stairs, and as the traffic on the escalator.

But then there is the classic creationist argument: if we evolved from monkeys, why do monkeys still exist? The solution is that the biogenesis – the formation of a new life – it happens all the time. In other words, there are many escalators (one for each category of life), each of which has its starting point. People are the most ancient organisms, and worms – the latest.

But there is another problem. A hierarchical classification such as "worms-fish-reptiles-birds-mammals-primates-man", for example, the cat is not working. At this level, the hierarchy becomes a meaningless exercise, and here comes the most famous part of Lamarckism: the inheritance of acquired characteristics. A concept this simple.

The Giraffe lives in the savanna with tall trees. It creates a “need” in the giraffe, and it changes their behavior to reach higher branches. According to Lamarck, this additional use of the neck will lead to its growth due to increased flow “vital fluids”. New state of the neck is an acquired characteristic, and it can be passed on to offspring, that is why we are talking about the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Converse is also true: if the body is not used, the fluid flows through it less, and it atrophies. For example, it explains why the inhabitants of the caves lack eyes.

the teachings of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Inheritance of acquired characters

Another example – a membrane between the toes of many aquatic animals such as frogs, sea turtles, otters, and beavers. To swim, the animals feel the need to push out the water that occurs through the membranes, resulting in them getting more ‘life fluid" as I thought Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

Contributions to the biology of the scientist includes basic concept of inheritance of acquired characters. It was not a physiological opening (“life fluid" was never found). It was purely naturalistic and mechanistic view, which at that time was revolutionary.No need for God as the head of evolution. The concept also was at odds with the notion that organisms can only be modified in a certain way.

So there are two fundamental principles of Lamarckism. The first of these is the idea of natural, linear progress on a scale of difficulty. However, the path to perfection is extremely tortuous: organisms adapted to the local conditions that led to the diversity of forms even at the same level of difficulty.

Knowing what is lamarkism can critically assess the pros and cons of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck as a researcher from a modern point of view.

Any philosopher of science will tell you that the correct formulation of the tasks and correctly the questions are half research. It is in this respect distinguished Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: a contribution to the science of it was that he figured out the four main problems of natural history at that time:

  1. Why the fossil forms differ from extant?
  2. Why are some organisms more complex than others?
  3. Why is there such diversity?
  4. Why are organisms well adapted to their environment?

Cons of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck is that he failed to provide any proper explanation, though not their fault. Anyone would in his place stayed a similar set of ideas, not on natural selection or mutations.

the teaching of evolution Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: the theory of error

Lamarck argued that fossils forms are different, because they, as ascended the escalator of evolution, were replaced by more complex. Now we know that fossil forms belong to different parts of the phylogeny, and, therefore, different.

There is No such thing as a difficulty scale. Complex forms arise from individual taxa as a result of their unique circumstances. The most common example of complexity – mnogoletnei – unique and is not the result of widespread trends.

Diversity is not the product of a constant biogenesis. Everything points to the only source of life. Diversity is the result of speciation.

There is No such matter, as “life fluid". Organisms are adapted to their environment as they passed through the relentless millstone of natural selection.

In natural selection, as understood today, whereas the entire population of giraffes with variable neck sizes. Those who have longer neck can reach higher branches of trees, and thus have access to more food. This gives them more power and advantage in reproduction, in the long term will lead to the production of more offspring. Assuming a genetic basis for the length of the neck, most likely, will be born more long-necked offspring, which for many generations will supersede the short-necked.

In Lamarckism the giraffe needed to reach higher trees and so its neck lengthens, and it is transmitted to offspring.

Now the obvious fallacy of the second core of the theory, which was created by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

the cons of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Useful mutations – the exception, not the rule

The contribution of the scientist – the idea of progress on a scale of difficulty – also not confirmed even at the molecular level. Motu Kimura and Tomoko Ohta, founders of today's dominant and acronitrile neutral theories of molecular evolution, showed that mutations are overwhelmingly neutral-they have no effect on the adaptability of the organism. The second theory claims that many of the neutral mutations will have an effect too small to be really noticeable. Other mutations are harmful, and only a small number of them is actually useful.

If there was destined to the line of movement to perfection, all mutations would be beneficial, but it is not supported by evidence.

Thus, no concept of Lamarck has not been confirmed.

Panacea for theology

The Idea of “vital fluids” is not widespread, so Lamarckism and evolution has been challenged to the point how the work of Darwin "Origin of species” not conquered the world. Darwin showed the reality of evolution. However, he has failed to convince everyone in natural selection.

The Idea of inherited acquired characters, which was used even Darwin has become synonymous with Lamarckism, as well as a number of theories that arose in opposition to natural selection. In scientific circles then neolamarckism in General won Darwin's theory. Theology, which half a century ago, warmly opposed Lamarckism, now fully accepted it only because the action “life fluid" can easily be attributed to the creative deity, reasonably designing the adaptation to the environment that was more comfortable than the “accident” of natural selection.

In 1900, neolamarckism and selectionism was crushed by the rediscovery of genetics and the emergence of the mutation theory.

merits of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in biology

Martial lamarkism Lysenko

Russia has deployed one of the black chapters in the history of biology and science in General: Lysenkoism. Trofim Lysenko was a mediocre scholar and a man of great political influence,which he used to climb to the top of the Soviet biological science, and by 1930, he became head of the Academy of agricultural Sciences. Here he dictatorially imposed his own idea of evolution - called "Michurinsky method”, a kind of neolamarckism, and persecuted geneticists who disagree with this position. Michurinism became "new biology", which is well-suited to collectivization, as mixing politics with science. With Lysenkoism was officially eradicated in 1964.

Epigenetics – new lamarkism?

Thus, with the theory, an alternative to natural selection, the question was closed. However, in 2013, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, a contribution to the biology of which – Lamarckism – have failed, was given a chance at rehabilitation. Then was published, according to which mouse trained to fear the smell of acetophenone, gave this ability is inherited. The magazine New Scientist described the work of the confirmation of inheritance of acquired characters of Lamarck. However, the effect is based on the epigenetics-modifying genes and not of genes, which does not contradict natural selection. Thus, the teaching of evolution Jean-Baptiste Lamarck may again be rehabilitated.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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