Anorexic - who is this? Dystrophy


2018-03-21 08:36:09




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Many have heard, when a person is called “fairy”. This word is often applied to very thin people. But in fact it is not only a comic word, and a dangerous disease. Anorexic – it is a disease, not the usual thinness.

What is the dystrophy

anorexic it

Dystrophy called pathological process leading to the accumulation or loss of tissue of the substances, which they are not inherent in the normal state. As an example, may be the accumulation in the lungs of coal. Dystrophy damaged cells and intercellular substance. This is a violation of the functions of the patient's body.

The body has a complex mechanism that is responsible for the safety and metabolism cell structure. It is called trophism. Anorexic – is the man in whom the trophic suffer.

Dystrophy Most often affects children under the age of three years. It leads to the delay of not only physical development, but also psychomotor, and intellectual. This interferes with the immune system and metabolism.

Types of disease

anorexic is a disease

So anorexic – who is this? A person suffering from disorders in the body. There are several types of dystrophy. It is divided into mineral, protein, carbohydrate and fat, depending on the type of violation of exchange processes.

If we talk about localization, degeneration can be extracellular, cellular, and mixed.

The origin of the disease can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital dystrophy appears for genetic reasons, as violation of metabolism are hereditary in nature. Any enzyme that participates in metabolism, may be absent in the body, and this leads to the fact that the products of metabolism are not fully broken down and accumulate in the tissues.


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Marvel may different fabrics, but in all cases it affects the Central nervous system. Anorexic – a person suffering from a serious disease, because the lack of certain enzymes can lead to death.

Dystrophy is divided into three types: paratopia, gpotatoe and malnutrition.

Paratopia is a violation of metabolism and nutrition, which is reflected overweight.

Repostitory is the same lack in height and weight in accordance with age norm.

Anaemia – this is the most common form of malnutrition to date. It is expressed in a small body mass in relation to the growth of a person.


anorexic who is this

Dystrophy due to the large number of different reasons. Except for congenital disorders at the genetic level that are associated with violation of metabolism, the disease can be due to stress, infectious diseases, malnutrition. Among the other common causes it is worth noting a weak immune system, diseases of the chromosomes, adverse external factors and maintaining a poor lifestyle.

There is a misconception that anorexic – child born prematurely. But it's not because the disease can develop after prolonged fasting, or, conversely, overeating foods that contain carbohydrates.

Congenital dystrophy may suffer, a child born to too young or too old mother.


anorexic who

Dystrophy manifests itself depending on the form and severity. Among the common signs noted by agitation, poor appetite and sleep, fatigue and weakness, weight loss and retardation of growth.

If growing malnutrition, body weight is reduced by 30%, pallor, reduced skin elasticity and muscle tone.

Patients is a violation of immunity, the liver may increase, and the chair is broken.

When severe malnutrition comes exhaustion, skin elasticity is lost, the eyeballs sink, there is a disturbance of heart rhythm and breathing, reduced body temperature and blood pressure.

If paratrophic human excess fat deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. Patients are pale and are prone to allergies. This disturbed the work of the intestine. In the folds of skin begin to form rash.

When hypostatise symptoms similar to malnutrition. This is the most persistent form of degeneration, and to treat it very difficult.

How to treat malnutrition

Treatment of this disease should be comprehensive. If the degeneration of the secondary character, the doctors cure the disease that caused it. In another case applied therapy, as well as conduct prevention of secondary infections.

If a child has hypotrophy of 1st degree, the treatment is carried out at home. At higher degree of the child placed in a hospital.

Patients need to eat breast milk and milk formulas. Nutrition should be a fraction – up to 10 times a day. The doctor takes notes about changes in body mass. In addition, you assign the enzymes, vitamins and biologically active additives.

So anorexic – who is this? This is a seriously sick person must as soon as possible to start treatment, as the consequences can be sad.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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