The right lower quadrant pain: main causes and consequences


2018-03-26 19:48:26




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Causes of lower abdominal pain on the right, many – in this area are vital organs that can easily become a place of localization of the inflammatory process. However, inflammation – not the only cause for pain. Consider what might provoke them.

General idea

Possible causes of lower abdominal pain on the right – disorders of the digestive and reproductive organs. Sometimes the source of pain becomes the liver. Incorrect operation of the disease of any of the organs of these systems can cause a condition incompatible with life, especially in the case if you delay treatment to the doctor. Infectious, inflammatory process localized in this region, can cause not only local damage, but also spread to other tissues and cells. One of the possible terrible consequences – blood poisoning.

Much more common causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the right in women than men. This is due to the human physiology, anatomy, features of functioning of the body. However, don't underestimate the pain region based only on sex – all the causes that provoke the symptom, possible only threat.

The Victim's pain in the lower abdomen on the right – adults, children. From statistics it is known that most sensations are due to appendicitis, but there are other predisposing factors. Feature child case that rarely a patient can explain to exactly where localized pain, what kind of character she is.


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pain in the abdomen right below

Causes, consequences

Sometimes pain is so palpable that you can not even move. In such a situation, you must call emergency medical care. If the pain is strong but the intensity is such that you can walk to the hospital, the delay is not worth it. Only a professional will understand the reason. Previously the patient is examined by special equipment may be offered for tests.

Since there are many causes of pain, there are several types of their classification. A popular option of dividing:

  1. Causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the right in women.
  2. Provoking the discomfort of the preconditions inherent in the male body.
  3. Main reasons.


Relatively often in the fairer sex are the following triggers:

  • Pregnancy is by attaching fruit eggs ectopic walls;
  • Pockets of acute infection in the epididymis;
  • Incorrectly flowing gestation of an embryo;
  • Ovarian rupture;
  • Cyst.

The cause of pain right lower abdomen in men, are associated with the peculiarities of the male reproductive system. Possible inflammatory processes, prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

Regardless of gender and age groups pain can be appendicitis, inflammatory foci in the intestinal tract, the urinary tract. Possible causes also include:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • Diverticulosis;
  • Disease bryzgalki;
  • Tumors localized in this region.

So many faces!

Pain right lower abdomen-symptom health problems, but for the layman it is extremely difficult to guess what it is. The different character of pain-dull, sharp, pulling, aching, tingling. With the same health problems people can experience different types of pain. Identifying characteristics of the patient, the doctor will try to determine the area of localization. Some pains are wandering, possible irradiation syndrome in other areas. Often below the stomach feeling spread to the limbs, lower back, sacral region. This feature helps the doctor to determine why.

Figuring out why bothers right lower quadrant pain, the doctor will ask you to describe symptoms. You have to concentrate, to formulate precisely. The more detailed the description, the higher the probability that the specialist will be able to better deliver the primary diagnosis. Take into account that pain may come from time to time or be constant. This feature often allows you to determine the cause of the syndrome. Possible strong Association with factors: for example, pain appears when you bend down, stand up.

When pain in the lower abdomen on the right possible additional effects: fever, chills, or fever, General weakness. Man it is difficult to perform active movement, and in some cases the condition is so depressed that even to move very difficult.

right lower quadrant pain in women causes


If you have pain in the abdomen on the right bottom, there is a possibility: the source of the sensation is located nearby, but outside the disturbance zone. Sensations characteristic of the radiation that is occurring in one place of the syndrome spreading to nearby areas. One of the possible examples – renal disease, inflammation. If a pathological condition is related to this body probably will hurt the stomach right, left lumbar region.

Women's issues: pull

In women, pain right lower abdomen triggered an inflammatory lesion in the epididymis. The feeling is intense, similar to the characteristic of appendicitis. The doctorscan diagnose andexit, salpingo. These diseases cause malicious pathological bacteria-strepto-, staphylo-, Gono-, enterococci. Sometimes the reason – fungal infestation, virus infection or other sources – the tubercle Bacillus, chlamydia. The special difficulty due to the low efficiency of antimicrobial agents as a therapeutic treatment. This forces very careful to select therapy, its duration, the dosage of medication. There is acute inflammation, subacute. It is also possible to chronicle.

