Bank deposits. Bank deposits of natural persons


2019-06-11 13:20:29




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Whether we like it or not, banking services surrounded everyone. Calculations, payments, salary payments, transfers and more right now is banking institutions.

But the banks are each primarily associated with quite different financial products. Deposits and loans – those banking services that have large-scale distribution and demand. Each of us at least once in life thought about starting a savings account or buying goods on credit.

If you have a tidy sum of money and want to they don't just lay at home under the pillow, and bring you some income, then sooner or later think about how to do it.

Also if you have a low income, you can't save on any expensive purchase, you will consider how to gather up the necessary amount of money.

Banks will help to save money

The Solution, as for the first and for the second case can be different Bank deposits.

deposits in rubles

After the global financial crisis, many do not trust banks, thinking that they are deceived. And this is not surprising – indeed at that time have been numerous cases of bankruptcy of financial institutions, repayment of deposits and other unpleasant events, which were restricted or violated the rights of customers.

Deposits become safer

Since then, Bank deposits have become much safer. At the legislative level is much increased requirements and control of the Central Bank to the banking institutions. In addition, constant monitoring of the provision of funds for all loans that are issued to banks to avoid such a situation, which has been observed in a moment of crisis, when loans are not returned and therefore does not have the funds to pay contributions according to the requirements of customers.

retail deposits

The Fund will not be able to earn

You need to dispel the myth that Bank deposits will allow to earn good money to their owners. The effective interest rates on deposits are not at that level to really help to earn their money. This is possible only in case if the amount is really big – but this option is not for everyone, even those who have average income rarely have the opportunity to accumulate enough funds.


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In modern conditions Bank deposits are, rather, a way of preserving the accumulated money in a safe place and a good method to cope with the depreciation of capital due to inflation. A greater hope is not necessary.

Types of contributions

Deposits in banks are represented in a wide range of different types. In each Bank the deposits are called differently, but the basic principles they all can be combined in a 5–6 types.

deposits in banks

There are both suggestions for legal entities and deposits of individuals. the enterprises and companies of the requirements above and interest rates are much lower, due to the fact that the placed amount very often exceed 1 million roubles, and term of such deposits - mainly no more than 3 months.

Bank term deposits, the interest on which is highest among all other types, are the most popular. Such attention on the part of clients is not surprising, because everyone wants to get as more income. Sometimes high interest rates can turn the head, and the man loses alertness.

Planning what Bank to place your Deposit, do not forget that there are such institutions that can become tomorrow's bankrupt. Usually financial institutions that are not doing very well, lured customers great interest rates on deposits, which on some levels differ from the average market offerings. Choosing the best option for their funds, learn what types of credit offers have a Bank.

High interest rates can indicate a bad financial situation

For example, if the institution offers Deposit of 30% per annum while the terms of the loan programs takes as a Commission of 35%, then there is reason to think. Because the 5% is actually income of the Bank. The smaller this gap, the less the Bank earns, and therefore the probability of financial stability is less.

Bank deposits

It is Not necessary to high interest rates to react like a cartoon character cheese from the cartoon "Chip and Dale”, which has the scent of cheese, I dropped everything and flew to its source.

Compare different offers on the market, find the average and try to understand why one Bank offers 20% and the other 30%. For example, you can focus on deposits on deposits of the savings Bank, which offers around 10% per annum.

Term deposits in banks can be with the right of replenishment and without this opportunity.

Most of the contributions without replenishment designed for the large sums of money from the client to once put her on, and enjoy a monthly or one-time interest payment. In recent times it has become a standard condition for opening a card account on which the Bank shall pay interests thatprofitable for the Bank and convenient for the owner of a Deposit account if the maintenance cost of this card is zero or very small compared to the paid Deposit the reward.

You Can gather a dream

The Deposits that can be replenished, are popular with those customers who are unable to immediately allocate from its budget a large amount of unsolicited funds. This can be explained by the fact that they literally help to raise funds for an expensive purchase, a travel ticket or something expensive. Agree that 100-500 rubles, you can defer monthly, abandoning excess coffee, chewing gum, taxi rides. While postponing so during the year you can gather a sum that is pleasant to spend in the store.

Perfect for those who wanted to travel, but still couldn't get the delay. With this type of deposits to implement such plans becomes possible for people with almost any level of income.

Contributions can be in multiple currencies

It Should be noted that deposits can be placed not only in the national currency. Often rouble deposits have the highest interest rates, as banks are more profitable to work with the currency of the Russian Federation, giving her the credits.

Interest rates on deposits in USD and Euro are much lower than those opened in Russian rubles. Currency profitable banks to buy Central Bank then selling it in their exchange offices.

Bank Deposit interest

Tips for selecting a Bank

If you consider the fact that interest rates on Deposit contracts of the same type in different banks approximately the same, the most important question is about the guarantee of a refund.

And the government is not always able to influence the Bank. The main protective barrier against fraud – is the man himself. Do not trust your money to those financial institutions that are not at the hearing. Banks, which a year or two, is not worth too much to believe. During this period, it is difficult to understand, they are a good policy or will soon, “burst”, it will take some time. This issue should not hurry.

banking services

There are services on insurance of contributions, which can be used, if you want to protect your funds.

If you want to achieve almost 100% sure that you will return the money back, then just divide the money that wanted to put on Deposit in one Bank, into several parts and open Deposit accounts for smaller amounts, but in several banks. This guarantees you a refund of your money, even if one Bank goes bankrupt.

deposits on deposits of the savings Bank

And remember that proposals that differ from the average conditions in a tempting way, are mostly last breath or gambling of any Bank, and to invest their funds very insecure.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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