What causes ringworm on the foot and how to treat it?


2018-04-02 11:48:25




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The Word "ringworm" of the many causes unpleasant associations. Some believe this disease is very contagious, so I'm afraid to pet a dog or cat that “certainly” should be the distributors of such a horrible infection, and of course keep away from people who have seen ringworm on the foot, hand or other exposed parts of the body. In fact, in medicine, the term “Rob” applied to a group of skin diseases, among which are contagious, and there is quite harmless to others, for example, eczema or psoriasis, the cause of which can be a common Allergy. But how to recognize what kind of ringworm on the leg or hand of the person next to you? How to determine what kind of rash has appeared on your own body? What to do with it and whether you need immediately to run to the doctor? Try to understand.

The Mechanism of onset of rash

Redness and rashes our skin responds to dozens of stimuli - from allergic reaction to anything before introduction into the body of pathological microorganisms. Rash is primary, that is appearing where before was nothing, and secondary, formed in the place of the primary in its further development. All of the disease, a symptom of which is the appearance on the skin itchy nodules, spots or papules, are called "ringworm". On the foot, hand and other exposed parts of the body such eruptions bring them to the holders not only physical suffering but also moral problems, and the rash on the fingers or soles creates difficulties with walking and wearing shoes. There are many kinds of lichen. Not all of them are contagious, but each of them is a danger to the patient. Appearing in one place, the rash may spread through the body, and its incessant itching lead to scratching – wide open the gates for hundreds of microbes. In addition, any rash may be a symptom of diseases of the internal organ that you need to identify. Therefore, if there is ringworm on the leg or somewhere else, you need to consult a dermatologist to determine the etiology of the rash and proper treatment.


Before thinking how to treat ringworm on the foot, you need to determine what species it belongs and what caused. They say the effectiveness of therapy depends on a well-defined cause of disease. For skin rashes this is especially true, as their etiology is very different. To date, diagnose the following types of lichen:

- cutting, or trichophytosis;

- also barn itch, but microsporia;

- weeping;

- tinea;

- scaly;


- colorful

red flat;

- inguinal.

Take a closer look.shingles on leg


This disease has other names such as ringworm, dermatophytes, scab, ringworm. On the leg or arm it is rare and in most cases affects the scalp. Earlier this disease was treated with wax, tar or resin, but previously the patient had my head shaved. Hence the name - cutting shingles. Call it several types of pathogenic fungi, parasitic on humans and on animals. Some parasites live only where massively grow hair (head, groin, armpits), others prefer to only limbs. To catch ringworm from animals, and in these cases, the pathogenesis of the disease will be heavier. The second source of illness – a sick man. Ways of infection are the same as all of the mycosis.


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- the common stuff (towel, clothing);

- household items

- close bodily contact.

It is Important to know how does ringworm on the leg. The photo above clearly shows that the rash in this disease is the appearance of red spots round shape. At the edges they are brighter and in the center lighter. Patient rash causes severe itching. Sometimes place the scratching become infected and formed festering sores.

Mild forms of ringworm treat topically applying to the lesions and nearby area of antifungal ointment “Miconazole” or “Clotrimazole”. In severe cases, appointed inside "Griseofulvin". If the source of infection was pet need a vacuum cleaner to collect all the wool, after which the room is thoroughly cleaned with water and bleach. Things a sick person should be washed with antifungal means in very hot water.ringworm on his leg photo


This is another type of ringworm. Causes the fungus Microsporum, striking any part of the body. It is parasitic on many animals (dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, horses, rabbits, wild animals). A person infected by caring for them. You can also become infected with the microspores from a sick person, taking with him some household items, clothes. It is enough to contact the skin of the hair, hairs or scales on the infected areas of the skin that can occur, for example, in the barbershop, or while using some sick things. Microscopy or ringworm on the foot of man has the form of a clearly defined flaky spots. If the disease has arisen on the head, beard, eyelashes or eyebrows, in lesions hair break off, leaving a characteristic “hedgehog” (because it is called so - zoster cutting). The spores of the fungus occupying the remnants of hair, covering them with a scaly cover. It's hard to believe, but in our space age very many people, especially urban dwellers, suffer from microspores. If the winter so people are able to hide from others your problem, then in the summer openbody areas the rash is well seen, for example, ringworm on the leg. Treatment of the disease in children or adults is to water treatments using anti-fungal detergents. Then on the affected area and around it applied antifungal ointment ketoconazole.

