Medication for stroke, which does not give side effects! Reality or fiction?


2018-03-21 03:42:08




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 ‘Stroke – the plague of the XXI century!” Such headlines are full of Newspapers and magazines, as well as page websites. Yes, this disease does not spare anybody: neither scientists, artists, athletes, doctors and just ordinary people. Previously it was believed that a stroke – it is usually a disease of elderly people. But now increasingly suffer from it forty-fifty years, in the Prime of life. Even there are cases of stroke in children and adolescents! Each year stroke affects more than 6 million people die and approximately 5 million. Many who managed to survive become invalids. How do you escape from this “sickness”? What drugs taken when the first signs? Now try to understand, because forewarned is forearmed.

Stroke, how to write medical books and journals, is a disease which is associated with damage to the vessel of the brain and lack of blood flow in the area of circulation, then there is a sharp infringement of blood circulation in the brain. It's no wonder the translation of the word ‘stroke" in Latin means “blow”, “RAID”.

Poor circulation in the brain may be different, so the disease is divided into ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic. In the first case, the clot is sealed in the lumen of one of the cerebral arteries and gradually stop the flow of blood through it the brain cells. In hemorrhagic stroke occurs rupture of cerebral vessel walls. A stroke occurs abruptly, suddenly.

The Main factor provoking the development of stroke, according to doctors, is high blood pressure . That's why, first and foremost, you need to avoid causes that increase our blood pressure: stress, Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, excessive salt intake and many more. Well, of course, take drugs, contributing to its decline.


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The safest and Most effective drugs for the treatment of stroke - glycine and Cerebrolysin. In ischemic stroke, they help the patient to recover quickly and to recover after the most severe attack. They can be purchased in any pharmacy and it is desirable to keep in the home medicine Cabinet. It is believed that the drug "Cerebrolysin" as equally "Glycine", – this medication for stroke, which does not allow side effects.

Full recovery after ischemic stroke is almost impossible. Treatment in stroke are mainly aimed at treatment of complications of the disease and restoring the basic functions of the brain. And the earlier they are started, the greater success awaits us. After the stroke is formed the affected area, the center of which nerve cells die immediately. But at the edges of this zone cells simply “stunned”. They some time remain viable and at the started before the treatment can be restored.

Therefore, the primary task of doctors-to quickly restore the operation of these “stunned” cells, using the medicine in stroke, which does not allow side effects. Such drugs include the means of "Piracetam" which can be given to make the patient pochuvstvuem bad, without waiting for the arrival of the doctors because it is completely safe.

It is Strictly prohibited during the stroke to self-medicate, because your wrong actions can only harm the patient and thus aggravate the situation. And since the mortality in this disease and so is quite high, it is better not to risk and to obey all the doctor.

The Treatment of stroke includes the use of medications, and a meaningful course of vascular therapy, oxygen therapy, rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation – this is the most effective medicine for stroke, which does not allow side effects. Rehabilitation measures include control of blood pressure of the patient, temperature, nutrition, physiological functions, but primarily relate to breathing exercises, prevention of bedsores, massage. Such patients may vary in nature, suffer from memory loss, impaired speech and motor functions. And only good, healthy psychological atmosphere in the family is key to the successful recovery of the lost functions of the body. And this restoration can occur only in the learning process.

The Desire of the patient to be cured, a concerted action of the medical staff, friendly help loved ones – here is a cure for stroke, which does not allow side effects. And people will be able to live a long and full life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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