Violations menstrualnogo cycle: causes and treatment


2019-02-20 18:01:06




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The Reasons for the violations menstrualnogo cycle a lot, and the phenomenon itself is of concern to any woman. On time, consistently coming critical days, the same duration and amount of flow from month to month – an indicator of the health of the body and the excellent work of the reproductive organs. That can indicate failures of cyclicity?


Many women with the onset of menstruation feel bad, so the arrival of this period, expect almost with horror. But should the bleeding be delayed to deviate from the schedule, as doubts and feelings becomes even more. What is the reason? Why shift deadlines, changing the nature and amount of secretions? One of the possible reasons for the violation menstrualnogo cycle – the conception of a child. That missed period may indicate pregnancy, knows every adult. Such an excuse for breaking the cycle – it's a real joy, because a miracle happened, was born a new life.

To clarify the status, you need to contact the doctor. The patient will have to take blood samples for analysis on the content of specific hormones. If pregnancy is confirmed, the rate of discharge must not be to the successful resolution of the burden. If the cause of the breach menstrualnogo cycle – the conception of a child, but after confirmation there is discharge similar to menstruation, it is necessary to go to the doctor. It is likely that being pregnant is a problem.

Need more rejoice

Possible cause violations menstrualnogo cycle – an abundance of stress factors that affect a woman. To provoke failures of cyclicity can a variety of phenomena, from the quarrel of the house to the difficulties of building a career. Divorce, loss of a loved one, any experiences negatively affect not only mood but also on health, health. One of the possible consequences – violation of the cyclicity of monthly allocations.


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Stress greatly affects hormones and can cause various failures and violations are not always predictable. It is known that after severe emotional distress, nervous shock critical day late, come early, delayed, become abundant. The reverse case-the sudden shortening of the cycle, the scarcity of selections. As a rule, by next month everything comes back to normal. If failures continue, contact the doctor.

causes of violations menstrualnogo cycle girls

Environment and its influence

Possible cause violations menstrualnogo cycle at 30, 20, or 40 – in short, at any age – acclimatization. I must say, it's pretty common and is a significant reason, spoiling a long-planned vacation. Many of our compatriots prefer to fly on a holiday in far warmer climes, the sea and the ocean where you can sunbathe in the gentle sun. Other pulls in the high mountains where the air is clean and fresh. Easily in the midst of that bliss can begin sudden abdominal pain followed by no term which began bleeding.

There is another scenario. Vacation is good and even excellent finishes, the lady returns home, and in due time the critical days do not come. Here are relevant the same reason violations menstrualnogo cycle in girls – adaptation of the organism to the climate. Change of time, climate, geographical zones – serious stress, especially if it happens quickly – for example, if the flight across half the globe. External conditions have a strong effect on hormones, so you need to prepare for that scenario in advance. Equally you need to assume the parish of bleeding ahead of time, and delay, change the duration or amount of flow.

The Rhythms and habits

Possible cause violations menstrualnogo cycle in girls-a change of pace and lifestyle. Often failures are observed in those who decides to start actively train and head to the gym, the ladies who are changing the place of work, and together with it – schedule of sleep and wakefulness. To trigger the adjustment of the menstrual cycle may intensify intimate life or excluding it from their everyday life. In an advantageous percentage of cases of violation of the short, 1-2 months everything comes back to normal.

Possible cause violations menstrualnogo cycle after 30 (as, indeed, before) – changing not only lifestyles, but also a nutrition program. A surplus of food, a strict diet, unreasonably long intervals between meals, the scarcity of ration – all of this affects the reproductive system. Perhaps not the first to change the diet responds to it. In many ways, the allocation is determined by the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. Irregular cycle is possible if the contents of such cells – less than 20%. If the indicator falls below 15%, cyclic bleeding is completely stopped. But in the case when the norm is exceeded by 15-20%, adipose tissue may cause a change in the opposite direction – menstruation will come more often, last longer. To minimize such risks, you need to eat right, maintain a normal weight, but not get too carried away with weight loss.

Diseases and disorders

The Possible reason of the violationmenstrualnogo cycle after 30 or before this age limit – infection, colds. Often failures are observed on the background of influenza, rubella. They can cause chickenpox, and SARS is simple. Rubella, smallpox provoked such agents, which adjust the formation of the follicle in the ovary tissue and, therefore, there is a risk of long delays discharge. If the woman had a contagious disease, and after recovery latency reaches weeks or longer, the tests confirm the absence of pregnancy, it is necessary to come on reception to the doctor. The doctor will conduct tests and prescribe therapeutic course. Neglect of this condition may cause infertility in the future.

