Technical passport of the property: the paperwork where and how to


2018-04-01 03:32:22




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Every person, being the owner of a residential property, should be well versed in what documentation on the object should it be available. It certainly applies to the technical passport, which contains information about the different technical parameters of a specific property. He needed to make deals with the object or to confirm the legality of the plan. Therefore, it is important to understand what data it contains, where it is issued and is issued as.

The Concept of registration certificate

It is an obligatory document for each property owner. Technical passport of the house contains the exact characteristics of an existing object. It is formed in A3 format. It includes the different drawings and diagrams on the basis of which you can see the exact layout of the living space.

A document of the employees of BTI. It should be changed when making any legal changes in real estate. This requires that the specialists of this Bureau has independently called for an apartment or house for measurements and calculations.

making technical passports

Legislative control

The Process of formation and the issuance of this document is regulated by several normative acts. Standard technical passport of the building is subject to the accounting data of the acts:

  • PP n-1301. It describes how the document is issued and under what terms available to owners of premises.
  • PP No. 576. Contains information about what the fee for obtaining copies of registration certificate, for a registration or other documentation pursuant to the regulations on technical registration and inventory.
  • The Order of Gosstroy No. 79. It indicates how long can be working on technical accounting and inventory in relation to different objects.
  • The Order of Minnestoa No. 37. Contains detailed and elaborate instructions regarding the correct recording of the housing stock in the Russian Federation.

Therefore, the registration of the technical passport it is important to focus on those provisions of the legislation. If they will be violated by employees of BTI, it is possible to file a complaint.


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The document for the duration of use of the dwelling, but every 5 years should be a reconciliation designed to identify all illegal adjustments made to the dwelling owners. If not replaced by passport for 5 years, then the property owner can not be held accountable, as such measures are not enumerated in the legislation, but it will be difficulties with the Commission of various real estate transactions.

technical passport of the house

When you need

It is requested the Standard buyers of an apartment or people who are planning the exchange of real estate.

There is No need to every 5 years a document if:

  • Was not carried out major repairs;
  • You have not made significant changes since, as was designed old document;
  • When performing the conversion were not affected and the main bearing side of the property.

If you plan to sell the apartment or house, you will need a technical certificate. He has legal effect if made before five years ago. Can be used in court to settle various disputes, or if disputes concerning changes in real estate.

The Design of technical certificates appropriate under the following conditions:

  • The apartment redevelopment was carried out, which should be legal, so all changes are made in the register;
  • Is the transfer of real estate from residential to non-residential;
  • Using the information from the passport you can calculate the inventory cost of housing;
  • Information from the data sheets give the possibility to determine in-kind share for each property owner;
  • If a specific object has not yet been determined cadastral value, when using data on inventory value, you can calculate the amount of tax;
  • Often document acts as a proof in different judicial proceedings;
  • Without it will not work to take out insurance on the property.

It may be Needed in other situations. Most often, a technical passport of the house require citizens who plan on purchasing the property. By studying it they can check any illegal adjustments to property, whether or not the installed price of the object, and also explores other characteristics of the structure.

If detected illegal alterations, it is prohibited to make different trades with the object. Therefore, the owner would first have to do registration changes, which are registered in the BTI, and then start selling.

technical passport

How it looks

He presented a document containing data about the technical parameters of the dwelling. Additionally there is information about its location and landscaping. Includes information about the carrying amount.

Form of technical passport is strictly unified. Created in A3 format and contains 4 individual pages.

Contents of document

Information from the data sheets is important for every property buyer, therefore it is subject to scrutiny. Each page contains a variety of information:

  • 1 page. It is a phased plan of flats or a private home. Contains data about the assignment of housing, the inventory room, the exact address and floor plan with the division into separate rooms. Additionally, make notation of complex engineering equipment, located in the apartment or house.
  • 2 page. Consists of two tables. The first include data on property owners. The second table presents explication, so it looks like a graphic pattern. It reflects all the geometric dimensions of each room in the home.
  • 3 page. Includes detailed descriptions of real estate. So there are constructive parts of the structure, information about the connected engineering communications and other equipment.
  • 4 page. Provides information about the carrying value of the property at the time of construction of residential property. It includes the creation date of this document and the stamp of the BTI. The officer involved in the formation and issuance of technical passport, puts on the last page of his signature.

This is a Sample document you can view below.

technical passport where to get

What information

This document contains many important information. Property buyers learn the technical passport of an apartment building and individual apartments for more information:

  • Exact address of the facility;
  • The area of the whole apartment and each individual room;
  • The number of rooms in housing;
  • The value of the property on the basis of data obtained in the course of the last inventory;
  • Information about the ongoing capital repairs;
  • If the owners have changed the layout it includes information about all the adjustments that are allowed and properly sanctioned;
  • Information about engineering communications;
  • Information about the building materials that were used in the process of construction of the object.

If any of the above information change in the process of use of the dwelling, then surely the adjustments should be made in the log. Standard to perform this process is necessary after redevelopment.

Differences from cadastral passport

The data Sheet is intended to contain complete technical information on properties for sale. Often people confuse technical and cadastral passport, although these documents are completely different. The first includes almost all the data from the cadastral document and a legend, presents a graphic outline of the housing.

