Not everyone knows how to cure a cold in one day


2018-12-20 07:00:29




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Every second citizen suffers from a cold several times a year.How to cure a cold in one day the Appearance of this insidious disease contribute to decreased immunity and hypothermia. A feeling of weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, sweating – all the symptoms of incipient disease. The first signs of incipient rhinitis are: frequent sneezing, burning sensation in the nose. It can provoke diseases of the pharynx or ears. No wonder ENT checks his ears, throat and nose.

Activities at the first sign of a cold

All want a miracle happened, read about how to cure a cold in one day. You need to understand that in order to cure you must put a lot of effort. How to treat a cold pregnantOne of the most effective ways – to soar feet with mustard powder on the first day of a cold. This will help to sweat well. As you know, sweat out all the harmful and dangerous substances for the body. In the morning it should be much easier. This method can only be applied in the absence of elevated body temperature. It is important at the first sign of flu to sinus lubricate the nose oxolinic ointment. It kills all bacteria and viruses in the nose. Lubrication should continue the whole day. Effective warming up of the sinuses with the blue lamp. Also, do not ignore to drink plenty of liquids. Helps juice from raspberries or tea with lemon and ginger. In the room at night you need to put a plate of finely chopped onions. Better to get some one night this smell than to continue to hurt.

Hygiene in the house during a cold

To determine how to cure a cold in one day, you need to decide for yourself which kind of tool most effective for you. how to treat a runny nose in a babyDuring the illness of the room in which you are, must be well ventilated. You need to select an individual set of dishes. It is useful aromatherapy with essential oils of tea tree and lavender. They soothe, relax, improve mood, facilitate breathing.

Pregnancy and cold

Often during pregnancy in women there is a runny nose. This phenomenon need to eliminate as quickly as possible. No wonder pregnant women often seek information about how to cure a cold in one day. It can appear due to the infection or rhinitis. But during pregnancy you cannot apply medicines, how to treat a cold pregnant? First of all, you need to understand that there is help folk remedies. Many suggest washing the sinuses with water and baking soda and salt. Also saves pregnant system "Dolphin". This special blend of herbs for washing. It is safe for the child.


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Runny nose in infant

Young mothers do not always know how to treat a runny nose in a baby, because the baby medication is contraindicated. Then help dip the crumbs in warm water with herbs. Chamomile and sage opens the sinuses and will make highlight to emerge from the nose. If this method does not work, the advice of experienced moms you can get a drop of breast milk in each nostril. There is another way how to cure a cold in one day: prepare the saline solution of water and sea salt and prokapat his child in the nose. After recovery, the baby needs to strengthen his immune system.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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