Pulling pain right lower abdomen in women may be due to ovarian cyst. When the disease is just beginning to develop, it does not manifest itself with symptoms, but with time comes pain, becoming more intense. In addition to straining, may be sharp pain, dull.

Inflammation of the reproductive organs

Pain right lower abdomen in men can also be explained by the peculiarities of a pathological condition of the reproductive system. Pulling sensation is often accompanied by prostatitis. This explanation syndrome – not the only, but quite likely. However, doctors must forward to a number of surveys to prevent an incorrect diagnosis, because similar to prostatitis symptoms of cystitis is manifested. In this disease, often pain surrounds, but there may be individual deviations.

Stomach ache

This right lower quadrant pain may be due to trauma, disorders of the intestine. It often happens that the nagging pain comes shortly before profuse watery stool. However, most often, aching pain peculiar to women, the bearing of fruit. Especially high probability to feel them closer to the time of your confinement. If the pain is strong enough concern, you must contact your doctor. Maybe the feeling will come in the first and second trimester. They point to an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. When this threat hurts some on the right, but sometimes – the whole area below.

right lower quadrant pain radiates to the leg

Sharp pain

The Right lower abdomen, these feelings can occur because of inflammation of the Appendix. Often when such a problem the pain comes and goes, her attacks are totally unpredictable. If the cause – appendicitis, the pain will surely come back after the first attack, until the patient will not receive treatment.

Strong and sharp pain may accompany torsion leg tumor, localized in the ovary. This sharp aching pain in the lower abdomen on the right may cause unconsciousness due to shock. Attempts to move increase sensation, somewhat weaker syndrome, if to lie still. Additional symptoms indicating torsion:

  • Heat;
  • Frequent pulse;
  • Lower blood pressure;
  • Profuse cold sweat;
  • Violation of the chair.

You can only Help in the hospital. Wrong treatment or delay in access to specialists are associated with risk of death.

Lower abdominal Pain in women right side, radiating (often) to the intestinal, lower back, disturbed at break of the ovary. The patient needs hospitalization. Soon as the tests confirm the condition, she should be referred for surgery. At rupture intraperitoneally, mezoperitonealno, extraperitoneal causes blood to back up. Without qualified help, high probability of death.


Possible nagging right lower quadrant pain (cuts, stabs, blunt) absolutely any character. As a rule, to explain the pain is difficult to localize is not always possible. Often feeling sharp, sharp. The strength of the pain syndrome depends on the size of the tumor, especially its localization. Tumors are good, malignant.

The Stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right – the manifestation of benign tumors in this area. The formation is developing quite slowly, it is not the inherent ability to invade nearby tissues, metastasize. If you remove the tumor, she will not arise again. The tumor not leads to the destabilization of metabolism, does not provoke exhaustion, rarely associated with risk to life, if you are able to start treatment in time. The pain usually depends on the strength of compression of structures in the vicinity of tumors, influence of tumors on the nervous knots. Abdominal pain on the right, the left can indicate the adenoma, polyposis. In certain cases there is a risk of malignancy.

A Malignant neoplasm growing at a much faster penetration in the adjacent tissue, and metastasis limfatica can spread everywhere. This cause pain in the lower abdomen to the right (pain in leg, chest, head and other parts of the body – malignant processes can be localized anywhere) is accompanied by a disturbance of vital processes, abnormal cells develop. In case of late detection, lack of treatment, a high probability of defeat of all vital structures. To provide patient assistance almost impossible. If diagnosed too late or the patient deliberately refuses the help of doctors, an extremely high probability of death.

It Hurts, it hurts!

