How to play parents on April 1 at home?


2020-07-03 08:54:13




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April 1st is the international day of laughter. The holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. In this day all play and joke. Whence comes this holiday is unknown, but it is believed that originally the celebration was celebrated as the day of the equinox in the spring and also the beginning of a great Christian holiday-the Easter. It was the first of April all were happy, greeted spring jokes and fun. And I still left this tradition, because people are capricious and changeable nature tried to appease with fun and laughter.

Sweepstakes – is good

The Joke on 1 April is very diverse and can cover many people. Joking like children over children and adults support this tradition. But the children are often parents. And it promotes family fun and positive atmosphere.

how to play parents

To Play your parents on the entire day of laughter. After all, who refuses once again to laugh? Usually, if the whole family celebrates this holiday, then on the table, you may receive a lot of interesting and funny dishes. But the kids are having fun in their own way. From children fantasy so developed that they are jokes very playful and varied.

Joke s Desk

So how do I play my parents ' house, so it was fun? To make fun of your mom and dad can during the feast.

how to play house

Now consider one of these jokes. Child before all sit down at the table, under the tablecloth, you need to put a magnet, and his Cutlery. It is worth considering that it is impossible to hold a raffle during on the table are already filled with hot dish or tea Cup. And when everything is prepared, take the second magnet and quietly begin to control the magnet, which is under the spoon or fork.

To Play mom and dad on the walk. How to do it?

But if the whole family went for a walk, then how can we play the parents? It's not so difficult. It is important to connect their imagination. Usually when someone shouts something like “look, there's something going on”, then all at once turn in the direction indicated. So I can come up with an interesting joke, for example, saying something completely improbable, but possible. Importantly, the beginning of speech was quite believable. When everyone will understand that it is a joke, start to laugh, and this certainly will improve the mood!

“Tasty” dessert with a surprise

How can you make fun of your family members? From the morning to help my mother in preparing Breakfast, but rather to take this task on yourself. We offer one of the options that can be prepared in an April fool's Breakfast. It may be an interesting “dessert”. We need to train people so that no one saw. In this delicacy, you need to add hot pepper, mayonnaise, grate processed cheese, mix everything and pritrusit coconut. Then follows this part of the morning dishes clean the refrigerator and prepare the main part of Breakfast.

how to play parents on April 1, home

But when everyone ate the main course, then you can proceed to dessert. The main thing in addition, as the prepared to put sweetness on the table, all interested in the fact that it's delicious. Tea or coffee has been spilled, and so it was at this point we need to serve this dish. Then you can sit down and watch. But it is worth considering that someone may be intolerant of a particular product. Usually children are not taken into account, so do not be offended by them if something did not happen.

A Drawing of tea

Each morning, parents be sure to drink tea or coffee. The first of April you can make a drink original.

how can we play with parents

To do this, add the tea to the parents instead of sugar salt. How to do it discreetly? For this evening, March 31, pour in the sugar and salt. In the morning you will enjoy by drawing.

The Original drawing of the pond

How can we play with the parents on April 1? If you have the whole family are near some water, you can put your hand to your forehead and pretend to look into the distance and shout: “Look, there are dolphins jumping”. All at once would be to watch, and when you realize that this is a joke, it will all laugh with you. This will give positive energy to all family members.

Prank calls

How to play parents using the phone? This joke would be pretty funny and not evil. You need to ask your friend to call the home number and introduce an employee of the housing Department. Continue to warn that with the repair works the water will nota few days, and so you should have cold water and as much as possible – should fill the bath, basins, buckets. A few hours later to call and ask, filled the bathtub with water. Then you know, cold water or not? When the answer will be that cold, that is to say, to heated, because soon it will come to redeem a large animal. Of course, you need to understand that not every parent is such a joke like including the cost of water in recent years.

Tips for little pranksters

how to play parents on April 1

Before I can think how to play on parents April 1 at home, you need to understand what should be funny not only to you but to those who are joking. In addition, you must try to make sure that no one was hurt, not mad. Otherwise this joke will backfire for all involved.

Interesting drawing with the door and other “flying” items

You Can use the draw thread, if the door to the house opens outwards. Then tie the strings to different unbreakable objects, and the other end to the door handle. When one of the parents will open the door then all these things will begin to fall and create noise. However, after that you should get out on their own, so as not to anger parents and lock them in a great mood.

Comic debate with coins

children playing parents

Options for how to play parents very much, so the choice is. For example, you can make fun of your parents with the help of coins. Need dad or mom to argue that you will be able to throw nickels two coins so as to form one line. In the hand must have 2 nickels coin denomination and a few others. When you leave, of course, will not line up one solid line. But recall that the original argument was about 2 nickels coins.

Interesting drawing of an egg

How to play parents on April 1 at home? For example, to argue that one of the parents will not be able to crush a raw egg with the bottom of the basin on the floor. Of course, many will agree that I can. But the fact that the egg can be put in the corner of the room. Then very funny to look at the attempts of some of the parents to crush him.

Fun gifts

How to play parents? To give a funny thing. For this you need to sew his father, the apron of camouflage fabric, and then sew back (or embroider) a funny inscription. Then we need to wrap in gift paper. The same stroller can make for mom, but from the pink fabric. Inscriptions can be different. For dad suitable inscription «Master in our house”, and for my mom - "the girl flat”.

Wrapping up

It is Important to remember that the jokes should be harmless, because their idea is in the mood elevation. And if you do pranks, such as suggested above, the memories in the memory will remain for many days. Good jokes should stay in the memory long after the holiday was created to charge itself, and other positive and good emotions for a long time. The main thing is to consider the differences between the parents and try not to be naughty and cause a genuine laughter. We wish you good luck in playing their parents!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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