Useful than a melon?


2018-04-14 14:00:28




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Melon – it is fragrant, sweet and extremely tasty product. It's edible everything: the peel, and aromatic pulp, and seeds. So useful than a melon?

It is Difficult to determine what the melon. Many consider it a fruit, commodity – dessert vegetable, and from the point of view of botany melon – it is a herbaceous annual plant of the gourd family. So in essence melon is a false berry, melon seeded with different shapes and weight.

Caloric content of a melon is about 40 kcal per 100 grams of product. This low energy nutrition allows you to arrange a pleasant and delicious fasting days. But to get involved in eating a melon in its purest form can be no more than three days.

Many wonder: “how useful is the melon?”. Of course, the number of  vitamins. It contains folic acid, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

Melon-an excellent source of folic acid, which is destroyed by heat treatment. This chemical element is necessary for the women who are preparing for childbirth, as well as those who went into menopause. In addition, folic acid can improve memory and get rid of depressive conditions.

Due to vitamin C strengthens the immune system, while beta carotene will give healthy skin and hair.

Moreover, melon – this is a great way to keep a nice tan, as it normalizes skin pigmentation.

Useful Than a melon, in addition to vitamins? It contains superoxiddismutase – a special enzyme that prevents the process of tissue damage. It raises mood, relieves insomnia, fatigue and irritability.


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Trace elements contained in the melon's flesh, providing her the healing power. In particular, the silicon is necessary nerves, hard tissues, hair and skin. Large amounts of iron ensures improvement in the presence of mild degree of anemia. Melon has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system thanks to magnesium and potassium.

Men ask, and what is useful melon for their health? First, it is considered a strong aphrodisiac. It is not necessary to throw away the pumpkin seeds because they have a beneficial effect on virility. The seeds can be eaten fresh, diluting a small amount of honey. But it is very important to comply with the relevant rules – no more than 2 g per day, otherwise you're at risk for problems with the spleen.

Among the main advantages of a melon a high fiber content. In medicine it is used for cleansing the colon and entire body. Melon fibers excrete toxic substances.

But such properties have small contra-indications.

The Melon is not compatible with alcoholic beverages and dairy products, as it causes various disorders in the digestive system. Also it is not desirable to use while breastfeeding the baby because this can cause problems in digestion of the baby. Do not eat melon those suffering with gastritis and diabetes.

Use melons obvious, but it will manifest itself in full measure if it correctly to use. Otherwise you risk to provoke heaviness in the stomach, and disorder. The best time for enjoying a juicy melon – in between meals. Should not mix with other products.

It is Undesirable to eat the melon on an empty stomach. Also do not hurry and eat it green.

But not only fresh melon good for the body. Dried melon-a wonderful dessert at the Oriental tea. It retains all the useful minerals and substances. Dried melon, as well as fresh, cleanses and tones the body.

The Melon can be frozen and stored in the refrigerator for three months. It is best to freeze ripe product which can be used further for the preparation of vitamin drinks and cocktails.

The Melon, the benefits of which are obvious – is a product for the whole family, bestowing beauty and health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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