Ringworm multicolor

This kind of disease has another, not such an imposing name – pityriasis versicolor. But the people dubbed this rash "sun fungus" because it perfectly demonstrates in tan. lichen planus on feetCauses pityriasis versicolor mushroom one, but it can be in three forms-oval, filamentous and rounded, one passing into another. The fungus is a parasite on any part of the body, but the most rare multicolored shingles on the leg. Photos shows how looks skin. From untanned person on it clearly visible dark spots, but in the sun they become lighter adjacent areas. As it turns out, because the fungus disrupts the synthesis of melanin that gives us a tan. Spot, “created” the fungus may eventually merge or remain single. And in that and in other case they notice flaking. The disease is infective is not true, because the fungus lives on the skin of almost every one of us. It becomes pathogenic under the following conditions:

the disorders in the thyroid;

- diseases of the digestive tract;

- weak immune system;

- the special composition of sweat;

- long stay in the sun;

- heavy fiznagruzki;

- increase in blood sugar;

overdose of corticosteroids;


For an accurate diagnosis of multi-colored lichen using a sample Balsera, wood's lamp, skin scrapings.

Treatment antifungal detergents and ointments, for example, “Nizoral”, “It”.

Tinea Versicolor

This disease of the awards we all known herpes virus type 3, or chickenpox. In children, they recover, the virus moves to nerve cells and sleeps there for decades. Under certain circumstances, he wakes up and aksonam comes out. The exact mechanism of the process is not yet known. Herpes can appear anywhere on the body, it depends on where it will lead axons. how to treat shingles on legThe shingles on the leg or other parts of the body initially appears like a cluster of pink, slightly swollen spots. After three, maximum five days, they become erythematous papules, and in a day or two in the bubbles with a clear liquid. In the future, the vesicles dry up, leaving scabs. “Wake” the virus is capable of:

- antibiotics, cytostatics, all drugs depress the immune system;

- organ transplants;

malignant tumors

- bone marrow transplantation;

- stress


- hyperutility;

- age-related changes (more common in people older than 50 years);


Before the appearance of lesions, patients typically experience soreness and itching in those places where you pop a cold sores and some discomfort. Shingles on the leg maybe about a month to go on their own, but to avoid complications, doctors recommend taking antiviral medications and in severe pain analgesics. Preventive measure against this disease is vaccination.

Ringworm pink

This disease is contagious and appears as a complication of a cold or flu. While not precisely defined, what or who causes pityriasis rosea. On the leg, arm or torso (all the lines of Langer) it looks like group oval pink spots with peeling in the center. The first manifestation in humans can begin either in the process of a cold or after recovery. Treatment pink lichen does not require, as it is in itself, leaving no trace. Only if the patient suffers intolerable itching, the doctors attributed to antihistamines and antipruritic ointments.looks like shingles on leg

Ringworm scaly

The name of one of the most common and the most frustrating chronic skin diseases-psoriasis. He's not a danger to others, but a sick person can cause a lot of trouble. Some suffer from scaly ringworm even need the help of a psychologist, so they have reduced self-esteem and quality of life due to this disease.

How does ringworm on the leg or arm, there is no single answer, because psoriasis is of several types:

1. Plaque, or simple. Characterized large inflamed patches covered with greyish-white scaly film. When it peels off, the skin underneath starts to bleed.

2. Reverse. Found on flexor surfaces, for example, in the knee region, and in all the folds – in the groin, under the arms, in women under the breast. Has the appearance of inflamed red spots.

3. Teardrop. When it rashes similar to dewdrops or drops of dark red or purple color.

4. Exudative. Has the appearance of blisters filled with fluid. The skin in the area of inflammation is hot, red and very painful.

5. Eritadenine. Characterized by a very large inflamed spots covering large areas of the body. The skin lesions can flake, peel and be very itchy.

6. Arthropathic. This type is characterized by inflammatory processes in the joints, which become very painful.

7. Psoriasisnails.

The Causes of psoriasis are still unclear. There is only a hypothesis, according to which the disease appears, when the skin has violated the processes of growth and differentiation of cells. Or when a violation of the process of developing the autoimmune bodies.

