Children's neurological center in Moscow (reviews)


2018-03-21 02:30:16




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Science neuroscience is a field of medicine designed to explore and to cure diseases related to a disorder of the nervous system. This definition is very generic and may not describe the whole range of problems which involved neurologists.

Neuroscience. What is it?

neurological center

Place the diagnosis and appointment of adequate treatment of diseases associated with disorders of the neurons can be just a specialized neurological center. In Moscow, they created several. Modern medicine in recent decades has made enormous discoveries, have new opportunities in solving various problems. Especially highlighted the possibility of premature children. Previously, babies born before a seven-month period, were doomed to destruction. Now these children are nursed, and quite successfully.

But what initially went wrong, as have, unfortunately, affects the future health of the child. Most often it is a different neurological problem. Statistics show that the number of kids with these disorders is not decreasing. The cause can be different factors – and developmental pathology due to genetic disorders, and unhealthy lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy, infectious diseases, birth injuries, and inadequate assistance to the newborn after a difficult birth.

In any case, treatment in a neurological centre (in Moscow or any other place) do not delay, because such problems do not go unnoticed and by themselves.

Neurological centers in Moscow

To minimize complications in the future, the child needs full treatment directed on stimulation of work of nerve endings, physiological rehabilitation, comprehensive help psychologists, neurosurgeons. Getting the help you can provide children's neurological center. In Moscow they there are several. It is a center for the medical care of children with defects of craniofacial area and congenital diseases of the nervous system, Children's psychoneurological hospital No. 18, city Children's Advisory neurologic policlinic, Children's clinic on the Meadow, and many others. In addition, there are many private clinics, specialists are always happy to help in the most difficult situations young patients and their parents. Among them neurological centers “Outlook” and “Nevromed”.


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Your child has a good “Outlook”!

children's neurological center

The Institution, which enjoys a positive reputation among parents, – it's neurological centre “Outlook” in Moscow. Here to help, if children have developmental delays, speech, teach parents to understand the kid is autistic, treatments can be physical rehabilitation. In Moscow is one of the branches, also this clinic is in St.-Petersburg. That is typical for these centers – this is the maximum focus on each child individually. One lesson lasts for two to three hours, the group cannot be more than five children. This allows the most effectively direct the efforts of the expert on the solution to every problem, who turned to children's neurological center. In Moscow, there are companies not so equipped, but the material-technical base does not always play a key role.

The Direction of the neurological center «Nevromed”

The Nature of neurological problems may be different. Depending on the complexity of the case, the real symptoms and consequences of the disease, doctors take measures and treatment methods. Experienced doctors in this clinic to identify the cause and successfully fighting the consequences of the disease, even in the most difficult kids. A full range of effects on the nervous system also includes physiotherapy, massage, psychologists and speech pathologists. This neurological rehabilitation center in Moscow with modern equipment, has the experienced staff, which includes theorists, comprehensively studying neurological disease, and practice, whose experience is based on thousands of real cases. The number of children which they raised on legs over the years, is two thousand. However, the literacy team will have to pay a lot of money. As evidenced by feedback from parents, the price of the services of the center are much too high, and few people can afford to pay for them. Many have noted the excellent results of the work of a team of rehabilitation specialists, even in cases where other experts have already given up.

neurological center forecast in Moscow

Patient Testimonials about various institutions

To give preference to a particular medical institution, guided by only the opinion of the patients is not very reasonable. How many people, so many opinions, often against the person – this is a purely personal point of view, energized by personal drama. But still a grain of truth can be found in the discussions of ordinary people who, for one reason or another faced with the need to visit a neurological center in Moscow. Patient testimonials as one is urged to make up their minds about the hospital based on a careful study of the qualifications of the doctor. Necessary in personal communication with him, his patients learn the methodology and principles of work.Also, many suggest with caution to treat centers that blindly prescribe all possible treatments. The complexity of the action is good, if there are no contraindications. And in the pursuit of additional private hospitals are very often guilty of unnecessary regulations.

neurological center reviews

State neurological clinic

One of the world's oldest domestic neurology is a Public neurological center in Moscow - NTSN. Until 2014 he was known as the Scientific center of neurology, Russian Academy of Sciences, better known as the RAMS. This institution refers to institutions that are involved not only treating patients, but a comprehensive study of the problems. Powerful technical facilities, intellectual potential of the Institute, which is a forerunner not only in Russia but also in Europe, allow us to solve the most complex tasks. Medical advances in recent years, thanks to which diagnosis of the vascular system became more available, coupled with vast experience has greatly expanded the possibilities of modern neurologists.