Possible cause violation menstrualnogo cycle: after suffering the corrosive effects of a disturbed hormonal balance. To provoke such failures can and internal factors. Cyclical selection – a delicate process. This phenomenon depends on a large variety of hormonal compounds and leads to a violation of the change in the concentration of at least one of them. If failures are frequent, pregnancy is excluded, the reasons are not obvious, you need to contact the doctor. The doctor will prescribe a course of tests to identify the concentration in the circulatory system of hormones at different stages of the cycle. Point to hormonal causes, as too rich and poor selection, coming earlier and later period. Possible cause-incorrect operation of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland.

causes of violations menstrualnogo cycle after 30

Diseases & treatment

Violation menstrualnogo cycle at age 40, 30 or 20, and at any age can be attributed to drug therapy. Some drugs, common in our time, can provoke the failure of recurrence. As a rule, the indication of such a side effect is in the instructions for use. The problem often accompanies the use of antimicrobial, hormonal medications, and contraceptives, including emergency. To minimize the negative effects for your body in General and reproductive organ in particular, medications should be taken strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

The causes of the violations menstrualnogo cycle (at 35, 25 or 45 – at any age) can be quite unpleasant. We are talking about diseases that affect hormonal balance. Health problems that can lead to failure cycle, huge number, to identify particular can only be a doctor, researching and assigning tests. If there is an assumption that the problem is provoked by the disease should not delay going to the doctor, because several pathologies are extremely dangerous. In some cases, a violation of cyclicity indicates a malignant neoplasm.


Above it was stated that a possible cause of the breach menstrualnogo cycle 40, 30, 20 years any age – pregnancy. But there are other conditions that are closely related and affect the selection, namely the interruption of the carrying a child and birth of the Chad. Soon after natural childbirth, the body restores the reproductive function, but it doesn't happen instantly. The first time after the birth month is missing. This condition is absolutely normal, pathology not. But if even after six months the bleeding has not begun or they are extremely irregular and unpredictable, is to consult with the doctor. May have experienced a failure of a hormonal background. The doctor will choose the optimal programme of assistance to the patient.

Termination of pregnancy – it is much more traumatic for the body the cause of the breach menstrualnogo cycle. After 30 years (although up to that age, too) the female body is extremely difficult to tolerate abortion. It does not matter whether it is spontaneous or initiated by external factors. The situation is in any case dangerous. There is a serious hormonal imbalance, the body is under increased stress. Damage to tissue primarily affect the uterus. There is a risk of complications and negative consequences even impossible to get pregnant again.

Terms and rules

Currently, the entire planet has a unified classification of diseases, pathological States. Special lists of diseases there are in each country, but adopted in our aligned with the international system. Specified in the ICD and a breach menstrualnogo cycle. Since the term describes a wide variety of health problems, the classifier is discussed in detail he introduced the division into subgroups. In particular, code violations pointers N94.4-N94.9.

On average, experts say, at least once in life with problems of circularity faced 9 out of ten women. This happens in different periods, due to various reasons and factors. Sometimes there is no need for concern, but possible severe health problems. As can be seen from the international codes, violations menstrualnogo cycle doctors are divided into groups, depending on the nature of the failures. For example, if the discharge do not exist in principle, for such designed codes N91.0-N91.5.

Indicated in the codes of the ICD violation menstrualnogo cycle N92.0-N92.6 encrypts copious, frequent, irregular. The encoding for a particular case is carried out only after the analysis of the provoked failures. For example, if you are not ableto identify the cause, then the violation menstrualnogo cycle for ICD-10, which consists of abundant discharge, the absence of clear cycles in the map of the patient will be registered as N92.6.

Violation of menstrualnogo cycle causes after 40 years

Hormones and age

It is believed that more frequently encountered causes of impaired menstrualnogo cycle after 50 years. Surprising: it comes to the menopause, and then – menopause. This age is associated with rearrangements, the organs begin to not work as at a younger age. Gradual change is accompanied by a variety of sudden symptoms relating to cyclical selections. But not immune from such instability and young girls.