Contribute to the development of psoriasis skin injuries, some cleaning materials, working with chemicals, allergies, nervous disorders.

As a chronic disease, psoriasis requires a holistic methods of treatment, which is medication that improves all processes in the skin, including the control of T-cells. Also in the treatment of locally used ointments, herbal medicine, physiotherapy.shingles between your legs

Ringworm weeping

In Other words, it is eczema. It can be acute or chronic. While not contagious, the rash in this disease looks very unpleasant. It can occur on any part of the body, but often moist herpes on the leg or arm. The causes of eczema is still unclear. Her appearance contributed to:

- weak immune system;

- skin injuries;


- allergic;

metabolic disorders

diseases of many internal organs;

- infections (viral, fungal);

- skin contact with poisonous chemical substances.

There are many forms of eczema. The most common (about 50% of cases) is true.

In the acute form of the disease the rash may be on any part of the body. It has the form of small red pimples – microvesicles that can quickly be opened, forming multiple mikroerozii. These places are constantly released exudate, why is ringworm called weeping. Drying up, erosion form a yellow-brown crust, but there may be new pimples, and the process repeats. In the chronic form, on the site of the erosion, the skin becomes more dense, starts to peel off. Chronic illness is downgraded to acute, causing the patient physical pain-itching, burning, pain high affected skin.

The Second place is microbial. Appears around wounds, scrapes, and most often there is a lichen on the leg. Visually it looks like a sharply defined inflammatory foci with purulent crusts. Around them there are small pustules, observed peeling. All this is happening against the background of severe itching.

Quite often found weeping herpes on the foot of a child. It looks the same as in adults, combining the characteristics of microbial and true forms. Causes of eczema in children:

- complicated pregnancy of her mother.

- frequent acute respiratory infections, SARS;

- breastfeeding

- diseases of the digestive tract;

- lack of hygiene;


In addition, there are varicose eczema, mycotic, seborrheic, professional.

The Treatment of each specific shape. Of the common methods you can allocate the appointment of a diet, pain medications, vitamins, and local use of the ointment-antifungal, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory.shingles on leg

Lichen planus on legs

This disease is an allergic reaction of the skin to irritants and can appear on the body and in the mouth. The exact mechanism has not yet been determined but it is known that the risk factors are:

- some medicines;

- diseases of internal organs, especially the liver, stomach, kidneys, pancreas;

- breakdown

- injuries of skin and mucous membranes;

- weak immune system.

Lichen planus may manifest in several forms:

1. Typical. Symptoms are a flat spot and a whitish-pearly shade. They tend to merge with the formation of large metal plates or mesh. After healing the skin is a pigmentation.

2. Giperkineticeski (the lesions have clear borders dead).

3. Exudative-hyperemic. Formed on the inflamed mucous areas of the mouth.

4. Erosive-ulcerative. A very severe form, often appears as a complication of the previous one. On the skin and mucous membranes are formed long-healing ulcers of various shapes and sizes. They are covered with fibrous secretions, removing which there is bleeding.

5. Atrophic.

6. Bullous. Characterized by formation of blisters, at the opening of which appear erosion. Lichen planus can be treated with traditional methods, such as compresses decoction of herbs of mullein, St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, willow bark, burdock, goldenrod. After compresses on the affected area bandage with sea buckthorn oil. Folk recipes for the treatment of this disease there are several dozen, but before to use them, you need to visit a dermatologist and find out the cause of their illness. It is likely that in parallel with the external therapy will need to treat the internal organs.

Ringworm between your legs

This fungal disease has a different name – inguinal athlete. It can affect women and men. Methods of infection of household (use one with a sick towel, clothing) and contact-sexual. Inguinal versicolor is manifested by itching in the genital area and groin, red-brown rash, peeling in the affected areas. Without treatment, the rash moves to the neighboring skin areas. Upon detection of these symptoms you need to contact the doctor to clarify the type of fungus that has penetrated into the skin and to choose the right medication. The treatment is conducted at home, mostly with the help of antifungal ointments. Sometimes the patient is prescribed an antihistaminemeans "Diphenhydramine”, “Her” and others.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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