Katyusha – moonshine new generation


2020-07-24 08:00:08




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In our time, when alcohol is available in shops in a wide range, demand and apparatus for the production of spirits at home. Is it worth to buy such a device and whether it lives up to the expectations of the consumer? All will depend on who, how and for what purpose will use it. Although even a novice manufacturer of this product will be able to handle the work without difficulty, if you will apply moonshine «Katyusha». The instructions that came with it that will quickly master the device.

What is “Dobrovir”?

First you need to learn what is in the mechanism itself. Looks like moonshine “Dobrovir Katyusha»? It is a multifunctional device which is intended for the production of alcoholic drinks, distilled water and 96 percent ethanol. It is made of stainless steel, with a certificate of quality. He is not prone to oxidation. Weld it using argon. «Katyusha» — moonshine, which will last a long time just because of the use of this “Dobrovir”, which if necessary can be modified by equipping distillation cargame.

Katyusha moonshine

This machine allows you to brew high purity. If set to “Dobrovir” electronic thermometer, and the possibility is, it is possible to control the temperature at each stage of production. Moreover, with this device you can get three liters of products per hour.


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Additional equipment

«Katyusha» — moonshine, which is equipped with a fridge capacity of 10 liters. It is possible to use it on an induction stove with a faucet adapter and a silicone hose with a length of five meters. About security will make sure the relief valve on the lid of the tank. It will help prevent an emergency situation, if there is high blood pressure. During re-distillation in an hour you can get 6 liters of product.

moonshine Katyusha instruction

The output is formed of the beverage, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 degrees. When using the optional refrigerator, the figure may be much lower.

Positive characteristics

«Katyusha» — moonshine, which has a beautiful appearance. The device looks powerful and solid. During the production of the drink, it turns out that first impression was not deceptive. The device works quickly and efficiently, the products have high degree of purification, which is an important indicator for those who use it. It should be noted that «Katyusha» — moonshine, which is produced in several variations. There are devices on 10, 17, 23, 35 and 51 liter. Depends on the price of the device. The greater the volume, the higher.

How to improve drink

You Can purchase this device complete with suchoparek. This element is not required for the device, but experienced samaganova suggest it is necessary to use, as it improves the quality of the product. Suchoparek cleans brew of extraneous matter that falls into it even during the distillation. Also, it reduces the number of stages of purification, that is, making the production process easier.moonshine of Dobrova Katyusha

Suchoparek is a sealed container between the tank and the coil connected to them tubes. It condenses in itself all the pairs. Then ethyl alcohol again boils under the influence of heat, and the fusel oil remains in the device. The efficiency of the suchoparek you can see, and we find the condensate, consisting of contaminants that could be in the brew and ruin the quality of the product. Moreover, with the aid of this device it is possible to aromatize the product, put inside slices of fruit, herbs or chips of wood.

What people say

If you need an easy to use and suitable for home use Assembly, then, of course, should pay attention to the moonshine «Katyusha». Reviews about it are positive. The population that uses it, said long, trouble-free service life, quick purification process compared to other devices. Also attracted by the fact that the distillate is cooled. Not too much, in their opinion, is the suchoparek, which makes the drink more clean and gives the desired flavor. The use of additional distillation tsarg and the use of flavors allows you to cognac, Grappa, whiskey, Calvados and other beverages at the request of the owner of the device.

moonshine Katyusha reviews

The View of the consumer of moonshine, how about the antisocial element who drink their simple beverage with friends-drinking companions in the Bush or porch, sank into oblivion. Now such alcohol preferred by those who do not want to use store-bought products, which in our time can add a lot of extra. Good moonshine recipes passed down from generation to generation and have become a tradition. It is better to make a clean product itself, fit to your taste. Only in this case, you can be confident in the fact that intoxicating drink in moderation will not harm health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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