When pain in the lower abdomen on the right pays in the leg, lower back, other areas nearby, it is likely that the root cause-inflammation. The most common – appendicitis, but this is not the only diagnosis that could cause thisstate. Inflammation can be localized in other organs. Sometimes pain indicates urethritis, cystitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia infection. Someone with such pathological conditions no pain at all or they are very weak, but others suffer from severe pain.

When there is abdominal pain on the right, give it to other organs nearby, you must seek professional help. If the pain is so strong that it is possible to go to the clinic there is no need to call «Ambulance». Waiting for the doctor can take some painkillers. Good results show tablets “caution” and “Papaverine”, “Pain”. This will help to make the expectations of the doctors. It is unacceptable to impose on a given area of the bottle. If the cause – bleeding or inflammation, high risk of sharp deterioration.

pain right lower abdomen in women

Stabbing pain

This is more likely to occur if formed diverticulum. Term refers to the formation in the intestinal walls, due to which stagnant contents of the tract, inflammatory processes begin. Diverticulum is progressing rapidly. The first sign of the disease – constipation, which unpredictable changes to diarrhea. Possible chronic disease, acute. Without treatment a high probability of suppuration, fistula. May develop peritonitis.

In General, when the right lower abdomen hurts, probably, cause-intestinal pathology, although in some cases, possible other triggers. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do research in the laboratory.

What else is possible?

One of the reasons, able to provoke a strong pain syndrome-Crohn's disease. Its peculiarity – blurred symptoms, so an accurate diagnosis is extremely difficult. When the disease Krona chronic pain is accompanied by liquid stools, patient tears, completely lost appetite.

Is Not always a reason to panic

Possible mild pain right lower abdomen during pregnancy, if conception just happened. Such feelings are indicative to implantation of cells, the gradual restructuring of the reproductive system. However, if the pain is severe and troubling, you need to see a doctor – likely development is wrong.

Another possible reason for the pain – the monthly female cycle. Typically, pain occurs when Mature eggs are moderate, coming in constantly at the same time. If the pain is very strong, you need to amritsa to the doctor – it is considered a rejection and requires correction; prescribe hormones. Periodic mild pain should not cause panic, as it does not indicate serious pathology.

Many Options

Sometimes on the right part of the abdomen painful sensations arise because of problems with the gall bladder. Usually, the reason for the stones. Somewhat less often diagnosed with inflammation caused by bacterial invasion. Usually, a stabbing pain, a sudden. The syndrome may spread to the shoulder, the back. Possible fever and chills, sometimes the patient is sick and vomits. For violation of the functionality of the gallbladder the stool becomes colorless, the skin on the face, mucous membranes acquire a yellowish tint.

One of the possible causes of the pain – hepatitis. Term refers to infection of the liver. Mostly it is due to viral invasion, but the role of drug therapy, the use of alcohol, narcotic substances. There is a possibility of hepatitis in acute poisoning of the body. Notice the inflammation of the liver can be pain syndrome accompanied by fever, nausea. The patient vomits, loss of appetite, yellow skin. On palpation you notice an increase the liver. The pain is often described as oppressive.

pain right lower abdomen in men


This is the reason for pain in lower right abdomen is rather widely distributed. As a rule, sensations accompany the initial stage of the pathological state, pain is gradually getting stronger, cover the whole lower abdomen. Possible concentration syndrome in navel region with a gradual transition to the right, to the left. The acute form of the inflammatory process is accompanied by bloating, nausea. The patient's fever.

Manifestations somewhat similar to the infection of the intestines, so the diagnosis alone is strictly prohibited. - Known cases of appendicitis occurred on the background of infection with worms.

Diseases of intestines and urinary system

If the pain is throbbing, comes in bouts, is described as convulsive, maybe its cause – irritable bowel syndrome. The disease is accompanied by bloating, irregular bowel movement. Possible diarrhea, constipation. IBS is caused by a number of factors. It's often stressful conditions that undermine human health, but sometimes SRK – a complication on the background of intestinal infection or failure of the composition of the microflora of the body. Although SRK – extremely uncomfortable condition, the dangers of it in itself does not carry. However, to be checked by a doctor will not be superfluous – this will help to eliminate other reasons, the presence of concomitant diseases.

