Implant or bridge - which is better? Dental implants. Dentures


2018-03-23 04:43:15




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Many people with the loss of several teeth their quality of life deteriorates in a few times. In this case, the potential patient of the dental clinic lost in a situation where he has to choose the type of prosthesis. Therefore, it becomes relevant to the question of how to proceed, implant or bridge - that it would be better in a particular situation? On one hand, I'd like to save a little, because now the process of implantation is quite expensive. On the other hand - forget about going to the dentist-orthopedist as possible for a longer period. So let us consider what each of these types of prosthetics to weigh their possible positive and negative aspects, by answering questions.

Bridges - what is it?

Usually people call them short the word “bridge”. It is certain dental structures, which got its name because of the special form of attachment. They represent crowns, made of various materials, which can fully replace the already existent teeth. Fasten such structures on the adjacent teeth, called abutments. Here's a mounting system and gave them the name — axle.

Why choose the bridge?

It is Necessary to carefully understand how to make a choice: implant or bridge? It would be better in each individual case? In order not to commit an error, we should know what are the advantages and disadvantages of the bridge.

implant or bridge which is better

There are certain situations when a dentist may recommend that you replace the already existent teeth, including dentures. Indications for this are the following:

  • When there are one or more teeth that previously were located in the neighborhood;
  • When the patient does not have the financial ability to accept the implantation of teeth;
  • When there is no possibility to set the implant due to a chronic illness, not very good condition of the mucosa, loosening of the alveolar bone.

Depending on the patient's wishes, medical condition and the location of the dental bridge, the crown part can be made of dental plastic, metal, Zirconia and ceramic.


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The undoubted advantage of this type of prosthesis is its affordability.


However, shortcomings much more. They are:

  • Due to the fact that there is a technological feature of fixing, there is a need to damage the abutment teeth; over time, the crown, the physician will be put on cement, will gradually loosening food debris will get under that crown that will contribute to the appearance of caries on the abutment teeth;
  • If the patient decides to put the bridge, then it should be ready that it will be quite a long and multistage process after all, if necessary, the doctor will treat the abutment teeth, to remove teeth or roots that can not be reversed; only after the gums heal (but it will take one to two months), he will directly to the prosthesis (this will also take at least two weeks);

dental implants

  • Bridges need long to get used to the same at first, can often cause discomfort, because the bridge can pull on the gums to cause painful sensations in the part where is located the abutment teeth;
  • Because the bone will not be given the necessary load, over time it can SAG and shrink.

Study implants

Dental implants are a much more sophisticated and more expensive dental design. Despite the money spent, after they are installed you can forget about this procedure in about 15-20 years. Which is also important. Especially when you consider that most patients don't like to visit dentists. In addition, if the patient decided to use dental implants, it will have several advantages:

  • Do not have to handle the teeth that are adjacent;

the bridge on the front teeth

  • Load that will be carried out on the bone of the gums, almost the same as natural; if the prosthesis soon after tooth extraction, subsidence will be very small;
  • It is the real quick prosthetics - reduction of the whole process for two months.

The Patient may not agree to this procedure, mainly because of its high cost (how much it costs to put the implant, can be found in any dental clinic, the minimum cost of installation is approximately 215 $). So most choose the bridge, despite the fact that he has a lot of shortcomings.

What are dental bridges?

Before making an important choice: implant or bridge (which is better), it is necessary to learn more about dental bridges. Quite often, the more ordinary the person is not the person knows about it, the easier it is to make a decision based on the advice of your doctor.

So, we have found that dental bridges are considered to be a construct which is fixed to the implants or adjacent teeth. This fixed prosthesis. And the length of the bridge will be, how many teeth he will substitute — one, two, three and more.

how much it costs to put the implant

Inorthopedics is the following The types of dental bridges, the Which can be distinguished by the way of their fastening in the mouth:

  • Dental bridges fixed on implants;
  • Bridges with the so-called castle fixtures;
  • Dentures and bridges, which is fixed on the abutment teeth;
  • Adhesive bridge prosthesis.

Understand carefully

When dental bridges are attached to implants, healthy teeth does not cause any harm, because grinding in this case is not necessary.

Same respect to the natural teeth can be observed with the installation of a dental bridge with a locking bracket, because it uses special locks. Such dentures can be removed, if there is a need for, and the design will not be affected.

When the prosthesis mounted on the abutment teeth, the bridge is a system consisting of crowns, in which there is a hole for installation on the target teeth, and the links connecting the teeth. Crowns that make up the jumper, made in one piece, so they were more durable.

a bridge or an implant to chewing tooth reviews

Adhesive dental bridges are mounting. Using special composite materials, they are carefully attached to the rear surface of the teeth. The only drawback — life is short — roughly five years.

Here is can be dentures. The bridge is a great way to restore normal chewing of food.

Choose carefully

From the above it becomes clear that the story of the dentures is not new. For a while, until they are used, the patient experienced a minimum of discomfort, have created several varieties of bridges, each of which has its advantages.

Pay attention to structures that do not have a metal frame. This ceramic bridges. Yes, their strength is somewhat less than that of the metal or metal-ceramic, but if you consider the external impression that the bridges of this type, by far, are in the first place. The color of this prosthesis specialist can easily customize the color of the patient's teeth, whereby it will be difficult to distinguish it from the tooth alive. Ceramic bridge on the front teeth is chosen by those who want to look attractive.

types of dental bridges

But there are problems with other teeth, where appearance is not as important as “labour force and stamina”. And again there is a dilemma: is it better to put a bridge or implant - masticatory tooth? Reviews of patients who have previously been in the hands of the dentists, is almost unanimous: due to the fact that the load on lateral teeth rather large, it is best for these teeth to put the bridge.

Don't forget!

So, we have already dealt with largely that can be useful during a visit to the dentist. And the answer to the beginning question, it seems, is also clear: if you have a choice of implant or bridge - which is better, it is necessary to rely not only on their desires, and to trust the experience of the attending physician and together come to a common decision.

dental bridge

Going to the dental clinic for consultation or for “repair” of the mouth, it should be remembered that any orthopedic design has a certain service life and limit loads. And no matter how expensive it may be, it should be treated very carefully and maintain good hygiene. After all, if the simple rules were not respected, this will soon lead to the fact that the design of day-to-day will be a little loose, break or even fall out.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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