Constant heartburn and belching: causes, treatment


2019-08-04 16:00:37




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Many people who suffer diseases of the stomach, point, symptoms such as heartburn and belching. Causes, treatment of the underlying disease are discussed in this article. However, many still doubt whether the interconnected heartburn and belching.

Why there?

Belching is a symptom of the expulsion of gases from the stomach and intestines through the mouth. Heartburn – the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus with the irritation and the appearance of an unpleasant burning sensation behind the breastbone or in the stomach.

In many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can cause heartburn and belching. Causes of them can be associated with food, errors in food or disorders of the stomach, small intestine or gallbladder. Belching and heartburn can't always be diagnosed as separate symptoms. In most cases, the complex they accompany various diseases of the stomach.heartburn and belching causes treatment

Belching after eating - air swallowing is the

This symptom may be independent or forced. The air usually enters the esophagus and cause belching. It usually isn't uncomfortable and doesn't lead to bloating.

Causes of swallowing air:

  • Quick meal or drink;
  • Mouth breathing;
  • Stuffy nose;
  • Hyperventilation, associated with anxiety;
  • Regular chewing gum;
  • Poorly fitted dentures.

Carbonated drinks, like soda and beer, can cause accumulation of gas in the stomach and esophagus. Certain antacids cause the formation of carbon dioxide as a by-product of neutralization of gastric acid and cause a condition which is accompanied by heartburn and belching. Causes, treatment of these symptoms depend on which products have been accepted by the patient. Change diet normalizes the function of gastrointestinal tract.

Hernia hiatal

Hernia hiatal is a protrusion of the stomach into the thoracic cavity due to weakening or rupture of the diaphragm. The protrusion and compression of the stomach causes a number of gastrointestinal symptoms.

The Exact causes of hernia hiatal is unknown, but a number of precipitating factors:

  • Obesity;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Smoking;
  • Exercise with weights;
  • Chronic respiratory disorder that manifested persistent cough;
  • The surgical procedure affecting the diaphragm;
  • Congenital deformities or defects.

Hernia hiatal could not manifest itself. Acute symptoms include pain in the epigastrium or behind the breastbone, discomfort after eating, sensation of after eating small meals, dyspepsia, sour taste in mouth, constant heartburn and belching. Causes and treatment well studied, so different methods of therapy.constant heartburn and belching causes and treatment


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When the hernia hiatal palpation is determined by some soreness in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen in the region of the stomach and diaphragm.


As a rule, just fluoroscopy to identify the hernia. In order to highlight and define semi-transparent to rays bodies use internally radiologically active substances such as barium.

Diet and remedies

So, consider the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn and regurgitation, causes. And methods of treatment, and his methods include designating products that do not irritate. Carbonated beverages, acidic and spicy foods, coffee and strong tea can aggravate a painful condition.

It is Recommended to stop taking foods that can aggravate symptoms such as heartburn and belching. Methods of treatment in advanced cases consist of surgical intervention.

H. pylori infection

What else can be caused by constant heartburn and belching? The causes (and treatment) is well-studied in Helicobacter pylori. This infection affects the stomach, causing increased formation of gastric acid and ulceration of the stomach wall. It causes the patient symptoms such as heartburn and belching. Causes, treatment of H. pylori infection depend on the degree of prevalence of this bacterium that metabolizes ammonia and excretes carbon dioxide. In chronic infections the great bacterial contamination of H. pylori can contribute to the formation of significant quantities of carbon dioxide in the stomach. Infection often vyzyvaet the appearance of peptic ulcers.heartburn and belching treatments

Diagnosis and treatment

Biopsy of the gastric mucosa is one of the most effective methods for the detection of H. pylori infection, which should be conducted in a clinic or hospital.

Diet and protection from H. pylori infection include many drugs. Many studies have shown that garlic is quite effective in the treatment of H. pylori infection, if ispolzowat it in combination with "Omeprazole".

Antibiotic Therapy

It is Advisable to treat the infection with antibiotics in conjunction with proton pump inhibitors, such as "Omeprazole". Proton pump inhibitors help in the treatment of acting and soothing the gastric mucosa, while the antibiotics kill the bacteria and prevent further growth of the microorganism population. This leads to the elimination of suchinitial, like heartburn and burping, causes. And consequences if timely treatment is not manifest in the form of gastric ulcer.