To Obtain cadastral passport on any property now not possible. It was replaced in 2017 by a statement of the egrn. The information in it is radically different from those of the data contained in the data sheet. It includes information about all transactions with real estate, the owners and all the standard features of the apartment or house.

do we need a technical passport

Where to get document

Issued a technical passport of the building at Bureau of technical inventory.

The Institution is represented by cadastral engineers who come to the location of the property and carried out various measurements and calculations allow to evaluate the technical parameters of the object.

Tutorial registration

The Procedure is considered standard. To make it necessary, if the existing document was obtained more than five years ago. Where to obtain the technical passport? For this it is necessary to address in BTI. This organization exists in every city.

How to obtain the technical passport? The procedure is divided into sequential stages:

  • Initially gather all the documents needed for registration, and to learn their exact quantity advised at BTI employees;
  • Stamp duty is paid, and for this purpose you can use the terminal, Bank or post offices and pay directly to the cashier BTI;
  • Preparation and sending of statements, and it can be used in two forms;
  • Application form No. 3 applies if the property owner has lost the previous document;
  • Form 4 is used for the initial establishment registration certificate;
  • Transfer documentation together with a statement to the employee of BTI on receipt, and immediately assigned the date and time when specialist companies will visit the property for carrying out measurements and calculations;
  • Technician come to the apartment or house to verify the existing technical information in the database with the actual performance of the housing;
  • The specialist has specialized tools to make measurements of all the walls, and the obtained values are recorded immediately;
  • Based on these data, designed a new document;
  • Checked all the utilities available in the living room;
  • Check the location of the different equipment with the data available in the database;
  • Identify different disorders and differences, we also checked all arbitrarily adjusted;
  • Changed the location of utilities or amended inthe layout, all this leads to the accrual of significant fines;
  • If the violations are significant and unsafe, then filed a lawsuit to the court, by decision of which the landlord is obliged to return the property to its previous condition;
  • Will not be issued a new document to correct the plan;
  • On the basis of the obtained data, the specialists of the BTI doing the explication of housing;
  • In the preset day they need to come to this organization to obtain a new document;
  • For this you need to have a passport and a receipt of accepted documentation;
  • Charge for the formation or replacement of a document, and the cost can vary significantly as it depends on the purpose of its compilation.

Thus, the technical passport of the BTI issue is simple, though at the expense of a visit to the equipment and the measurement procedure can last for a long time. The purpose of the execution of a document may be different, but the process almost always involves completing the above actions.

technical passport

What are the required documents

For registration you will need to initially convey to the employees of BTI certain securities. The documents for the technical passport:

  • The passport of the applicant must be the owner of the apartment or house, so as to claim the design of the document can only the owner or his agent with a properly drafted and notarized power of attorney.
  • Certificate of ownership of the property, which may be replaced by an extract from the egrn that contains data on owners of the object.
  • Title documentation submitted by agreement to purchase the apartment or house, certificate of inheritance, donation or other similar documents.
  • Well-formed statement in a special form, and you can get it directly from BTI employees.

If the process is the heir to a deceased owner, then in addition he must present a certificate of inheritance and certificate of death of the owner.

You May change the amount of documentation as is taken into account, which requires a passport to housing.

technical passport BTI

Terms of the creation and issuance of the document

To Apply for registration of the passport in different ways. Depending on the selected option defines the period during which prepared the technical passport of the building:

  • A personal appeal to the BTI – from 7 days to one month;
  • When using MFC – from 10 to 40 days;
  • Through the website in the capital – from 7 days to one month.

There are No precise timeline within which is formed the document. If you want to get it quickly, you need to apply directly to the employees of BTI. For a fee they can issue documentation promptly.

Cost of processing

There are No accurate information about how much you need to pay funds to obtain the document. This is due to different factors. Initially, we must decide whether a technical certificate. Identifies the purposes of its application, and evaluate all the actions that should be performed by experts to obtain technical information about the apartment or house.

The Average cost is set in such range:

  • If you only want to receive the document in connection with the loss of last registration certificate, paid approximately 2.3 thousand rubles;
  • If you need to renew the document because the housing was made significant changes, your payment can reach up to 7 thousand rubles;
  • If you use third-party companies that collect the necessary documents and solve other important issues often they request their customers up to 20 thousand.

Not required to pay any legal costs for obtaining a registration certificate, therefore, only takes into account the tariffs set different BTI. They can vary in different regions.

technical passport of the building

Who pays for the document when selling a home?

If the object owner wishes to sell it, you have to convey to buyers numerous documents, which include the registration certificate.

If detected that the passport is missing, you will have the owner to engage in his design. However it needs to pay for this procedure.

Thus, the sheet is considered an important document for any housing. It contains important information about the technical parameters of real estate. Formed in BTI, but to see it in the IFC in Moscow are offered the opportunity to order it on a special website. The process of registration is considered to be lengthy but not too complicated. The cost of a document depends on the purpose of its production and the effort on the part of specialists. The most expensive will be the passport when you make changes in the layout of the apartment or house.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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