The plant mother and stepmother: description, medicinal properties and contraindications


2018-03-27 16:23:19




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The Plant mother and stepmother refers to the number of common, well-known and popular, its appearance is familiar to almost everyone. Many owners of suburban areas are struggling with him like a malignant weed, not knowing that destroy the beneficial medicinal plant. Offer to meet with its medical properties, contraindications, and learn some interesting facts.


The Plant mother and stepmother is a perennial member of the family Asteraceae, family, a beautiful garden flower, asters. Indeed, if you look, Sunny yellow small flower plants is very similar to the beautiful red, pink or white crown asters. Particular the mother and stepmother as representative of the flora are as follows:

  • A Long, creeping rhizome.
  • There are shoots of two types. Floral shoots are formed in early spring, with a depth not exceeding 30 cm, at the end of each is head – flower. After flowering, these shoots will immediately die.
  • Autonomic – the second type of escape, they are leaves. Formed some time after the completion of flowering.
  • The Leaves are very unusual, with the inner side is soft, pleasant to the touch, exterior – smooth, cold. The parties respectively referred to as ‘mother” and “stepmother".
  • Leaf Shape rounded at the ends characteristic of the notch size depends on the age. Mature leaves often reach 20 cm in diameter. Color – an intense green.
  • Flower-basket bright yellow in color, reaches a diameter of 2.5 cm is its flowers the plant mother-and-stepmother, and dandelion are very similar, but the second has a larger diameter.
  • Fruit-achene.

Refers to the number is staggeringly prolific, for the season only one Bush able to produce almost 20 thousand seeds, which themselves have good germination.


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meadow with yellow flowers


Consider why the plant is called mother-and-stepmother. There are some unfortunate legends that explains this strange name.

In ancient times, the man left the family for another woman, leaving his wife and daughter with beautiful Golden hair. But the new wife, tormented by jealousy, decided to kill the child, lured the girl to the cliff and threw it down. The mother felt that her child was in danger, resorted to the evil place, but it was too late – the girl was not saved. In despair she rushed at the killer, and they both fell down, clenched deadly embrace. The next morning at the cliff a huge number of unusual plants, one half of the leaf symbolized maternal love, the other – the jealous stepmother. And the Sunny yellow flowers are born of the Association with blond hair of the dead girl.

Another legend explaining the origin of the name of the plant mother and stepmother, is. One woman had a daughter, whom she doted, and unloved stepdaughter. Fate took her own child, so many hours poor mother spent in the cemetery, patting the earth on the grave. That rose plant, one half of his leaves, were warm as a mother's love for her own daughter, the second – cold as the indifference of women to stepdaughter.

features of appearance of a flower


Continue the description of the plant mother and stepmother, specifying the places where it can be found. A lot of them, especially the sun-drenched glades, ravines, river banks. The plant is found on forest edges, suburban areas, fields, meadows, preferring moist clay soils without turf. Grows this natural healer in Western Europe, Siberia, Asia, also found on the African and North American continents.


Medicinal plant mother and stepmother's interesting, because in the spring (mid-March-early April) first flowers appear, and then leaves. For this special feature in the UK, the flower is called “the son before the father". The plant has a strong root deep in the ground on the meter is developing a very high speed, so it may be a real disaster for the fields and gardens, crowding out cultivated plants. Sometimes mother and stepmother called the first messenger of spring, because the modest yellow flowers begin to decorate the ground, barely freed from the snow.

Grows families, so the meadow is almost always littered with yellow baskets: if one flower had withered, the second is just starting to bloom. Thereafter, as the dandelion, the plant scatters seeds placed on a fluffy villi.

As a medicinal raw materials used leaves and inflorescences, it is recommended to gather the latest in July, did not wait that they will grow big and will become rough. The resulting raw material should be dried in the fresh air, avoid exposure to direct rays of the sun, turning occasionally.

Yellow flower mother and stepmother

Healing properties

To Use the plant for medical purposes began in Ancient Greece and Rome. From these ancient times, we know that the gift of nature helps to cope with symptoms of bronchitis and to relieve the bronchial asthma. Used it in his work, Hippocrates and Avicenna.

