Private - what is it?


2018-03-21 14:56:06




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Private & ndash; what is it? You can hear about many things and processes that are used with this word. What does it mean?

General information

Private & ndash; it means that something belongs to one person or relatively small group of people. Moreover, they are United on a voluntary basis and not in an order (as an example in the latter case, allow the utility companies). And this, in turn, indicates a certain specificity. Also, when people talk about private, this may mean a separate, very rare, or even an isolated case of something. In addition, the name of a mathematical operator.

the quotient is

As you can see, the word “private” is a very widely used tool of our language. To better understand its usage, let's consider its application in practice. For completeness of the review will focus General example, and private. So, let's start.

Common example

Now the us will be considered private property. As previously mentioned, the so-called all that belongs to an individual or a small group of people who came together on a voluntary basis. As illustration, take such a notion as giving. What is it? The so-called land and buildings, which belong to a specific person or group (family). This is private property, which outsiders can enter without permission is prohibited. In case of violation they can be applied force to the detention and subsequent transfer to law enforcement.


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private property is

Private property – is one of the foundations of capitalism, so it is guarded with the utmost rigor. Violation of this principle undermines the foundations of modern capitalism and leads to a different, usually negative, consequences. Although we protected by any type of ownership, acquired by legal means, it just so happened that it was a private one that is of most interest for the vast number of people.


Now let's look at the use of this word with a slightly different point of view. Only now of interest to us will represent not individuals but legal. We consider private enterprise. This means that it belongs to a particular person or group and was established on a voluntary basis. But it does not claim to certain material values. So, there are objects of communal property, for example – parks. They are operated by the municipal services of the cities where located.

private enterprise

Private enterprises can apply for a certain amount of land necessary for conducting of activities, but it involves the use of only certain types of areas. It should be noted a status that has legal entity. If you take, for example, a hypothetical village, and there at the same time will act and private and municipal enterprise. Both may consist of all residents. Nevertheless, they will have different powers and possibilities, which will depend on the activities and the ultimate goal.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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