Area, the economy, religion, the people of Afghanistan. Population density of Afghanistan's population


2018-03-27 00:52:18




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Afghanistan is probably one of the most long-suffering countries in the modern world. Citizens not every state has experienced as many troubles experienced over the past 40 years its population. Afghanistan, despite long years of war, has a distinctive culture, and its citizens continue to look with hope to the future. Let's learn in greater detail what constitutes the population of this Asian country.

population of Afghanistan

Geographical location and area

Before getting to know the population of any state, you need to find out what geographical conditions it exists.

The territory of Afghanistan is 652,9 thousand square km, which is the largest of the 41st rate in the world. The state is located in the region, which is usually attributed to Central Asia. The country has no outlet to the oceans. The Northern border of Afghanistan is in contact with Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, in the East its neighbour is China, in the South – Pakistan and India, and the West-Iran. The Capital, Kabul.

population of Afghanistan

Afghanistan has a predominantly mountainous terrain. The climate is subtropical continental, which is characterized by cool winters and hot summers.

Brief history

Now, a brief look at the history of the people living in Afghanistan. Since ancient times the territory of modern Afghanistan was part of various empires: Achaemenid, States of Alexander the great, etc. At a later time, the country became the center of the Empire of Kushans, and then the Hephthalites (white Huns), which some historians believe the ancestors of the Pashtun – present population of Afghanistan.


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Then, from the second half of the seventh century began the Islamic era in the history of the country, which has been associated with the Arab conquests. At the same time in Afghanistan began to penetrate the Turks. Later, he became the center of powerful empires of the Ghaznavids and the Ghurids. But after the Mongol conquest in the XIII century on the territory of Afghanistan for a long time did not exist independent of the state.

Starting from the XVI century, the Western part of Afghanistan was part of the Iranian Safavid state, and the Eastern part, together with Kabul, was included in the Mughal Empire with its center in India. Finally, in 1747, the Pashtun, Ahmad Shah Durrani founded an independent Afghan state, which acquired the name of Branicki Empire. The capital of the state was first Kandahar, and then Kabul. It has managed to extend its power not only to the whole of Afghanistan, but also on the part of Iran and India.

Since 1838 began a series of Anglo-Afghan wars. The aim of the British was to establish a protectorate over Afghanistan. Similar goals were in the Russian Empire. During the struggle between the two countries of great Britain even managed to temporarily establish a protectorate over the Emirate of Afghanistan, but after the Third Anglo-Afghan war Central Asian state was able to defend its independence.

In 1929 the Emirate of Afghanistan became the Kingdom. But in 1973 the monarchy was abolished by a coup. In 1978 there was a new coup, which came to power the party of the Communist persuasion, focused on the Soviet Union. In 1979, she asked for military help from the Soviet Union in the struggle with opponents. Since then, in Afghanistan continuously at war.

how much of the population in Afghanistan

In 1989 Soviet troops were withdrawn from the country, and the Communist regime soon fell. Came to power, his opponents, who focused on Western countries. But the war did not stop. His head raised Islamist forces of the Taliban. By 1997, they controlled Kabul and much of the country. Attack on skyscrapers in new York on 11 September 2001 and the Taliban harboring its organizer Osama bin Laden served as the pretext for the invasion of the US and its allies in Afghanistan.

Despite the fact that the coalition forces, the Taliban had been pushed into remote areas of the country, and in Afghanistan held democratic elections, by and large, the war is still going on.


And now let's find out how much of the population in Afghanistan.

Despite the rather challenging environment for the census of citizens, in connection with the ongoing fighting, the last time it was held not so long ago-in 2013. According to its figures, the population of Afghanistan is 31,108 million people. This figure is the fortieth place in the world. In 2009 the population was 28.4 million.

Population Density

Knowing the area of the country, it is easy to calculate the density of the population of Afghanistan. In 2013 she was made of 43.5 people/sq. km.

For comparison: the similar indicator in Russia is of 8.56 people/sq. km.

Ethnic composition

How do ethnic and linguistic lines is subdivided population? Afghanistan - quite patchy in this country, where representatives of many ethnic groups and nationalities.

Afghan population

The Most numerous people of Afghanistan, no doubt, are Pashtuns. In fact, when the term “Afghans" is used in the narrow sense of the word, we mean it. According to various estimates, the number of Pashtuns inAfghanistan is 39-42% of the total population of the country. In addition, there is considerable settlement of this nation in Pakistan and Iran. The language of the Pashtuns is Pashto – the official language of Afghanistan, which belongs to the Eastern Iranian group.

The Second largest ethnic group in the country are Tajiks, or parsimony. Their specific weight in the population of Afghanistan is 25-30%. Their language is dari, which also belongs to the Iranian group. This language is the second state in Afghanistan, and also serves as a means of interethnic communication between people of different nationalities.

The Third significant group of people in Afghanistan – Uzbeks. They account for 6-9% of the population of the whole country. The Uzbek language, unlike the previous two, belongs to the Turkic group.

In addition, a significant ethnic groups in Afghanistan are the Hazaras, pashai, carimali, Turkmen, Nuristani, the Pamir peoples, Baloch, brahui, gujari, Kyrgyz, qyzylbashs and afshari.


In that same faith the people of Afghanistan? Religion occupies a significant place in the life of the country. Moreover, religious life presents a practical one faith-Islam. It is practiced by more than 99% of the population. However, about 80% are Sunni (predominantly of the Hanafi madhab), and 18% Shiite. The important role of Islam in the country highlighted the fact that officially it is called the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. During Taliban rule the country was even under Sharia law, which greatly violated the Declaration of the rights and freedoms of the person.

the population of Afghanistan, religion

But is it only Islam among the religions represented Afghanistan? The number of people professing the Christian faith, has in the country 30 000 people. It is predominantly Protestants, who also have foreign citizenship. In addition, in Afghanistan there are representatives of the following religions: Hindu, Bahai, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, but they are quite a small population. Afghanistan, therefore, is an Islamic nation.

State Economy

Of Course, the state, battered by decades of war, can not be strong and stable economy. At the moment the country is located on 219 th place in terms of GDP per capita that is one of the poorest in the world. Mainly it is an agricultural country, producing grain, fruit, wool, etc. the Industry is rather poorly developed.

the population density of Afghanistan

However, there are no hopeless situations, and out looking for the population itself. Afghanistan is the world center for the production of drugs, causing considerable concern to various UN agencies.


So, we have described past and present of a country like Afghanistan. Area, population, economy and other issues was reviewed by us. But what will happen to the state in the future? The answer to this question is quite complicated and depends on many factors. But we can say with confidence that without a full cessation of hostilities in Afghanistan and the establishment by the government full control over its territory a stable future for the country impossible.

Afghanistan the area of population Economics

Let's hope that all the same soon in Afghanistan there will be peace.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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