Treatment usually leads to complete recovery, but the inhibitor of the proton pump should be used for a long time. The chances of recurrence of infection is high, so treatment should be under constant control.

The Use of antibiotics can exacerbate inflammation of the stomach lining, and may require repeated courses. Prolonged use of antibiotics can also affect the activity of the intestine, and the probiotics are necessary for comprehensive treatment.


Gastroparesis is a paralysis of the abdominal muscles, which prevents or delays the promotion of gastric contents into the small intestine. A causal factor can affect the innervation of the muscles of the stomach.heartburn and belching causes and cures

Causes of gastroparesis:

  • Diabetes (type I or II);
  • Anorexia nervosa;
  • Nerve damage or muscle from surgery or other injuries;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Scleroderma;
  • Condition after a viral infection.

The Symptoms of gastroparesis:

  • Feeling of fullness quickly or after small meals;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Unintentional weight loss;
  • Heartburn and belching.

The Causes and methods of treatment for gastroparesis will help to determine the correct diagnosis. Endoscopic method – the most available and harmless. It allows you to determine the presence of benign tumors and cancerous tumors.


Recommended for liquid and semi-liquid foods. Large quantities of fat in the diet are not shown, because they require significant increase in intestinal motility and the generation of the increased amount of enzymes the liver and the pancreas. Alcohol is not recommended for gastroparesis, as it can slow the emptying of the stomach.

Treatment of paresis of the stomach

The Treatment of gastroparesis is complex and combines diet, drug therapy and surgical technique.

Heartburn and belching: ways on how to treat depends on the cause that caused the symptoms.

  • Intolerance to certain foods may arise from digestive system disorders or malabsorption in the intestine.
  • Lactose Intolerance occurs because of a lack of digestive enzyme lactase.
  • Hereditary fructose intolerance is similar to lactose intolerance in that there is a hereditary lack of enzymes.
  • Malabsorption of fructose and sorbitol may cause reduced absorption of these carbohydrates in the intestines, allowing intestinal bacteria to consume it. Consumption of lactose, fructose and sorbitol intestinal bacteria leads to flatulence.

Symptoms of food intolerance, and malabsorption are nausea, bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea, heartburn and belching. Causes, treatment depends on the intolerance of some of the enzyme is available. For example, the lack of fructose may cause more serious symptoms if it is not adhered to the diet. Excessive consumption of fructose and/or sorbitol may result in vomiting, jaundice, fatigue, enlarged liver and seizures.heartburn and belching causes and cures

Treatment of food intolerance

Diet when it is important. People with lactose intolerance, the intake of dairy products should be discontinued. Fructose intolerance will also require changes in diet.

Bacterial growth in the small intestine

At this illness increases the number of pathogens in the small intestine, which leads to the accumulation of gas in the intestine, respectively, belching, bloating, diarrhea or even heartburn. There is a nutrient deficiency.


  • Diabetes (type I or II);
  • Anorexia nervosa;
  • Nerve damage or muscle from surgery or other injuries;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Scleroderma;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Diverticula.

For diagnosis take a sample of fluid from the small intestine, which will reveal the degree of contamination by bacteria.

The Treatment. Antibiotics are usually effective in treating this disease. Various supplements can be prescribed to remedy shortcomings in the food.

A dyskinesia of a biliary tract

Bile necessary for fat digestion in the flow of food into the intestine. Biliary reflux is the backward flow of bile from the small intestine into the stomach and esophagus.

Causes of stagnation of bile:

  • Gallstones;
  • Cholecystitis (inflammation of gall bladder);
  • Cholecystectomy;
  • Gallbladder cancer;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Other liver disease;

Causes of bile reflux gastritis:

  • Dysfunction of the pylorus - the valve that separates the small intestine from the stomach;
  • Peptic ulcers;
  • Cholecystectomy.

The Symptoms of diseases of the biliary tract: pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting bile, bloating, weight loss, anorexia, heartburn and belching.

Causes, treatment during pregnancy

The article can symptoms often occur in healthy pregnant women. They are caused by mechanical compression of the growing uterus and the constant irritation of the gastric mucosa toxicity. Treatment involves eating small portions and using drugs "Rennie","Gastal", "Maalox". Without treatment after delivery heartburn and belching are themselves.

