How to take "L-Carnitine" for weight loss: user manual, description, composition and reviews


2018-04-02 11:14:19




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Today, a growing number of people who are overweight, choose healthy slimming methods that combine proper nutrition and active exercise. But how to speed up this process without hurting the body? The striking simplicity: from the middle of the two thousandth in the world of fitness has become a popular fat-burning Supplement new generation – «L-Carnitine”, which is able to double, or even triple the efforts of the athletes on weight loss.

How to take l carnitine for weight lossBut you must know how to take “L-Carnitine” for weight loss, because of wrong dosage of a nutritional Supplement and errors in the understanding of the mechanism of its effects on the body can negate all attempts to reduce body volume. People who are far from fitness workouts and any physical activity, can be disappointed in "magic pill”, while the other dieters were able to achieve impressive results in body shaping, become graceful, slim.

What substance is L-carnitine? Description

Before the make “L-Carnitine” for weight loss, you need to find out what is this food additive is and how it works. A substance called “L-carnitine" (or another common name – levocarnitine) is nothing but vitamin B11 or BT. In normal conditions, it is synthesized in the liver, but if a person follows a balanced diet rich in quality animal protein. Natural metabolic compound (levocarnitine) is designed to naturally improve and accelerate lipid metabolism, to maintain normal functioning of muscles and the regeneration of tissues. The human need for l-carnitine, which is contained in the same drugs, is 250-500 mg per day, while the liver manages to synthesize only 10 percent of this amount.


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L carnitine how to take for weight loss reviewsIt's No secret that weight loss requires significant physical exertion, so the body needs extra l-carnitine. How to take for weight loss? Reviews fitness trainers and nutritionists suggest in this case to increase the intake of vitamin B11 to 1200-1500 mg per day. Is the number of “L-Carnitine” is considered sufficient for girls with a weight of 50-60 kg, dieters and engaged in aerobic sports. For strength training and the ladies more magnificent forms need to increase the intake of vitamin B11 to 2000-3000 mg per day. The dimensionless multiplying the dose of l-carnitine in an irrational way, because our body is able to process no more than 2000-3000 mg per day, and the excess of vitamin it displays in a natural way.

Mechanism of action

The Essence of the functioning of L-carnitine is very simple: it delivers oxygen to the cells of our body, accelerates the transport of fats (fatty acids) from the depot through the cell membranes into the mitochondria where they are and then removes the products thermolability of the energy supply of cells, cleaning them. Consequently, in training, he helps people to transform fat cells into energy and enhances Potomac. The main advantage of the vitamin-like substance is its anti-catabolic effect, which is manifested in the ability to slow down the process of breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates, forcing the body "melt" of fats for energy. But how to take “L-Carnitine” for weight loss, if you ignore the regular exercise? In the absence of physical exertion from cardio and weight training or manual labor, the intake of vitamin B11 is not helping in reducing weight because it stimulates appetite, and its surplus the body simply recycles. In large doses this substance is not toxic, unlike thermogenics, not have a negative impact on the blood vessels. In the days when there is no exercise, losing weight people also useful to use the ‘L-Carnitine”.

L carnitine how to take for weight loss price

How much to take for weight loss this nutritional Supplement can be in “lazy” days? You need to drink in the morning on an empty stomach 1,500 mg of carnitine (in liquid or pill form) and go for a walk, the duration of which shall not be less than 1-1. 5 hours. Note that the same period of time after fiznagruzki free fatty acids circulate in the bloodstream: if you want these minutes to eat, the food will help the body to return them to the fat depots.

Properties of L-carnitine

Of the useful functions of carnitine to the human body experts say: help speed up processing the available fat reserves, prevention of the process of newly received deposits of lipids from food, the normalization of the level of “tight” cholesterol in the blood, the oxygen saturation in the blood and improving performance, and reducing recovery period of the muscles. A deficiency of l-carnitine, which often affects athletes, people who adhere to the mono-diet, and also vegetarians, manifested decreased immune response, metabolic disorders and fast fatigue, problems with the cardiovascular system. If the background of intense training or strict diets a person feels discomfort or other symptoms of lack of vitamin B11, in this case, it is desirable to obtain confirmation from the attending physician on the need for its supplementation.

Statements and formrelease

‘L-Carnitine”, which is involved in metabolic processes of the organism, can be administered in the complex therapy of patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver or pancreas, endocrine services, as well as children or adults with reduced appetite, the elderly (to improve memory and concentration). It is also useful for healthy people who are overweight for the correction. Vegetarians the drug is recommended to compensate for the lack of vitamin B11, owing to the refusal of eating meat, athletes – to support endurance and efficiency during training, and to accelerate the process of muscle building.

How to take l carnitine for weight loss liquid

Often the fitness trainers suggest the use of levocarnitine for drying the body. For effective weight loss used it, and the people controlling your weight. Depending on the method of production (in the form of tablets, capsules, powder or liquid (including syrup)), you can choose the way how to take “L-Carnitine” for weight loss. The dosage of l-carnitine in tablets, capsules or liquid will remain, but they need to be consumed separately from food, otherwise it will lead to deterioration of the absorption of the vitamin-like dietary Supplement and significantly reduce its impact on the body.


