Acute sinusitis: symptoms and treatment


2018-04-02 07:06:22




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The article will look at acute and chronic sinusitis. What is the pathology?

Sinusitis is an inflammation affecting one or several paranasal sinuses. Pathology may occur as an independent disease or in the form of specific complications on the background of an illness of an infectious nature. Acute sinusitis is related to one of the most common pathologies encountered by otolaryngologists in their work. Depending on the duration of the disease medicine divides the disease into acute and chronic form.

acute sinusitis

The Diagnosis of acute sinusitis determines bacterial or fungal okolonosovyh the sinus. The formation of the disease takes place rapidly, which in turn significantly increases the likelihood of various complications. In our article we will consider, what is acute sinusitis, and also find out what symptoms it is usually accompanied by and find out what should be the treatment of this disease.

Forms of disease

There are several types of pathology:

  • The Acute form of sinusitis. Develops because of complications from viral or bacterial infection. There are expressed pains in the sinuses, aggravated by bends and head tilts. Pain with adequate treatment usually does not continue more than a week. There is a high temperature of 38-38,5 °C, fever. Nose is stuffed, there is change in the voice – twang. With proper therapy of the mucous membrane is completely restored about 1 month.
acute and chronic sinusitis
  • Subacute form. It should be noted a milder clinical picture and duration of illness up to two months. The patient for a long time, there are faint signs of sinusitis, like the common cold. If no therapeutic action is taken, the acute form becomes chronic.
  • Chronic form. Difficult to treat, and the disease lasts for several years. Develops due to improper care or complete lack of it. We are talking about odontogenic, polypous and fungous sinusitis. See the scarce symptoms in this case – nasal discharge not abundant, but they are present constantly, pains unexpressed and stupid fever is usually absent. Chronic sinusitis may occasionally deteriorate and give symptoms of the acute form .
  • Hyperplastic (mixed) form of the disease. It combines different types — and chronic, and allergic sinusitis. Because of the allergic process, there is a proliferation of the mucous membrane, can also develop polyps, obstructing the ostium between the nasal cavity and sinus.

The Clinical manifestations of sinusitis is determined and divided by the localization of inflammation. So, there are following types of this disease:


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  • The Development of sinusitis. The most common type of sinusitis is sinusitis. The discomfort along with the pain manifest in the upper jaw, flowing into teeth. Against this background, especially characteristic of increased pain in the evening, which are damped during sleep.
  • The Emergence of sinusitis. The pain due to the development of sinusitis is localized, usually in the forehead and grows usually in the morning.
  • Formation of etmoidit. Pain in this form of the disease accumulated in the area of the nose and last throughout the day.
  • Development of sphenoiditis. Pain may arise in the neck, their amplification occurs over night.
acute sinusitis in a child

Launched acute sinusitis can cause serious complications that can manifest as meningitis, thrombosis of the cavernous sinus and retrobulbar abscesses.


One of the particular cases of sinusitis is the sinusitis. Each person in the presence of a few of the paranasal sinuses: maxillary, frontal, sphenoidal and ethmoidal cavities. Each of them has a kind inside the mucous structure, and all of them together combines the channel schema.

The threat of acute maxillary sinusitis?

In that case, if for one reason or another, will begin the development of inflammatory process, edema of the mucosa will occur, which in turn will block the channels that connect the sinuses with the nasal cavity. This phenomenon will lead to the fact that will begin the development of congestion, and with it also aktiviziruyutsya and the process of bacterial reproduction along with the formation of pus. In such lesions of the maxillary sinus patients diagnosed with "sinusitis" and in that case, if you have problems in the frontal cavity, you will be able to diagnose “front”. Next, let's consider the main causes of this disease.

Main causes of disease

One of the main reasons that cause the development of acute sinusitis, performs poorly treated and released rhinitis. In addition, a release mechanism, contributing to the development of the disease, may serve as an acute respiratory viral infection. Disease, the development of which occurs as a result of respiratory infectionsthe upper respiratory tract, usually referred to as community-acquired forms.

acute sinusitis symptoms and treatment

By Itself, acute sinusitis is not contagious, moreover, it cannot be passed from person to person. The same cannot be said about bacteria with viruses because they are in the cold you can pick up anywhere. In the case that a weakened immune system or a predisposition to disease of the upper respiratory tract, such bacteria could evolve into sinusitis. In this regard, to avoid that, you want to think in advance about the training and prevention. The formation of acute sinusitis usually contribute the following reasons:

  • The Presence of a heavy cold, which is often a manifestation of chronic rhinitis.
  • The Presence in the oral cavity of the patient's tooth.
  • The Appearance of abdominal polyps.
  • The Presence of adenoids.
  • Injuries of varying severity, which is a violation of the outflow of mucous exudate.
  • Congenital abnormalities of the nasal partitions.

Now let's figure out what are the symptoms usually accompany the development of acute sinusitis in adults.

The First signs of disease

For sinusitis is typically a manifestation of obvious signs of illness, which gives the possibility of independently even without any help to diagnose in a normal home. The severity of symptoms in adults and children has some specific characteristics.

symptoms of acute sinusitis in adults

Adult symptoms of acute sinusitis are manifested by the presence of very strong pain. And the child can long not to notice the pathology and in this regard, it is not to complain. This is due primarily to the fact that children's sinuses are fully developed at eighteen, but until then they have a much smaller volume. Otherwise the symptoms are very similar. So, let's check some of the symptoms of acute sinusitis in a child and an adult.