In Latin, the plant mother and stepmother bears the name of Tussilago farfara L., which means “healing coughs”.The name very accurately describes the specifics of the perennial, its flowers really allow you to get quick relief from ailments of the throat, including a cough, both dry and wet. But that's not all. The plant has an extensive list of medicinal properties that is used not only in folk medicine but also in quite traditional. The main effects are a few:

  • Disinfectant action.
  • Expectorant effect.
  • Due to the content in the leaves of tannins a plant inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Essential oils are beneficial to heart health.
  • Used plant in the pathology of the internal organs: kidneys, bladder, intestines, stomach.
  • The leaves of the plant are applied to wounds and burns for speedy healing.
  • Helps the healing flower, and elevated fatigue, drowsiness, fatigue.

Sometimes mother and stepmother in the complex therapy is used to treat a wide range of diseases of the throat, oral cavity, purulent infections. However, it is important to remember that, using a large amount of the drug, to speed up getting rid of the disease is impossible, but to hurt yourself very easily. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the dosage and disputes to consultation of the doctor.

Mother-and-stepmother - useful plant


Medicinal plant mother and stepmother has several contraindications that should be considered by all who decided to improve their health and wellbeing. Who can't eat flowers and leaves?

  • Pregnant women and young mothers during lactation.
  • Children under 3 years.
  • Disease of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  • With regular menstrual cycle.
  • Cases of individual intolerance.

Also, doctors do not recommend to extend the course for more than 1.5 months after regular intake of grass mother and stepmother in the body accumulate glycosides and begin to poison it. The use of plants in conjunction with antipyretic drugs is possible only after consultation with a physician.

features of the leaves of the plant

Possible side effects

With proper reception with the observance of the dosage the mother and stepmother rarely has a negative impact on human health. However, possible side effects:

  • Violation of the chair.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Stomach Cramps.

These Often occur in the use of medicinal plants in unreasonably large doses. In this case, the admission will be terminated immediately.

Best recipes

Get Acquainted with the most useful recipes from a piggy Bank folk wisdom that will help you to use the medicinal properties of the plant mother and stepmother. Cough quickly to get rid of, you can use this tool: pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tsp. of the leaves, infuse for 30 minutes. The resulting drink to be consumed three times a day 1 tablespoon 10 minutes before meals. After 2-3 days the cough will be only memories.

To normalize the acidity of the stomach helps this infusion: 1 liter of boiling water is taken 20 g of dry flowers, the time for infusion – 60 minutes. Further, the medium is filtered using gauze, take every 6 hours, 100 ml.

Stifling a cough, you can use the smoke from the plant. On a hot pan poured the crushed dry grass and leaves, and suffering from cough person inhales the smoke generated. 2-3-minute treatment will bring relief almost immediately.

Early spring flowers

Unusual pasta

Mother-and-stepmother – a useful plant that can also be eaten, surprising household unusual dish, the ingredients of which they'll never guess. So to prepare you need:

  • Apples.
  • Butter-2 tbsp
  • Flowers mother and stepmother – ½ Cup.
  • Sugar-1 tsp
  • Cinnamon & ndash; a little bit on the tip of a knife.

The Apples should be baked in the oven, then grind to puree state, mix with oil, colors, sugar, add cinnamon. Turned out sweet paste that can be spread on bread or eat as jam.

Feature of a plant leaf

Interesting facts

In conclusion, we offer you a selection of fascinating facts about the amazing plant:

  • Mother-and-stepmother is the emblem of pharmacies in Paris.
  • For medical purposes was previously used and the root of the plant, but now used only of the ground part.
  • Flowering Duration of nearly 40 days, which is a real record for the first spring flowers.
  • Plant mother–and–stepmother – honey, it is very useful, it helps to Wake up the industrious inhabitants of the hive. Medoproduktivnost flower is low, but the problem can be solved by a large number of often bright yellow baskets are adorned with meadows and fields, giving the bees the opportunity to gather the necessary amount of nectar.
  • This flora is a natural barometer to predict weather.
  • The Plant grows very well on the fireplace, use the ash as fertilizer.

  • In the old days the flower was even the day - April 10. It was thought that drugs made from torn on this day of the ingredients have magical properties.

We reviewed the features of the appearance amazing a resident of meadows and ravines, learned the history of origin of the plant mother and stepmother, it's medicinal properties.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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