Amenorrhea what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of amenorrhea


2018-03-26 10:12:17




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Amenorrhea is a condition syndrome women aged 16 to 45 years, in which there is complete absence of menstruation for six months or more. Most often this phenomenon indicates the presence in the organism of certain physiological processes or pathologies.

what is amenorrhea

Some women experience confusion, hearing the diagnosis “amenorrhea”. What is this disease that few know. Doctors klassificeret amenorrhea into two main types: true and false. Also there are the following types of symptoms:

  • About Pharmacological and amenorrhea.
  • Pathological and physiological amenorrhea.
  • Primary or secondary amenorrhea.

About amenorrhea

When this syndrome occur in the normal production of female sex hormones, but there are some obstacle anatomical character for the normal discharge and blood from the genital passages. About amenorrhea, symptoms of which begin with the absence of menstruation, can cause noticeable physical discomfort. This is caused by a defect in the structure of the vagina, cervix or hymen congenital forms. In this form of amenorrhea menstrual discharge, finding no way out, remain in the fallopian tubes, accumulating in large quantities. This leads to the formation of the inflammatory process in this region. The diagnosis of "false amenorrhea", the causes and treatment of this disease – all this within the competence of a medical professional.

True amenorrhea

amenorrhea syndrome

This type of amenorrhea is associated with the violation of cyclic processes associated with the normal maturation of the egg in a woman's body. In this disorder, menstrual fluid are not formed at all. The egg is either not matured or not goes to the fallopian tube, or disturbed hormonal regulation process. This amenorrhea, symptoms of which absolutely painless, is a cause of infertility.


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True amenorrhea is divided into several types:

  • Physiological variation.
  • Pathological form.

True Physiological amenorrhea

Doctors attribute it to the pathological phenomena. As a rule, the physiological absence of menstruation associated with pregnancy, lactation, menopause or children's age.

lactational amenorrhea

Lactational amenorrhea is caused by the process of breastfeeding and occurs after birth. The duration of this phenomenon is strictly individual and can range from several months to several years. The hormone prolactin, which is released in a woman's body during breastfeeding, does not form estrogen, which, in turn, carries the control of ovulation. As a result, the ovulation does not occur, and menstruation.

Lactational amenorrhea is a kind of natural contraceptive. But it is worth considering that the effectiveness of this method reaches 98% provided that the child has reached the age of 6 months, he is exclusively breastfed, and feeding frequency – up to six times a day. If these conditions are not met, the probability of pregnancy in women is very high. To prevent this, you need to take care of contraception after consulting a gynecologist. This amenorrhea, the causes of which are physiological, does not require treatment. If a woman is concerned about abdominal pain, abnormal discharge and pruritus need examination and treatment.

True Pathological amenorrhea

This phenomenon is the place to be, if the girl is older than 16 years or women of child-bearing age is missing regular menstruation. If this happens with adolescence, the phenomenon is called primary amenorrhea. What is a this type of the disease, can be found on the appointment.

If the absence of menstruation happened after the woman had a regular cycle, such a phenomenon is called secondary amenorrhea. It can be due to hormonal imbalance in the body or operations of the sexual sphere. Secondary amenorrhea, causes and treatment of which is described below, good is correctable.

The true Causes of amenorrhea

Experts identify several reasons that can occur amenorrhea true:

  • Congenital disorders hereditary nature. This so-called chromosomal abnormalities. If in the family there are women with late (over 18 years) the beginning of menstruation, then we can talk about the presence of a genetic predisposition to amenorrhea.
  • Hypoplasia of the genital organs-anatomical anomaly. Often accompanied by General physical exhaustion, defective formation or absence of internal and external reproductive organs (degeneration, “infantile uterus”, etc.).
  • Stress also have a direct impact on the physiology of women. Increased psychological, emotional and physical stress can be a cause of primary amenorrhea in adolescence, and secondary.

Causes of secondary amenorrhea

amenorrhea reviews

As mentioned earlier, the absence of menstruation in women over the age of 18 is called "secondary amenorrhea". The reasons can be the following:

  • Polycystic ovarian Syndrome causes amenorrhea and infertility. Often accompanied by the followingsymptoms: acne, high rate of male hormones in the blood, volosistoj ears.
  • Anorexia – this provoked a decrease in weight up to exhaustion as the result of a strict diet and excessive exercise. In pursuit of the perfect weight some women severely limit themselves in food or completely giving it up, taking laxatives and diuretics, induce vomiting after meals. All these manipulations lead to anorexia and the development of secondary infertility.
  • Hyperprolactinemia is one of the most common causes of secondary amenorrhea. Under stress secretes prolactin can prevent ovulation and the onset of menstruation. This so-called hormonal amenorrhea. But mostly hyperprolactinemia is the result of endocrine failure in a woman's body or the development of changes in the pituitary gland.

Diagnosis of amenorrhea

Before prescribe treatment, the physician needs to know the causes of the disease. Before the doctor the question is: "the patient has had amenorrhea. What happened in a woman's body?" This is assigned to the following diagnostic measures:

  • A Survey of the patient with the explanation of the peculiarities of the physiological state and genetic factors.
  • Physical examination of the external organs of the reproductive system of women.
  • Ultrasonography to detect malformations, abnormal arrangement or a complete lack of internal organs of the reproductive system. Also in the process of examination by ultrasound can determine the size of the uterus, the state of the follicular apparatus and the endometrium.

amenorrhea symptoms

Often there is a need for additional research methods. These include:

  • Hysterosalpingoscopy - method for determining patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • Hysteroscopy – studies of the uterine cavity.
  • Brain MRI to detect the condition of the pituitary gland.
  • Diagnostic Laparoscopic examination of the ovaries.

