The liver flush the "Allohol" (14 days) regimen, reviews


2019-10-09 20:20:37




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The Liver is a critical organ in the body which performs many vital functions. And any changes in the body affect human health and can cause serious diseases which are associated not only with a gland.

Often people do not think about the health of your liver until serious problems begin in the body. Many changes are irreversible, terrible, and even fatal, so it is important to take care of this body. Besides, the cause of many diseases is hepatic failure, which leads to General intoxication of the organism.

Those who care about your health, you've probably heard or read about such program as brushing your liver a "Allohol". 14 days, according to those who tried this method is sufficient for the complete purification of the body and improve health. Whether this is so, what are the contraindications for use, whether it is safe and whether it is necessary to clean the liver will look at the order.

liver cleanse with bought 14 days

About liver function

Our body gets a variety of substances, and not all of them are useful. Even when eating food rich in vitamins along with it can get into the stomach and toxins, bacteria and many other harmful and hazardous compounds. And you should not assume that by eating “perfect" food, you will protect yourself from harmful substances: toxins can enter the blood and from the air, and even through the skin.

One of the main "fighters" with the negative effect of harmful substances on the body is the liver. This gland is cleansed of blood that is necessary for life.

In Addition to detoxification, the liver produces hormones, antibodies, distributes nutrients in the body involved in the digestive process. This on has lots of different functions, without which we would not have survived. That's why liver health is very important, and the diseases associated with it must be carefully cured.


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Why a liver cleanse?

As our “natural filter” is constantly working for the good of the body, it cannot be overloaded. Synthesis and purification occurs in the liver constantly, and burdening her with extra work, we are risking their health.

When a person overloads the liver, it is primarily the problem starts with the stomach and intestines. Well, when we start a “fault” in these parts of the body, and other organs begin to suffer from a surplus of harmful substances.

This is Especially true after the winter - when there is no possibility to eat fresh vegetables, people eat a lot of meat, fatty and fried foods. Besides, during the holidays heavy Christmas menu is supplemented by a variety of alcoholic beverages, substances which poison the body. The liver simply cannot cope with the task, which starts to accumulate toxic substances, and various toxins.

Allochol contraindications

Also problems with the prostate begin after ingestion of potent medicinal substances. To create a medicine that would act only on one body and not hurt others, it is impossible, therefore, almost all “serious” drugs badly affect the performance of the natural filter.

Even those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your diet, not protected from the decline in the health of the liver. Often body years absorb harmful substances, which do not appear until the end, but nobody is engaged in cleaning because of ignorance.

The consequences of stagnation in the liver?

  • Fats getting hard to digest, since iron may not produce enough bile.
  • Due to the increased consumption of important nutrients and reduced immunity.
  • Poisons and toxins begin to accumulate in all organs.

Symptoms of a "clogged" the liver

Not always a bad liver hurts because it has no nerve endings. But in any case, problems with this body affects the others, and are often the cause of many diseases.

In the stagnation in the gland a person has these symptoms:

  • Fatigue, sleep disturbances, fatigue.
  • Digestive Problems.
  • Change in weight.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Skin Problems.
  • Hair Loss.
  • Hearing, sight, smell.
  • Dark urine.
  • Overall deterioration of health.

These symptoms are characteristic for many diseases that is why many people do not associate changes in health problems in the liver.

Pills allohol

How to do a liver cleanse?

There are many recipes and diagrams of cleansing the liver. But, alas, not all of them is safe for health, and many are able to lead to complications.

Before any procedures necessary to consult with your doctor. Almost all methods of cleansing the liver designed to increase the amount of bile in the body, and in some cases it can be deadly. In addition, there is a big chance that you have individual intolerance to any substance or preparation used for cleaning the liver.

Before you start any cleaning, you need to go to a plant-based diet, do not eat a heavy meal and alcohol. To cleanse the liver, to clean the bowel and because the desired effect otherwise it will not. Follow a diet is necessary for 1-3 weeks before cleaning.

The day before you decideto begin cleaning, it is better to exclude from a diet of solid food and drink juices.

Contraindications for the liver flush

  • Kidney Stones or gall bladder.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Viral colds.
  • Worsening of chronic diseases.

Also, all the recipes for liver cleansing at home there are contraindications, which should be read before beginning procedures. But even if the instruction is not, it is better to consult a doctor to learn about the peculiarities of use of the funds.

Allochol instruction manual, price

Drug "Allohol"

Many home people's ways of cleansing the liver the main idea of the procedure and increases the production of bile, which, in turn, must “pull” for a toxic substance. At the same time improves the metabolism, which positively affects the functioning of the liver. However, in fact heavy metals and residues of toxins, therefore not withdraw.

Many recipes have "Allohol". For the liver this drug is really useful, contributes to many improvements in the body. But, on the other hand, the use of this drug the desired effect will not give, and possibly worsen the condition.

Also, many who "cleaned" this drug, have an allergic reaction, causing the cleaning program had to be interrupted. Therefore, before using consult your doctor and read the composition.

"Allohol": instructions for use, price, active ingredients

The Drug performs 2 functions: a choleretic and reflex. Once in the body, the tool enhances the production of bile in the body. She, once in the intestine, causes cramps, improving digestion. Since the product is dry garlic in the intestines to stop the processes of fermentation, at the expense of what is lost, and the problem of flatulence.

