Derain Swedish: description, is it possible to have


2018-03-23 22:16:12




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Darren Swedish unfamiliar to inhabitants of the Central Russia. This Northern shrub, which is quite rare in natural conditions found on the Gulf coast.Derain Swedish


Darren Swedish in Russia, found in the Northern subzone of the taiga, occasionally in the tundra and forest tundra, on Islands and sea coasts of the Barents and White seas, Chukotka. The borders of the country the area is Northern Japan, the Atlantic and preciousena areas of North America.

Prefer Derain Swedish small-leaved and coniferous forests, dense thickets of shrubs. Often, this species occupies a dominant position in the soil cover of birch and spruce forests, forming extensive thickets and clumps. In the forests of Deren, as a rule, coexists with blueberries, full of wild berries, cranberries. Sometimes it stems break through the thick layer of moss. In natural conditions, Derain Swedish most often grows in areas with thick snow cover. This reflects positively on its hardiness in the harsh climate of Northern regions. In the mid-latitudes it is also winter, but it grows in these areas is not very happy. can I eat


Darren, you need a slightly acidic, permeable and fertile moist soil. On clay soils the plant is not enough, on the sandy — moisture. Ideal for this plant is considered a peat soil. Can Derain Swedish in the garden to plant the Heather crops. The plant needs regular and abundant watering, can not allow drying earthen coma.

This plant is very attached to the light day. In the North the summer day is long enough. White nights are much longer than in Saint Petersburg. And the light is softer than in the middle lane: the sun is not so scorching. So if you want to grow a dogwood in the garden, pick up for him a light, but closed from direct sunlight place.


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Someone will say that too many requirements makes it a small plant. But rest assured that the beauty it deserves, to try to grow this shrub in your garden in mid-latitudes, especially because of the numerous reviews of gardeners is confirmed by successful experience of cultivation.


Darren Swedish — is a small shrub with thin woody branching rhizome. At the ends of its branches develop simple herbaceous stems that fall almost to the ground die. Stems can be in height from six to twenty-five centimeters. They are four-sided, lined with small appressed hairs not too thick.

In the lower part they are sometimes reddish at the bottom have a few pairs of brown scales leaves, above which are 4—6 pairs of leaves green. They gradually increase in size towards the top of the stem. In the two bottom pairs in the axils laid kidney regeneration. Of them each season, shoots developed.Swedish Deren berry

The Leaves are light green, sessile, bottom-they are more bright, smooth, glaucous. The upper range in length from a half to four and a half inches, ovate with a rounded or cuneate base. At the top they are pointed, with two and sometimes three pairs of lateral veins.


This massive and typical of the forest tundra and tundra plants from the family of Cornel very unusual flowers. At first glance it may seem that they have four white petals and numerous stamens black. In fact, white petals — it's bracts. They surround the inflorescence, consisting of a large number of small flowers, which are painted in purple-black color. In this way Deren Swedish attracts insect pollinators, which in early summer in the tundra is very small.fruits Derain Swedish

In the inflorescence, there are from eight to twenty-five flowers. They are located on short stalks. Their length not more than 2 mm. Calyx triangular, acute, much longer than the flat ring disk, is smooth. Petals about 2 mm in length, scotiagold, purple-black, bent down after flowering, turning into a long sharp point. Flowering begins in late may.

Fruits Derain Swedish

Fruiting shrub from late July to early September. During this period drastically transformed the Swedish Derain. Berry it very attractive: spherical, with a diameter of 10 mm, bright red color. The fruits resemble bunches of cranberries. But if the tip of the berries cranberries there is a hollow, Derain at this point is a black point.

If you are interested in, is it possible to have them, I can say that they are not poisonous, but mealy and tasteless. Curative effect of the plant is not.Derain Swedish application


Darren Swedish propagated by dividing the Bush, seeds and root suckers. Seeds are usually sown very early, preferably after ripening. Sow them in a greenhouse, in a bowl, which is dropped into the ground. But if the seeds are many, you can try to sow in the open ground.

The Seed must be separated from fruit pulp, because it delays germination. If the sowing is postponed to the spring, the seeds should be stratified3-4 months and sow in early spring. Before cold stratification is carried out warm. Germination of old seeds is generally slow, and the shoots appear irregularly, so the bushes have to plant out next spring.

Derain Swedish: application

Knowing the answers to the questions about whether it is possible to eat the berries of this plant, whether it has medicinal properties, many readers will be interested to know where it is used. Swedish shrub dogwood is an excellent choice for landscaping. It looks great in decorative groups, hedges. Blends well with other woody plants, especially with purple and red.

On the peaty wet soils, it grows quickly and forms a dense cover, which is especially beautiful during flowering, when there are numerous cream-white flowers like wide open eyes. In autumn the plant turns a brilliant purple color and the berries are scarlet. These shrubs, no doubt, will decorate any garden.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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