The drug is "almost four years": manual counterparts, and reviews


2018-03-21 05:40:12




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Allergic reactions to bother many people. To get rid of these symptoms, doctors recommend the use of special anti-allergic drugs, which noticeably improve the condition of the patient and eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms.almost four years instruction

In this article we will tell you about how valid this medicine as ‘almost four years». Instructions for use of the local funds will also be presented below.

Form of production, composition, packaging

The Drug “almost four years», the statement of which is enclosed in a cardboard box, made in the form of an aqueous spray for nasal application. The active component of this tool is the beclomethasone dipropionate.

The medication comes in vials with a special dispenser.

Pharmacology of local facilities

What is the spray "almost four years”, the analogues of which are listed below? This drug is an intranasal form by topical glucocorticoid, which has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

Details about the properties of medicine

Consider the anti-Allergic effect of the drug due to its ability to suppress the susceptibility of the receptors to the active biological substances (histamines, prostaglandins) and mechanical stimuli. In other words, this tool has a direct impact on their nonspecific Hyper-reactivity.almost four years analogues

The Drug contributes to the inhibition of degranulation of mast cells, and also removes all active manifestations of inflammatory processes of allergic nature. It also restores the sense of smell. It is this characteristic that distinguishes a medicine “almost four years" (spray) from other funds against allergies.


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The tool improves mucociliary transport and has no effect on neutrophils. In this regard, the drug does not alter the immune response to bacterial infection.

Anti-Inflammatory properties "almost four years” explains its effects on cells through the excitation of receptors that are responsible for DNA transcription of target genes governing the synthesis of protein molecules involved in inflammation.

According to experts, this drug is able to inhibit the induction of nitric oxide synthesis, activation of which has a pronounced Pro-inflammatory effect. Also it inhibits the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines, which provoke the inflammatory process.

Not to mention that after applying the spray blocks the production of IgE and leukotriene formation in the mucous membranes. The drug depressing effect on the activity of genes regulating the synthesis of enzymes and other protein molecules involved in the allergic process. As a result of this effect decreases tissue edema and a decrease in the secretion of glands in the mucosa.almost four years price

The Pharmacokinetics of medicinal products

Absorbed if the drug is "almost four years”? The manual reports that the medication is quickly absorbed into the nasal mucosa. About 5% of the dose enters the blood. The drug is completely biotransformiroetsa at the first passage through the liver.

Very low bioavailability of this medication reduces the probability of adverse effects to a minimum even after prolonged use.

The Drug comes into contact with the albumin by 80-90%. Its half-life is 16 hours. The drug is eliminated through the kidneys along with the feces.


What purpose prescribed eye drops “almost four years”? According to experts, this medicine used in inflammatory processes of infectious origin that occur in the nasal cavity. Also it is used in the recurrence of nasal polyposis and allergic rhinitis (seasonal or year-round).almost four years spray


When not to use spray “almost four years”? The doctors report that the tool has quite a large number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use in case of intolerance to beclomethasone, as well as in such conditions as:

  • Glaucoma, myocardial infarction in anamnesis, pathology of the renal system;
  • Amoebiasis, herpes mucous membranes of the eye;
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs, recently transferred injury and surgery on the nose;
  • Systemic infection fungal or bacterial origin, hypothyroidism, ulceration of the nasal septum;
  • Breast-feeding, pregnancy.

The Drug “almost four years”:

Consider the drug is prescribed only for intranasal use. In the pediatric age group from 6 years and adults the drug is recommended to use in the amount of one dose in each half of the nasal cavity. To implement the instillation should be three or four times a day. If you use a double dose of the medication, it is injected twice a day.

As practice shows, the therapeutic effect after application of the spray observed after 5-7 days.

Side effects

The Drug “almost four years”, the price of which follows, is absolutely safe for adults, children, even whenlong-term usage. Its systemic side effects are negligible.almost four years reviews

In rare cases the medication may cause local adverse reactions in the form of sneezing, stinging and dryness of the nasal mucosa, and bleeding and recurrences of herpes infection. In addition, in a few cases there was perforation of the nasal septum.

The presence of hypersensitivity in a patient can occur such allergic reactions as hives and skin rash.

Spray “almost four years”: analogues and cost

If necessary, the drug “almost four years” can be replaced by such similar means as “Agistam”, “Equisolid”, “Otrivin”, “Marker”, “Kampman”, “Physiomer”.

Buy the drug “almost four years” in the form of a spray will not be difficult, since it is sold in almost all pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Its value varies in the range of 800-950 rubles.

Reviews of medicine

Patients ' Feedback on the product for local use are very mixed. Someone claims that it is quite effectively cope with the task and addresses all the signs of allergic rhinitis, and inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity noninfectious origin.drops almost four years

However, there is a category of people who report that this drug is completely useless. Moreover, a large number of patients quite confused by the cost of this medication. Although experts say that the price is fully consistent quality.

The Only positive aspect of this tool, which they say is absolutely all patients, is that it very rarely causes side effects.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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