Restorative vitamin B11 is safe enough. However women in pregnancy taking l-carnitine should be abolished, as the use of this dietary Supplement for weight loss in this period is undesirable. And only in special cases, depending on the individual clinical situation, it is permitted to take the ladies in the “state” and nursing mothers in the combination therapy, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, doctors also recommend the deletion of carnitine from the program of correction of weight people who have observed increased irritability, insomnia, or individual intolerance to this food Supplement.

How to get l-carnitine to work effectively? Secrets of reception

The Main difference between different forms of production of the product – in their convenience. For example, tablets or capsules are easy to take at home or at work, and the powder carnitine concentrate or syrup to dissolve comfortable to drink during a workout. L-carnitine blends perfectly with any vitamin drugs, thermogenically, BCAA, and beverages (tea or coffee). However, you must remember that this vitamin-like substance significantly increases psychomotor activity, therefore is inappropriate along with taking l-carnitine too carried away caffeinated drinks, especially in the second half of the day. How to take “L-Carnitine” for weight loss? Get advice about dosage losing weight people can be a coach or pick your own. Girls to start taking this dietary Supplement better with a low dose (1-1. 5 g), gradually increasing it to 2 g. This will reveal the required quantity of L-carnitine to achieve energy and pataudi training. For men the figure is higher: they should start with a 2 g, bringing the number of l-carnitine to 3 g.

L carnitine how to take slimming capsule

Good drying effect of the body scheme, when 40 minutes before workout girl drinks 1-1,5 (or 2) grams of ‘L-Carnitine” tablets and then the same amount of powder or syrup dissolves in the liquid, taking it in small SIPS during thirst when cardio (on the treadmill, bike or elliptical).

L-carnitine in tablets or capsules

What good is a tablet or capsule, the main component of which is l-carnitine? How to take slimming capsules without taste and smell? Each manufacturer concentration of vitamin-like substances and the number of tablets or capsules of various, but on average amount to 1-1. 5 g per serving. For oral administration l-carnitine is not necessary to chew or crush the tablet, pour the powder from the capsules. Swallow them whole with water about 40 minutes before training or active walking. Take their courses, taking into account the advice of the trainer and the doctor's opinion. Long-term use of “L-Carnitine" (over 6 months) desirable.

L-carnitine liquid and powder

One of the most convenient forms of release of vitamin supplements – «L-Carnitine” – considered a liquid (syrup, concentrate, ampoule). Unlike capsules and tablets to act it starts much faster, because a useful substance from liquid gets into the blood much earlier. How to take l carnitine for weight lossHow to take “L-Carnitine” for weight loss liquid? It can be drunk without diluting it with water and not combining with the meals and make the solution for workout to quench your thirst (at the rate of 1.5 g l-carnitine 0,5-0,75 liter of water). Liquid l-carnitine drink from the vial immediately before cardio, and 5-10 minutes the concentration of a substance in the blood increases, the person feels inflow of forces, which makes training most effective. For dissolution in water suitable “L-Carnitine" (powder). How to take for weight loss this kind of sports nutrition? Although this form of l-carnitineabsorbed more slowly than a liquid counterpart, but much faster than the tablet version. In addition, the powder allows to obtain the most precise dosage of carnitine. You can take it in pure form with water, to make a useful cocktail to quench your thirst during a workout.

Reviews and comments

Most of the opinions on the preparation of athletes and people who carefully watch their weight, positive. Many of them say that to get rid of the extra pounds you have to consume “L-Carnitine”. How to take for weight loss? Reviews suggest this drug will certainly combine with exercise. Set "dry weight" of the muscle and maximum burning of fat reserves by taking the ‘L-Carnitine” helps to change body composition and make the shape more graceful. In addition, the use of the drug on the background of many diet improves health, increases endurance during aerobic exercise (walking, Jogging and other), and strength training. L carnitine powder how to take for weight loss«L-Carnitine” helps repair muscles after anaerobic exercise and eliminate the pain from the intense working of the muscles. Almost all users noted the futility of the drug in the passive way of life and even harm it, as it has a stimulating effect on the appetite. Accelerating fat metabolism, l-carnitine intensifies food cravings, for that sometimes gets negative reviews. But with the physical exertion dietary Supplement is harmless, as it is spent for muscle tissue repair.

The cost of the drug “L-carnitine”. How to take for weight loss

Price of different analogues based on this vitamin-like substances and their composition differ significantly from each other depending on the manufacturer. In the instructions to the drugs specified set of components, how to take them for weight loss, as well as other information about these sports nutrition products. In addition, the compositions themselves are dietary supplements that include additional vitamins and minerals for better absorption of the main component, can be very different. But is produced and the so-called pure l-carnitine: “Karniton” - a solution 20 ml tablet 1 g (Russia), world solution “L-Carnitine" (50 ml) average price (250-350 rubles), tablets (20 PCs.) “the Karniton” costing about 300 rubles, capsules (7 pieces) – about 700-800 rubles, or 20 ampoules – from 2000 rubles and above. Company BIOTECH USA pill 500 mg (60 PCs. or 30 servings) in recalculation on the Russian currency determined the price at 885 RUR, and a pack of 20 effervescent tablets-300 rubles. American leader in the production of dietary Supplements-Solgar-introduced a pack of 30 tablets “weight loss” of the order of 2000 rubles. A bottle of liquid l-carnitine from the same manufacturer (473 ml) will cost about 3500 rubles.

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"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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