As doctors say, the absolute norm is the instability cycle, during the year since the first menstrual bleeding. Hormonal balance is usually formed at the age of 14-16 years, although some of menarche comes to the age of twelve. First menstruation indicates the entry into the reproductive period. At this point, there adjustment bodies, which means that the girl is going through a somewhat similar condition, which provokes disturbances menstrualnogo cycle in 45 years and in women at older age, namely, correction of the hormonal balance. Some periods almost from the beginning, arrive on time, consistently, and the allocation of time approximately the same volume and duration, but this is the exception rather than the rule. However, a doctor should be treated, if a young girl menstruation lasting more than 10 days. The second important reason to see a doctor – lack of stability at the beginning of second year of menses.

Age and reproductive function

The causes of the violations menstrualnogo cycle after 40-50 years – changes in the reproductive system. Some start earlier, others come later. It is believed that the average age of women entering menopause – 45-50 years, although some of this begins after thirty. The peculiarity of the cycle – the absence of ovulation, making a woman coming of age is akin to a young girl. Studies show that with the demise of reproductive capacity allocation usually become more abundant than before. Up to half of all women suffer from polimenoree that is the reason for the appeal for help to the doctor. It so happens that the cycle ends in just a few days before the start of a new one.

In this state, not every woman is ready to go to the doctor to establish exactly what, in her case the causes of the violations menstrualnogo cycle after 40. Some are shy, others are convinced that this is an early menopause, a perfectly natural reason for concern. In many cases this is true, but there is a risk of pathologies. Abundant secretions may be due to fibroids, cyst, tumor or growth of the endometrium. To clarify the condition should visit the doctor. The doctor will prescribe the test will give recommendations on how to secure the highest well-being.

Age changes

If the cause of the breach menstrualnogo cycle after the age of 40 – hormonal changes due to the transition to menopause, to support the forces of the body. Largely health in old age depends on the proper maintenance of their forces in this difficult period of adjustment of the organism. It is best explain as a doctor who will first evaluate the specifics of the individual case. The doctor will advise you how to adjust the diet, which mode of yourself to assign how often to play sports to keep in shape and undergo minimal discomfort. As experts say, the diet should include grapefruits, flax seeds. These products supply estrogens of plant origin for preventing of the disease. Will have to track caloric intake.

Often causes violations menstrualnogo cycle after 40 years lead to additional troubles, often – to the weight gain. Women say that starting to eat in a more restrained manner than previously, however, body weight is steadily increasing. This is explained by the peculiarities of the internal systems. Pregnancy, childbirth in the future is not planned, and therefore, nutrients have relatively little. Any surplus from the food, you begin to be delayed. Rapid weight gain creates stress on the musculoskeletal system, causes problems with the metabolism and increasing the pressure. At the age of 40-50 years it is necessary to notice these changes and take measures to prevent deterioration, otherwise in the near future the woman will face many health problems.

Violation of menstrualnogo cycle 40

No place like home?

As doctors have long known that one of the reasons for the violations menstrualnogo cycle of 40 years and older – the approach of menopause, developed a set of measures to prevent negative impact on the female body age-related factors. In our country it has received relatively little attention, but in the developed powers of Europe, in America actively practice prevention programs aimed at the prevention of complications associated withmenopause. Thanks to this centralized approach, all understand the kind of internal rearrangements associated age, what dangers it carries, to prevent deterioration. As a consequence – even in old age, many ladies are active, play sports, love to travel, in a word, anything does not deny.

However, one should not expect that the causes of violations menstrualnogo cycle at age 40, 50 can be offset only by means of state programs. The health of any person in his own hands, and therefore, you should try to keep in shape. It's simple: just need to regularly do exercises, to walk, to eat right. The older the age, the more important it is to monitor their health, condition, diet and lifestyle. Every year we have to have a health check to check quality of blood, functioning of internal organs.


The Treatment of the causes of the violations menstrualnogo cycle is chosen by the doctor based on the results of the analysis. There is no single universal approach to improve health women – too various factors causing failures. However, as a rule, the main focus in the therapeutic course doing hormonal. It so happened that many women fear to take such drugs, so you don't go to the doctor even if understand need treatment. The causes of the violations menstrualnogo cycle needs to be adjusted, so you need to choose the doctor to whom the patient trusted, to gather strength and come to the reception. On the other hand, if the doctor is not sent for analysis, and immediately prescribed hormone medications, do not believe such recommendations.