It is Mandatory appointment of laboratory tests:

  • Oak – General analysis of blood.
  • OAM – General analysis of urine.
  • Test with gestagennami to determine estrogen deficiency.
  • Hormonal colpocytologic the study.

After the doctor will have a complete set of conclusions on the conducted research, it will be able adequately to identify the cause of the formation of the disease and its type. At the consultation specialist will talk in detail about the diagnosis of "amenorrhea" what happens in the body that caused this disease, how to proceed. Then, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment with the conduct of the examination.

Ways to treat amenorrhea

Typically, after a thorough examination and diagnosis a doctor will advise the patient how to treat amenorrhea. In most cases treatment is effective. The women's menstrual cycle is restored, the better its fertility, physiology comes back to normal. There are conservative methods of correction of this syndrome. Common treatment of amenorrhea folk remedies. However, resorting to alternative medicine should be only after consultation with a specialist. The initiative in this matter may be not only ineffective, but dangerous.

Treatment of primary amenorrhea

Conservative treatment for this type of amenorrhea is to remove or correct the causes that trigger the syndrome. If the phenomenon is caused by hereditary factors, hormone replacement therapy is assigned in the form of preparations containing estrogen, progestogen.

amenorrhea causes

Adolescents with delayed formation of female genitals, usually appointed by the correction of diet and physical activity. A balanced diet and sports help build muscle, normalization of the General condition and is able to correct the situation. If amenorrhea is thereafter not eliminated, the doctor may prescribe hormonal medications.

Treatment of secondary amenorrhea

Secondary amenorrhea, a syndrome which is caused by the anorexic condition is eliminated by correction of diet and level of physical activity. Quite often in this situation, the doctor recommends a dose of gentle oral contraceptives, which stabilize hormones.

In polycystic ovary syndrome resort to laparoscopic surgery for removal of a pathological part of the ovaries combined with hormonal drugs, normalizing the reproductive function of the female body.

If giperprolaktinemii prescribe medicines containing agonists of the release of dopamine, which block the increased secretion of prolactin.

After carrying out the above methods eliminates any secondary amenorrhea. Reviews of patients undergoing a comprehensive examination and treatment, say about the effectiveness of professional treatments.

Traditional treatments for amenorrhea

In traditional medicine there are many recipes that for centuries to help women cope with this disease, as amenorrhea. National treatment, however, should be taken with caution. Inspection is a must and a consultation with the doctor. First, you should make sure that amenorrhea is not a consequence of pregnancy. Also very important is the presence of an allergic reaction to plantcomponents, which also is a contraindication to many recipes of traditional medicine. If your doctor is not against it, and no allergies, you can use one of the following recipes:

  • Roots of Rhodiola rosea in an amount of 50 g grind and pour 500 ml of vodka (40%). To insist in a dark place in a sealed 15 days. Take tincture need 10-20 drops in a spoonful of water three times a day before meals for three months.
  • To Crush a Cup of the fruit of viburnum in half a liter of olive oil and insist 10 days. Then strain and drink on an empty stomach and at bedtime for two tablespoons for three months.

folk treatment amenorrhea

  • Put 100 grams of chopped parsley 1.5 liters of water, boil for 20 min and leave for 2 hours. The resulting broth to drink all day, and so for two months. After that, the volume of the received solution can be reduced to half a liter and continue to drink for another six months.
  • Almond – 20 pieces, geranium leaves – 20 pieces, lemon peel-2 pieces, hawthorn flowers-2 tablespoons, camphor powder & ndash; 1 g Valerian tincture-1 tablespoon peppermint oil-20 drops. All the ingredients must be mixed and taken three times per day before meals.
  • Prepare a mixture of herbs: velvet Amur, nettle, shepherd's purse, licorice root, taken in part 1, and four pieces of knotweed. All the ingredients should be pulverized and dried form. Two tablespoons of mixture pour with a liter of boiling water and boil on a slow fire to boiling down a third. Then remove from heat and infuse, covered for about an hour. Next you need to strain and drink a tablespoon for two weeks three times a day.
  • Prepare a decoction of 500 g of pine needles in two liters of water. Boil for half an hour and infuse for 2 hours. Then 100 grams of powdered ginger root to boil in 1 liter of water for half an hour and infuse for 40 minutes. Prepare a bath with a temperature of 38 C, pour in the broth, adding 1 teaspoon of oil of thuja. To take a bath every day for half an hour period up to 10 days.

Prevention of amenorrhea

The Woman should always remember about maintaining their health in good condition. You should avoid excessive physical, psychological and emotional stress, which, of course, are damaging to the body. It is important to keep your weight at the level of physiological norm, avoiding malnutrition or obesity. The pregnancy should be planned, if necessary, take contraceptives. For stress recommended mild herbal sedatives fees, baths, tinctures. Classes at the gym check with a professional trainer and avoid overload. Time pass a baseline medical examination in a medical institution for timely detection and treatment of diseases.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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