Upset stomach

Manifests unpleasant feeling of fullness, pain or burning in the upper abdomen. Symptoms are temporary and are not chronic. This:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Indigestion;
  • Belching;
  • Nausea;
  • Taste;
  • Discomfort in the stomach;
  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Reduced or loss of appetite.heartburn and belching ways how to treat

Indigestion has many causes, including medical conditions, medications, violation of diet and lifestyle.

Tests for the diagnosis of the stomach include blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy, CT scan and MRI of abdomen, stool and gastric juice. Only then can you determine which and symptom of "heartburn after eating" causes. And treatment of folk remedies also give good effect.

Treatment of folk remedies

The Beginning of treatment in case of stomach disorders are:

  • Changing lifestyles, eating on the clock in small portions;
  • Slow chewing of the food;
  • The rejection of alcoholic drinks, tobacco and coffee;
  • Exclusion from the diet of junk food;
  • Adherence.

Drugs for the treatment of indigestion include antacids and acid blockers. Treatment of indigestion is focused on addressing the root causes. Forecast for indigestion, as a rule, good, if it is caused by lifestyle factors. Prospects of indigestion caused by a disease or condition vary depending on the resolution of this condition.

What diseases or conditions can cause stomach upset?

The Illness or conditions which can cause indigestion include:

  • Ulcers (stomach or duodenal ulcer);
  • GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease);
  • Esophagitis;
  • Hernia esophageal Department of the diaphragm;
  • Gallstones;
  • Last trimester of pregnancy;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Gastritis
  • Food poisoning;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Gastroparesis;
  • Intolerance to the enzymes.
  • Heart disease: angina, infarction;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Depression;
  • Gastric cancer.

What medicines cause heartburn or belching

  • Aspirin and many other painkillers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • "Prednisolone", "Methylprednisolone", "Medrol";
  • Estrogen and birth control pills;
  • Antibiotics such as "Erythromycin" and "Tetracycline"
  • Medicines to treat thyroid;
  • Medicines that reduce blood pressure;
  • Statins;
  • Some painkillers.

All of these drugs can improper use cause the symptoms of dysfunction of the stomach and intestines as heartburn and regurgitation (causes).

Treatment of folk remedies

Some of the recommendations will help to get rid of heartburn and burping.

1.Aim for a healthy weight.

While heartburn can happen to anyone, GERD is most common in adults who are overweight or obese. In these cases increases the pressure on the stomach. As a result, you are at increased risk of regurgitation of gastric juice into the esophagus.

2.Know which foods should not be consumed.

No matter how much you weigh, there are some foods that can increase the risk of unpleasant symptoms. Try not to use:

  • Tomato sauce and other products based on tomatoes;
  • Fatty foods (e.g., fast food);
  • Fried;
  • Citrus Soci;
  • Soda;
  • Coffein;
  • Shokolad;
  • Chesnok;
  • Luk;
  • Matu;
  • Alcohol.

Limiting, or even avoiding them, you can improve your condition. You can keep a food diary to identify problem foods.

3.Eat a little, but for a long time.

With careful chewing of food creates less pressure on the stomach, which may prevent the backflow of stomach acid. With this you can reduce heartburn by eating less in General.

It is also Important to avoid sleep after meals. It can also cause heartburn and belching. It is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating. If it is inevitable that after you go to bed, try to raise your head higher to avoid nighttime heartburn.

4.Eat foods that help.

First, it is recommended that food with low fat and high protein content.Reducing dietary fat may further reduce your symptoms, while getting enough protein and fiber will give the desired volume and prevents overeating.

After each meal, you can chew gum without mint - this will increase the amount of saliva in the mouth and prevent the reflux of acid from the esophagus.

5.Quit Smoking.heartburn and belching causes treatment folk remedies

Non-smokers, the function of the lower esophageal sphincter, which is responsible for preventing the reflux of gastric acids, is in great shape and functions normally.

Passive Smoking can also cause problems if you are struggling with symptoms of heartburn and burping.

6. Drink herbal infusions.

The Following herbs are used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

  • Daisy;
  • Licorice;
  • Marshmallows;
  • Slippery elm.

Apply the tincture, and tea form.

7.Avoid closeclothes.

Wearing clothing too tight tight stomach may increase heartburn. This is particularly important in the case of a rigid straps.

8. Try relaxation techniques.

For the treatment and relaxation well suited to yoga. Her exercises will normalize the body and soul. Even if you are a yogi, you can try quiet meditation and deep breathing for several minutes several times a day to lower your stress levels.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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