Active substance pills "Allohol" dry bile, garlic and nettle and activated carbon. Price for 50 tablets - from 65 rubles.

Allohol for the liver


No matter in what order you use the "Allohol" contraindications should be studied carefully in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

  • Allergy to the drug components.
  • Acute hepatitis.
  • Jaundice.
  • Peptic Ulcer.
  • Acute degeneration of the liver.
  • A spasm of the sphincter.
  • Kidney Stones or gall bladder.

The liver flush the "Allohol" 14 days

Give one of the most popular recipes for cleansing both the liver and the body as a whole - a recipe that is 2 weeks of admission. According to many, this program is the most effective, but there are those who did not like the liver flush the "Allohol". Reviews are varied.

Any special preparations method does not require. All you need to take "Allohol" according to the scheme:

  1. On the first day and 1 tablet 3 times a day, and every day (up to 7) you need to increase the dose by 1 pill. That is, a week after the start of the course to take 7-th and 8-th day for 7 pills 3 times a day.
  2. Starting with the 9th day of dose decrease: on the 10th day one should be 5 tablets 3 times a day, on the 14th of 1 tablet 3 times a day.

This “lethal" dose dramatically increases the production of bile, resulting in better gut function and gastrointestinal tract in General. In the description of the methodology is not spelled out anything about the diet and there are no specific instructions on how to eat before, during and after the program.

How Effective is cleaning?

Many methods it is alarming because of high dosage: 7 and on day 8 it turns out that you need to drink 21 tablet daily. This is really a big dose, and these days even fans of this method say that there are unpleasant symptoms: diarrhea, stomach pain, cramps. And for some reason, many patients take these symptoms as a sign of cleansing the liver, although in reality it is not. When severe pain recommend taking painkillers, but in fact it is necessary to stop reception of "Allohol". This should also be done when the temperature of the body, blood, secretions and other serious symptoms.

In addition, in this method, it is necessary to take "Allohol" before meals, and the instructions indicated the opposite. The fact that the increase in the production of bile increases the acidity of the stomach. But if at this moment it is not food, that gastric juices can start to eat away at the fabric.

Digestion is improved, start frequent urge to the toilet, which many believe begins the liver the "Allohol". The reviews of those who have tried this method are positive, but many argue that the 7-8 day starts really bad diarrhea. Alas, the use of the drug even in such doses, promotes cleansing the liver from toxins and poisons.

In some cases, the use of the drug has a negative impact. "Allohol" contraindications to the use of which is not too extensive, but serious, due to the choleretic effects may rapidly bring the stones from the body, and if they are large, it may clog the duct. Many mark the beginning of allergic reactions to the drug.

Method two

There is another method, which more likely will help to get rid of liver problems. It requires more procedures, but creates the desired effect in only 3 days.

  1. The day before the cleaning to drink a laxative to make a cleansing enema.
  2. Daily cleaning, 3 hours to drink 3 glasses of Applejuice.
  3. 8 Hours in the evening to drink 3 tablets of "Allochol" and drink a small amount of liquid.
  4. 9 PM to take 50 ml olive oil 30 ml lemon juice.
  5. After you go to the right side, and in the region of the liver put a warm heating pad.
  6. 2 hours water bottle to clean up and go to bed.

Early in the morning you will do a great cleansing enema all day to eat only fresh vegetables without anything. Then gradually return to a normal diet.

Allochol before meals

This method is more effective than the liver flush the "Allohol" 14 days, but the contraindications are the same. Moreover, after this technique, you must adhere to a healthy way of life, or the use of procedures will not.

Take alcohol while using the drug is not recommended because of possible side effects such as diarrhea and pain. Also during pregnancy before you start taking it is important to consult with your doctor.

The Drug is also used for weight loss, or rather, normalize digestion. To do this within one month it is necessary to take 1 tablet "Allochol" 3-4 times a day after meals. To continue taking the drug without a break is impossible - after the course, you must give your body a rest for 4-8 weeks.


As with any other medication, "Allohol" has its indications. Overall, in the absence of contraindications and subject to the recommendations on the use of the drug will not bring harm.

Liver cleanse a Allohol (14 days) - the program is unsafe, moreover is not very efficient. Of course, the body will cleanse itself of the stagnation in the intestine, but to cleanse the liver will not work as heavy metals and toxins will remain in it. Besides, during the application you will be accompanied by diarrhea and pain, but if you take the drug on an empty stomach, then maybe the appearance of stomach ulcers.

The Drug is "Allohol" instructions for use, price, and other information which is considered in this article are fairly well-known. But somehow those who tried the cleansing program, often do not even bother to read the instructions. But, fortunately, information in the ear read those who wanted to try to clean the body thus, why many have abandoned this idea.

reception allochol

Today, there are other, more gentle and proven methods, what is the liver flush the "Allohol" at home. In order to know what suits you, you need to contact the doctor he will examine you and will create an individual program. Also in many private hospitals there are a number of procedures aimed at cleansing the liver of patients from toxins and harmful substances. There, under the supervision of doctors, you will really help and will do everything to your natural filter worked wonderfully and never failed even after the holidays.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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