At the reception the doctor said features of the image, the rhythm of life of the patient, examine her externally, assess hirsutism, that is, the presence of vegetation on the body, its activity and intensity. To examine the reproductive organs prescribe ultrasound for the detection of hormones-a blood test. The results of this survey we can understand what causes the condition and how to neutralize them.

In complex cases the patient is sent for additional research activities. Sometimes resorted to the hysteroscope-the device allows to assess the condition of the uterus from the inside. The doctor can examine the inner surface of the body and to obtain small tissue samples for subsequent laboratory studies. With the hysteroscope can be used to detect pathology of the endometrium, adhesions of the uterine walls, tumors. The operation under local, General anesthesia. Currently this is the most effective replacement of the uterine curettage.

Violation of menstrualnogo cycle in 40 years, and the reasons

Rules and deviations

In healthy women with regular menstruation starts at the age of 13-15 years, sometimes earlier, sometimes – a little later. The cycle duration varies within the boundaries of 21-35 days. The countdown starts from the first day of bleeding, taking into account all the days until the start of the next. Spotting should last 3-7 days, the total volumes released at the same time, in the range 100 ml. In the ideal case, the period of bleeding is not accompanied by pain, discomfort occurs on a regular basis.

If the status of women differs from that described by the standard, there is a reason to come to the doctor for a consultation.

There are the following forms of violations of cyclicity:

  • Amenorrhoea;
  • Hypermenorrhea;
  • Dysmenorrhea;
  • Oligomenorrhea;
  • ICP.

Amenorrhea is diagnosed if there is no selection 6 months or longer period. With abundant secretions talking about menorrhagia. If cyclic allocation are accompanied by nausea, severe pain if a woman vomits, diagnose algomenoree. The condition is so severe that a woman can't lead their way of life. The deviations include discharge, containing blood, between the cyclical bleeding and lack of bleeding after birth or termination of pregnancy in normal terms. If the discharge is, but are less frequent than the established norm, the condition is described as oligomenorrhea. Possible sudden bleeding in menopause when since its inception been a year or more. Finally, PMS – a term used to denote the change in behavioral, mental and emotional status of women a few days before the start of monthly bleeding.

Reasons: lots of different

In some cases, the menstrual cycle is due to a poorly chosen contraceptives. To prevent such consequences, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor.

There is a risk that cyclical failures – a marker of inflammation of the reproductive system. Some things are due to hereditary factors. Possible injury, mechanical damage to the tissues of the reproductive organs. It is observed after surgical intervention or miscarriage.

To Provoke breach of the cyclicality of monthly discharge may neoplasm irregular endocrine system and the violation of the diet. There is a risk that the reason – pathology, covering the female organs. Perhaps a pathological condition leads to incorrect connection of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thus degraded the production of hormonal compounds. Similarly can disrupt synchronous interaction of the pituitary gland and the ovaries.

Sometimesconsequences of violation of cyclicity is quite serious and unpleasant. Against the background of failure is the risk of failure to conceive, to bear, to give birth to a healthy baby. Resulting from large allocations possible anemia, chronic fatigue. The woman feels bad without any obvious reason for it. Hormonal imbalances can cause acne, increased vegetation, and body hair occurs in the male type.

causes of violations menstrualnogo cycle after 40

The pathology of their features

The formation of polyps in the uterine endometrium. Called polyps are benign growths that can cause bleeding between normal cyclical. Tend to be spotting the character. When polyps-menstruation more profuse than normal.p>

To Provoke disruptions of the menstrual cycle can endometriosis. Term refers to the pathological condition of growth of endometrial cells (lining of the uterus). As the tissue becomes larger during menstruation bleeding profusely than normal. Usually, endometriosis is accompanied by strong painful feelings. Possible spread to organs outside of the uterus, as the nearby, and mucous membranes of the respiratory and visual systems.

Violation of menstrualnogo cycle causes treatment

If the reproductive organs localized chronic inflammation, the cyclical nature of menstruation may be disrupted due to the inability of aging cells. Primarily under the influence of pathological processes is the functional layer. As a rule, the inflammatory lesions – not the only cause of the monthly cycle, but also a factor that prevents successful pregnancy.

Another possible cause of breaking the cycle of menstruation – pathology of the liver. If the fabric transformirovalsya in cirrhotic, in the circulatory system increases the concentration of estrogen and then the bleeding become more frequent, become more abundant.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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