Mushroom places in the Tula region. Description mushrooms - photo


2018-03-28 19:53:13




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Perhaps, no one refuses an exciting walk in a real forest in search of delicious mushrooms, it's multiple pleasures: to enjoy the beauty of mixed and coniferous forests; to breathe the scent of fallen leaves or pine needles tart; to feel delight and a passion of their “production” and, finally, to bring home a basket full of mushrooms. By the way, Tula oblast boasts the most popular and loved mushrooms, so visit the local forest is definitely worth it.

What types of mushrooms can be found in the Tula region

Among the edible mushrooms growing in the Tula region, is well known for mushrooms (porcini), boletus, boletus, volnushki, mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, etc. Mushroom in Tula region have their preferences in terms of the Commonwealth with certain plants. That is why mushroom hunters know in which forests they can be found. Stocks of edible mushrooms in the region are so large that they are difficult to assess. Meet here almost all of the traditionally collected in the Russian Federation types of mushrooms.

description of fungi

Important – know where to look

Woodland areas, including forest plantations, approximately 14% of the whole territory. The share of coniferous forests (pine, larch, spruce) accounted for over 13% of the area of local green resources. And located special places in Tula region mostly in the North and North-West. Among the large - and small-leaved species dominated by oak, birch, Linden, aspen. On the southern border with the forest-steppe meet oak-ash forest in which you can also find the elm or maple.


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So when and where mushrooms it is best to collect, and what places are most favorable for this? First, it is necessary to go after the recent rain. Secondly, towards the forest and away from people.

The Best mushroom areas of the Tula region

The Wooded part Odoevsky district, once impenetrable, is famous for its rich harvests of mushrooms, so when you are in the area, you should definitely devote an hour or two “quiet hunting”.

where's the mushrooms

The Most sustainable and local grown mushrooms are considered to be at the Academy, Belevska and Arsen areas. Chanterelles, boletus, white mushrooms will add to his collection of fungi. But it is impossible to offend and closest to Tula, Leninskiy rayon, and yasnogorskaya, Chernskiy, Efremov, where you can easily pick the best mushrooms in the area, and not one basket. Here you will find the mushrooms, pig, aspen and many other species.

mushrooms in the Tula region

In those places where mushrooms grow abundantly, there must be a lot of heat and moisture. Will delight mushroom unique mixed forests Dubno, Odoevsky areas and Aleksin the pine forests. In addition to porcini, boletus, saffron milk caps and chanterelles, it is possible to collect a good harvest of hazelnuts, rose hips, strawberries and even raspberries. In General, the Tula region is truly rich summer-autumn of natural gifts. And place mushroom in Tula region is spread literally everywhere.

Seasonal occurrence of fungi

Almost all the fans know that the mushrooms in the Tula region have seasonal growth, that is, each species has its time. Mushrooms in the Tula mixed and coniferous forests appear in waves, depending on weather conditions. Due to this over the summer-autumn season, you can get 3-4 alternating waves.

Although in this rich natural edge, you can collect the mushrooms already in the month of June, still the main mushroom month is September. Even in the season of warm autumn rains mushroom places in the Tula region will give every collector has two buckets of excellent instances.

Mushrooms in June

After the earth has warmed a little by the rays of sunlight begin to appear first mushrooms-morels. And although they are edible only after special treatment, there are fans to enjoy a meal of morels. But according to the folk belief in those places where we collected the fungus, followed by the mushrooms.

On wet tree stumps and logs of deciduous trees it is possible to meet a cheerful company of mushrooms or colored Russula. All June mushrooms called kolosovicha as they appear during the earing rye.

July mushrooms forests of the Tula

Second month of summer, rich in russules and mushrooms that grow in all forests – and deciduous, and coniferous. Near birch poleskov you can gather young and strong the shaft, and in the pine groves after the rain – boletus.

mushroom places in Tula region

The small-leaved trees, through which let in enough solar heat and light, grow mushrooms and pig, and closer to the end of the month – even noble boletus and aspen. In deciduous forests of the pickers will get tasty mushrooms and podrostkami.

In birch and mixed forests can be found a very cute and tasty mushroom fungi, which are a admirer. With proper treatment white or pink volnushki has a very pleasant taste, but look for it in the forest – a pleasure, because the mushroom is quite large and growing families.

But the real fans are in anticipation of white mushrooms.

August mushroomsTula forests and oak forests

August – this is the beginning of the present season. Thus, the seasonal mushrooms in Tula region in 2014 was very diverse, and the harvest - rich in mushrooms, chanterelles, volnushki, flap mushrooms and boletus.

mushrooms in the field

The Beautiful yellow chanterelle is not only delicious, but also rich content of carotene, which gives it value as a dietary product. She loves the place, sprinkled with pine needles and wrapped with moss. Grows in small groups, but incredibly productive.

Are Actively growing from under the earth loved all the mushrooms and aspen. White mushroom (boletus) is considered to be the king. It is inherent in the incredible taste, aroma and low calorie. Depending on growth conditions and age, it can be light or dark brown hat. Prefers pine forest, and mixed forest. Under good conditions the height of its legs can reach 30 inches, and the diameter of the cap – 50 cm!

mushrooms in the Tula region

Description of fungi may continue indefinitely. In General, this is the main month of gathering mushrooms in the Tula region, when people try to stock up on the favourite kinds for winter. They are dried, salted and marinated to for months to the pleasure of cooking flavorful, healthy and delicious dishes.

Autumn mushrooms Tula region

In early autumn, mushroom pickers like to collect mushrooms and boletus, aspen, boletus and mushrooms. During this period, collectors looking for special places in Tula region where there are slopes and hills most of the day illuminated by the sun.

The Main autumn mushrooms are the shaft and foxes, although almost until frost can be found the mushrooms and the family of mushrooms. Sometimes there are mushrooms, cyanosis and other types, but they are becoming fewer.

The directories you can find a detailed description with illustrations of mushrooms, and then the pledges will not go wrong in the search. Although it is best if the novice mushroom pickers go camping together with experts. In the Tula region there are many Hiking routes easily accessible by train or car. And unique local forests are not only fertile but environmentally friendly, so worth a visit there to enjoy active recreation, clean air and return with full baskets of mushrooms first-class.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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