If the pain occurs during urination, this might be the reason – inflammatory processes localized in the way of elimination of urine. Suchdisease, as the doctors say, appear often enough. Often, the inflammation is due to the spread of the infectious agent from the gastrointestinal tract. In the absence of adequate treatment, there is a risk of penetration of pathological microflora in the kidneys. It can be seen in a febrile condition, nausea. The patient feels cold.

Intestinal infections can cause pain at the same time left and right. Some agents provoke pathological manifestations, extremely similar to appendicitis. In particular, this manifests itself yersiniosis. But pain, when infection of the intestine, the patient vomits and is sick, broken chair. Possible fever, General weakness of the body. If the disease occurs in mild form in a few days brings relief symptoms exhausts itself. If the feelings bother you longer, to be tested in the clinic.

symptoms pain right lower abdomen

Features and conditions

Special attention deserves the pain that occurs at the time of the walk. This symptom indicates inflammation, muscle contraction worsening. Sooner or later it may provoke an attack. Sometimes pain – a sign of a hernia or appendicitis, occurring in the chronic form. In the absence of adequate treatment there is a risk of peritonitis.

In women, right abdominal pain, possible after intercourse. The symptom allows to suspect a chronic inflammation localized in the pelvic organs. If the pain is severe, extends to the lower limbs, groin area, there is a possibility that during intimate contact ruptured cyst. The patient needs hospitalization.

If the pain comes in bouts, one of the options her explanation – intestinal obstruction.

Sometimes pain syndrome indicates a pathological condition, not related located in this area bodies. For example, pain may give neuralgia or pneumonia. Sometimes my stomach hurts during a heart attack.

The stronger sex: the number of features

In a preferential percentage of cases of pain syndrome due to digestive disorders, inflammation in the urogenital system. Traditionally, men pay little attention to how they eat and what, and this leads to negative health effects. Many abuse alcohol, for many years now smoke regularly faced with stressful factors. All this undermines the strength of the body, health and immunity. If the situation is complicated by the lack of habits to maintain personal hygiene, the probability of inflammation is particularly high. Sometimes pain occurs after suffering hypothermia. It is possible to ache after intercourse without the use of barrier contraception.

If the pain is due to intestinal pathologies, pulling sensation-this is due to spasms of the walls. Infectious processes manifest themselves with acute pain and a burning sensation. To identify the reasons for visiting the doctor. If the patient does not know who to call, you must first schedule an appointment with a local therapist. The doctor will listen to complaints and redirect to the urologist, andrologist or a gastroenterologist. If the symptoms are blurry, can't even put a preliminary diagnosis, probably direct to the oncologist, proctologist.

Men: prostatitis

Up To half of all cases of pain in the right lower abdomen in men, are explained by the prostatitis. The disease is in the acute form, chronic. The term describe the processes localized in the prostate. It is iron in the form of a tube formed of specific fibers. It is located between maltatoday diaphragm, bladder. Anatomical destiny – producing the components necessary for seminal fluid.

Acute prostatitis observed rarely, in most cases a pathological condition does not manifest itself with symptoms developing for a long time. A possible escalation on the average it is not more a couple times a year. As a rule, exacerbation of bother after the effects of aggressive external factors.

causes of lower abdominal pain right

Chronic prostatitis is suspected on a pulling pain just above the pubic area on the right. Oli become stronger during the act of urination and the frequent urge to it. On the background prostatitis is weakening the potency of the worries of early ejaculation. If the pain is acute, they can be felt in the lower abdomen, but also in the sacrum, coccyx, groin area. In the absence of adequate treatment the risk of BPH. Almost every third neglected by male fertility treatment, high risk of impotence. Self-treatment of prostatitis unacceptable risk of deterioration. Shouldn't count on healing methods and ashamed doctors. The best help will have a qualified doctor.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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