Reasoning-an essay on the theme of "Man at war" on literary works


2018-03-22 07:58:17




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The curriculum includes works of military fiction. Students discuss and analyze the books of Soviet writers. And then write an essay on “Man at war”. What are the sources you use in completing this creative task?

essay on man at war

“Killed near Moscow»

One of the works on the basis of which teachers are advised to write an essay on “Man at war” is the story of Konstantin Vorobyov. “Killed at Moscow” – one of the most famous books, telling about the defense of the Soviet capital in 1941.

The Main hero of the novel – Alex Hawks. Lieutenant courageously and selflessly fought against the German invaders. The author is realistic and accurately described the situation at the front in the first period of the war. The reliability of the appearance of the soldiers, their way of life. It is not easy to fight for the Homeland when there are no guns, only grenades, bottles filled with gasoline and self-loading rifles. The hero of the story Vorobyov feels disgust and fear, going to German. After all, he is the same person…

In the book Vorobyov shows not only the feat, but a simple human emotion: fear, cowardice. Yastrebov meet both heroes and deserters. An essay on “human Behavior in war" requires the preparation, that is, reading of various works of Russian literature.

Certainly, the events of 1941-1945 is the best I can say eyewitnesses and participants of the second world war. Konstantin Vorobyov was a war. He was wounded twice escaped from captivity. Soviet critics called the book ‘Killed at Moscow” a smear. It was too much truth and not enough pathos. An essay on “Man at war” stands for writing under the impression of such honest, reliable works.


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essay on war in the destiny of man


In the story Kondratieff shows the war through the eyes of a young man from a simple Moscow family. The culminating event in the book is when the hero faces a choice: to obey the commander's orders or to stay human, but to go before a Tribunal.

Kondratyev depicted in some detail the details of military life. A packet of concentrate, raskisshaya potatoes, stale scones – all part of life at the front. But as has been said, it is the culmination of the story will help in the implementation of such creative assignments as an essay on “Man at war”.

On the front the time, was catastrophically rapidly. Military events drags the person, sometimes not leaving before him a choice. By order of the battalion commander Sasha needs to shoot the prisoner – the same as he, a young soldier.

Essay-argument on the topic “People in war,” write various works of military fiction. However, in the story Kondratyev as shown anywhere doubt the Soviet soldier. If Sasha shot the German who will change their moral beliefs. If you do, you'll become a traitor in the eyes of the soldiers.

essay on human behavior in war


The Theme of war is Central to the works of Vasil Bykov. The writer touched on issues such as conscience, fidelity to his duty. But above all he was interested in the topic of heroism. And not its external manifestation, and the way soldiers come to him. An essay on the topic “the Feat of a man at war” should be written after reading the story “captains”.

A Long life in a peaceful, quiet time gives sometimes the opportunity to learn about who he is - a hero or a coward. War puts everything in its place. It leaves no room for doubt. The disclosure of this complex philosophical themes is a characteristic feature of creativity Bykov. That is why an essay on the topic «War in human life” should write one of the works of Soviet classics.

essay on the feat of a man at war

“the dawns here are quiet”

This story is unique in some way. War – the phenomenon of anti-human. But especially terrible is perceived by its deadly essence in contrast with women's destiny. An essay on the topic «War in human destiny”, perhaps, impossible to write without mentioning the story Vasiliev. In the book “the dawns here are quiet” the author conveyed the absurdity of this phenomenon, as the woman in the war.

The Heroines of the story are just starting to live. Motherhood – their main purpose in life – to know was only one of them. Young anti-aircraft gunner from the story killed Vasileva, defending the Homeland. They do feat. But each of them had their own hopes, dreams.

The Key moment in the book is the description of the last moments of the life of Zhenya Komelkova. Girl takes for a German, understands that death was near, and suddenly realizes how stupid and ridiculous to die in eighteen years.

The story of the destruction of anti-aircraft gunner in the Karelian forests helps to comprehend the horror of war to children and adolescents born after more than half a century after the great Victory. And because reading the book Vasiliev should not only before writing an essay on a given topic.

essay on war in human life

“not listed”

Millions of stories aboutmilitary exploits told by eyewitnesses. The same – forgotten. During the war killed about twenty-five million Soviet people. And the worst thing that is known about the fate not for everyone. In the story “not listed” the author told about the man whose name is unknown. He fought in the first days of the war. Held in the Brest fortress for almost a year. He had received letters from home, and his name is not engraved on one of the mass graves, which in our country is terribly much. But he was.

Nikolai Pluzhnikov – the hero of the book Vasiliev – a collective image. No matter what he was calling, as he the beginning of the war was and who were his parents. He was a Russian soldier, and his feats say the walls of the Brest fortress. Before writing the essay, be sure to read "not listed". It is useful also to get acquainted with the history of Brest fortress.

“the Living and the dead”

Trilogy Simon – one more item to the list of mandatory literature about the war. This writer – the founder of the panoramic novel about world war II. “the Living and the dead” – the book, which is characterized by breadth of coverage, different destinies. People in the war – the Central theme of the novel Simonov. But the merit of this writer became not only the image of people in a tragic period of national history. The author of “the Living and the dead” tried to answer questions such as: what is the reason for the failure of the Soviet army in the early years of the war, as the cult of Stalin affected the human fate?

composition arguments on the subject of man at war

“Cursed and killed”

About the war. told in later years. The book “Cursed and killed” was established in the early nineties. This work – sort of a look into the past. However, the brightness and the authenticity of the picture in wartime, despite the years, the book present. The author immerses the reader in the atmosphere of cold, hunger, fear and disease. The modern school needs to have the right idea about the war. Because one of its components - not only the heroism and bravery. Astafieva book to read is not easy, but necessary.

“the Destiny of man»

Modern critics have questioned the validity of the novel Sholokhov. As you know, Soviet soldiers after being held captive had not had the opportunity to hope for leniency. According to many historical data, the hero of the novel «the Destiny of man» could be shot in the first days of returning. But the falcons after his escape, he survived.

war theme in the destiny of man Sholokhov essay

Despite the obvious unreliability and the words of the writer and former dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, "falsity" of Sholokhov's book has high literary value. Reading it will certainly need before writing.

With extraordinary tragedy of the disclosed subject war «the Destiny of man» Sholokhov. Essay you can write based on the second part of the work. It shows the consequences of war. Because it does not end after declaring victory. Its consequences are felt by both combatants, and even their children.

To prepare For the writing of essays is also recommended to see the works Bondareva, Grossman, Adamovich.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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