This is a neurological center in Moscow has the status of Federal budgetary institutions, therefore, the right to treatment of every citizen of the country, however, long queues are forced to resort to paid services. In NTSN possible, and practiced the whole set of procedures aimed at resolving specific health problems, using the latest developments.

Is a neurological center in Moscow on the Volokolamsk highway, 80. For the convenience of the patients the application for admission can be done by phone or through the form on the official web-site.

The Slightest doubt about the health of the child - a reason to go to the doctor

state neurological center

We should Separately highlight the work of Children's psycho-neurological center (formerly polyclinic №18). Among the public institutions of this profile is intermediate. Extensive logistical base and the country's only Department of neurosurgery for children make this place unique. Of course, there is a disadvantage – a huge queue for a free reception to an experienced neurologist. Often have to wait several months. As always, the question is decided by money, but rather, a consultation fee, even a few days of delay are significant in the child's development.

neurological rehabilitation center

When kids get sick, it is doubly scary. Especially if it's just a baby. It happens that parents are very late with applying for medical assistance. In any case it is impossible to ignore the preventive checkups at pediatrician and specialists. Indeed, in the case of the slightest suspicion they will not only help to detect the disease, but will also give a direction on further examination, if the diagnosis needs to be clarified.

Dnts on Pozharski

The Morozov children's city clinical hospital has everything you need and, more importantly, modern equipment for work with patients. Moms on the forums are highly appreciated as a specialist of high level Vishnyakov Y. Y. this neurologist helps to select appropriate treatment and uses medicines in extreme cases. The fly in the ointment do not succeed, often in a team of professionals are not very friendly colleagues. According to parents, the younger the staff, no doubt, accustomed to human sorrow, not included in the provision of both child and parents. Public clinics still has much to learn from companies that operate their own money and earn their reputation and customer base not only professionalism but also high level of attention to each patient.

neurological center in Moscow for children

When do I need to go to the doctor?

Mother is that person who spends with her child most of the time. And that she should always be alert, watch out for changes in behaviour, health status, psychological well-being of his child. Of course, cases of sadness, melancholy and just the reluctance to communicate there with everyone and children are no exception. But we should not dismiss the child in such cases:

  • If he has frequent headaches, back pain;
  • If he gets tired, sleepy, suffers from vertigo, nausea;
  • Can not concentrate quickly forget what is learned;
  • If there are problems with coordination of movements, twitching of arms, legs, chin quiver;
  • There are speech defects or backwardness in development.

Symptoms of neurological disorders in infants

Diagnosis of pathologies in very young children is a very complex process. The individual characteristics of each baby, the impossibility of obtaining reliable data often cause conflicts and misunderstandings between parents and doctors. The reluctance to heed the opinion of a specialist can understand-no one wants to believe that the beloved child that something is wrong. But what symptoms do require at least consultation with a neurologist?

First of all, it is a restless sleep, uncontrolled crying, when the baby is fed, dry and no real reason for tears. Externally, problems with the Central nervous system may manifest hypertonicity, asymmetry of the face, a bad reaction of the eyeballs into the light, theirthe improper location. All these symptoms indicate that the development fails, but with the right approach treatment has a very favorable outcome. The main thing - time to visit the neurological center. In Moscow, the more there is no reason to panic, because the level of care at a very high level, and the lack of specialists is felt.

What are the doctors to help the baby?

First of all, treatment is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the child. Diagnosis includes visual inspection of the child, identifying his reflexes, the level of statokinetic development relative to his age group. Additional methods can include neurosonography (if the fontanel is not closed), or MRI. Depending on the complexity of the case can be used and medicines, and other ways of influence, which include various ways of physical therapy. Good neurological centre in Moscow for the whole child helps the child to recover, connect to the work of massage therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and psychologists.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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