How to learn to determine the size of caps?


2022-03-03 01:41:49




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Any person, without much hesitation, will name the size of the clothes or shoes he wears. But hats are increasingly bought after fitting. Meanwhile, the sizes of caps also exist. If you don't believe it, look at the label of any new product. How do you find out your size and buy a hat that will fit you perfectly?

Taking measurements

Cap sizesMeasuring your own head is not difficult at all. To do this, you will need a flexible measuring tape (such as tailors use) and a mirror. The zero end of the measuring device is applied to the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows, after which we wrap the skull until the tape returns to its starting point. Most likely, you got a value in the range from 53 to 58 centimeters. These numbers are your size. If the indicator is a little less or more, you should rejoice in your uniqueness and get ready for a long choice of a suitable headdress. In our country, the size of the caps is indicated in figures, but things are different abroad.

American and European sizes of hats

Sizes of men's hatsIn the USA, all clothes are marked with letters. The standard designations are S, M and L, of which S is the smallest and L is the largest. Accordingly, the smallest American size is Russian 53-54, and the largest is up to 58 cm. In the American grid there are also very large sizes of men's hats. For people with a head circumference of more than 58 cm, products marked XL are offered. But the variations of the largest size typical for ordinary clothes with a few X's among the hats are no longer so easy to find. In European countries, the sizes of hats are indicated in inches. If you place an order in an online store, be sure to use the compliance tables.


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Children's hats

The most difficult thing is to choose a hat for a child in his absence. Take measurements in advance, just like with an adult. If you forgot to do this before going to the store, you can focus on the age of the baby. The sizes of the caps really echo the months and years of a child's life. For newborns younger than two months, hats with markings up to size 38 are suitable. The numbers 40-42 indicate the purpose of the cap for a child of 3-4 months. Etc. Usually there are size matching tables on the product packaging.

Secrets of choosing hats

How to determine the size of the headerNow you know how to determine the size of the cap yourself. But what if there is no flexible measuring tape at hand? It will be successfully replaced by an ordinary decorative braid or a simple thread. Just like with a measuring tape, we wrap our head with this flexible material. After that, we measure with a ruler a piece of tape that was wrapped around the head. If the resulting girth is at the junction of two sizes, a larger one should be chosen. So when fitting: make sure that the elastic band of the headdress does not leave traces on the skin and does not press. No need to think that the cap will stretch quickly. Buying a tight headdress can cause headaches and seriously harm your hair. For children (especially the youngest), it is worth choosing hats for a larger size at all. As soon as you notice that the cap is worn with difficulty, you should think about buying a new headdress. Soft hats can be purchased without fitting, focusing on the size of the hats. But hard hats are always recommended to try on. This type of headgear should fit perfectly on you. Also of great importance is how well the chosen model and shape fit your face and figure. Hats have several basic shapes, and if you make an order online, it is preferable to choose hats similar to those that you wore earlier.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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