How to play dolls? How girls play with dolls


2022-03-02 14:43:31




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Children will always find something to their liking and will almost never sit idle. In this article I would like to tell you how to play dolls: what kind of games there are with these toys, what props are needed for this and what new things can be thought up to diversify the game.

how to play dolls

About dolls

First of all, I would like to say that, according to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, a doll is a children's toy that is a prototype of a person. The history of this fun is also very ancient. So, dolls have existed at all times, and children enjoyed playing with them at different stages of their growing up. It will also be interesting that earlier such figures were made mainly by hand, from the materials that were at hand. In addition, the doll often had another important function: it was a talisman for the child, who protected the baby from the action of dark forces. Today, as many centuries ago, children also enjoy playing with dolls. And if such girly toys are more familiar to everyone (Barbies, dolls, etc. D.), then do not think that boys do not have such fun. So, these are the same soldiers, figures of little men from "Lego", drivers in cars and the like.

Method 1. Family

So, how to play dolls so that it is exciting and interesting? You can try to create a doll family and reproduce everything that an ordinary family does. At the request of the players, the family can be large, grandparents and pets can be present. It is necessary for dolls to make a schedule of weekdays and weekends: breakfast, walk, lunch, visiting relatives (if it is a day off), as well as visiting work and doing important household chores if it is a working day. The guys can bring the game as close as possible to the realities of life. By the way, it is very interesting to watch children at this time, because they reproduce what they see every day. Only thanks to one game it is possible to draw certain conclusions about whether the life of an ordinary child is properly organized.

how girls play with dolls

Method 2. Dress up

How else do girls play with dolls? So, why not dress up your toy beauties? To do this, the girls will need a lot of different outfits. By the way, you can also arrange a fashion show for parents. This game will definitely attract girls. But it is even more interesting to make the process of preparing the doll clothes themselves. Babies can be attracted to sewing outfits for their princesses, while teaching a lot of useful things. It is worth saying that such a game perfectly develops the imagination and taste of a girl. And this will be very useful to a girl in her future adult life. Do not forget that at the same time dolls can do different hairstyles and makeup.

Method 3. Performance

The next hint on how to play the game "dolls": make a performance. To do this, you will need toys that you can put on your hand, a screen with a window and text that you can both read and learn. You can simply reproduce some kind of fairy tale and show a little performance to your parents. But you can make the game even more exciting by fantasizing on the go. So, children can not think through the dialogues and the storyline beforehand, but simply improvise on the go. It is also a very useful game that not only entertains the baby, but also develops it perfectly.

play the doll game

Method 4. Daughters-mothers

Another option is how girls play with dolls: they nurse them. This game is most often called "daughters-mothers". So, the baby chooses a doll that looks as much like a small child as possible, and takes care of her. The girl will give her child water, feed, change diapers (after pouring some water there - the child has peed himself!), put him to bed, ride in a stroller, go for a walk, bathe, read fairy tales and much more. Again, such a game is very interesting to watch, because every mother will see in her daughter's actions a model of her own behavior in everyday life.

how children play with dolls

Method 5. Situations

The following advice on how to play with dolls: reproduce certain situations. So, you can send dolls to work (a model doll, a cook doll or a seller doll) and reproduce everything you need there. You can make a doll trip to the supermarket, you can organize a doll wedding, etc. Every moment in life can be reproduced in a puppet game.

dolls for girls

About parents

Parents may often be interested in the question of how children play with dolls, because sometimes kids want to attract adults to their game. So, there are some tips for dads and moms on how to behave correctly and what to do:

  1. If the child is still small and he is not three years old, the mother can take the initiative in the doll game: she talks out the storyline and gives an impetus to the beginning of the game. How everything will happen next depends on the desire of the child.
  2. If the child knows exactly how he wants to play, the parent in this case must fully obey. If the baby reproduces something incorrectly, it is better to calmly explain that this is not the way it is done (for example, during a doll's tea party, the girl pours tea not into cups, but into pots).
  3. It is not necessary to impose your point of view on children in the game and tell them how and what to do: mom is needed here just for the company, not as a leader.

Joint preparation

Today, almost all toys can be bought. These are dolls for girls, and their clothes, and even houses. However, isn't it better to create all the additional inventory yourself, together with the child? This is primarily a great way to communicate with your baby and teach him new skills. So, for a doll out of a box, you can make a big house with different rooms and put a lot of dolls-neighbors there, you can make household items and various furniture that humanoid toys need and are important. It is worth reminding again that in this case it is necessary to take into account the wishes of your child and "go" after him, without taking leadership positions on yourself.

dolls photo

About the game process

How to play dolls with a child correctly? So, it is worth saying that as the kid's games grow up, they will grow up with him. If it is enough for a two-year-old girl that the doll eats and goes to bed, then it will be more interesting for a five-year-old baby if her toy is naughty, she will need to be calmed and even sometimes punished. This is normal, and it should be. Children's games with dolls will become more complicated as they grow up, acquiring new various nuances.

About the dolls themselves

However, it is worth saying that children's doll play is not always safe. More precisely, the characters themselves can be very harmful to perception. The simplest example is a Barbie doll. A beautiful girl, however, with somewhat deformed forms and a painful asthenic physique. It is very important for parents to make it clear to their child that this is just a toy, and not an object for imitation. And if a kid orders himself a new fun for some holiday, it's worth seeing how these dolls look like (photos, for example, in children's magazines), and then decide whether to buy his baby such a toy or it's better to give preference to something else.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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