  • The lingering Presence of a cold that lasts for a long time. This symptom can bring a lot of inconvenience and trouble to the patient and often occurs with yellow or green discharge mixed with pus, and sometimes you can even notice and blood clots.
  • Nasal Congestion. Nose the patient is laid, and only very rarely get to break through one nostril, to be able to breathe more or less full.
  • Presence of cough. Microbes that fall with the breath into the lungs, cause soon dry, however, and painful cough, whose power usually increases at night. Symptoms and treatment of acute sinusitis in children are often linked.
  • Presence of nasal discharge. In the morning there may be a strong secretion of mucus, with mucous structure, and, moreover, may feel an unpleasant dryness of the nasopharynx.
  • Increase in temperature. On the background of the disease, the patient can rapidly rise body temperature, so his body will attempt to fight the infection.
  • Problems with the sense of smell. May have problems with sense of smell, thus people will lose their ability to distinguish odors and tastes.
  • The Occurrence of edema. The face may become edematous, which in turn particularly strongly expressed in the area of the affected maxillary or frontal sinuses.
  • The Presence of headache. Occasionally, there may be severe headaches, the localization of which is typically temporal and frontal part. During any tilting or turning of the head, patients may experience a significant increase in pain.
acute sinusitis symptoms and treatment in adults

Treatment of acute sinusitis

The Treatment is carried out in three main areas:

  • Fight against infection and the elimination of the inflammatory processes.
  • Swelling and regulation of outflow of the purulent contents of the nasal sinuses.
  • Prevent the formation of serious consequences.

Methods and techniques used in the treatment of this disease, depend directly on the degree of severity of the disease and the number of damaged sinuses.

What is the treatment of acute sinusitis in adults?

Use of antibiotics

In situations where the sinusitis takes place in a light or medium form, his therapy is done at home. The main component of this treatment is the use of antibiotics, helping to neutralize the bacteria that caused the development of acute sinusitis.

As a rule, preference is given to broad-spectrum antibiotics effects, for example, “Amoxiclav”, “Augmentin” and “Ceftriaxone”. The course of each of these drugs depends on various factors and each patient is selected individually.

The Use of secretolitics

The secret to Thick mucous that collects in the sinus okolonosovyh, disrupts normal ventilation. The use of secretolitics gives you the opportunity to stimulate motor function of the tissues, improved drainage of mucus. The most effective, however, and demanded sekretolitiki consider medication, such as "NAC”, “Carbocisteine”, “along with”.Often for the treatment of acute sinusitis prescribe phytotherapeutic medication “Pill”, which gives the opportunity not only to adjust the viscosity of secretion of mucous, reduce swelling tissue.


Use of anti-inflammatory medications to treat sinusitis can reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, eliminating its congestion, helping to ease breathing. In this case treatment using the following procedures:

  • The Use of drops and sprays. In Advisory procedure, patients are assigned drops local effects, the use of which is capable of producing vasoconstrictor effect. Among the total diversity of drugs it is possible to allocate funds, which are the basis substances such as Oxymetazoline Xylometazoline with. The consequences of their influence are exhibited in the temporary elimination of nasal congestion, which in turn helps to use other drugs local impact.
  • Nasal Lavage. The most simple method of treatment is the washing of the nose using a solution of furatsilina in combination with sea salt or herbal extracts. This gives you the opportunity to free sinuses of mucus with pus and facilitates the patient's condition.

Treatment of acute sinusitis that can not be limited.

treatment of acute sinusitis in adults


The Treatment of severe forms of sinusitis requires puncture of the nose, through which you can quickly remove the purulent content of the cavities. The principle of this procedure is: the doctor makes the hole using a special surgical needle in the soft cartilage of the nose. In that case it would be about sinusitis, then this operation will be called a puncture. With the development of sinusitis puncture is done under the eyebrow, this procedure is called trepanopuncture.

Through the hole you will remove all the contents are purulent, the sinus is washed with antiseptic solution. If necessary, the doctors leave a small catheter in order to repeat lavage several times. Conducting surgical treatment of sinusitis is the fastest way to get rid of the disease. But after the operation the doctors have prescribed for patients with Antibacterials in order to consolidate the achieved result.

We reviewed the symptoms and treatment of acute sinusitis.

What are the complications?

Doctors there are the following possible complications of this disease:

  • The Appearance of bone-cranial disease. The progression of the acute forms of the disease are able to be involved in pathological processes, not only the sinuses, but also different intracranial structures.
  • The Development of eye diseases. The accumulation of significant amounts of purulent masses leads to the emergence of complications such as cellulitis with abscesses of the eyeballs, which further can cause loss of sight.
  • For problems with the vascular system. In that case, if there is no necessary treatment, can happen the formation of thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, which would entail the development of coma. In addition, the well-known cases in which acute sinusitis patients has led to blood poisoning and the occurrence of sepsis.

In conclusion

Thus, any disease is much easier to prevent than later to spend more strength to fight with him. Timely eliminating various defects of the nose along with good hygiene of the mouth and increase the protective functions of the immune system to prevent the emergence of the disease and its serious complications.

Symptoms and treatment of acute sinusitis in adults and children is now known.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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