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Every secret will be revealed... Who is she — Irina Farion? Biography, activities, statements — all this you will find in our article. We present only facts, but conclusions to you, dear readers.
Farion Irina D., born in 1964 is a native of the city of Lviv (Lviv oblast, Western Ukraine). Political and public figure. At the moment, — a member of the party «Freedom». In 2012 he became a member of Parliament (116 electoral district in Lviv region). The Chairman of the Committee of science and education. Religion - grekokatolicheskaya. The basic ideas: anti-communism, Ukrainization, nationalism, Russophobia.
Date of birth — 29.04.1964.
In the eighties becomes the head of a circle of Marxist-Leninist aesthetics and General linguistics. He is engaged in “the international friendship Club”. Periodically meets with citizens of other countries. In 1987 he graduated from the state University in Lviv and Ukrainian becoming a certified philologist. After defending his doctoral thesis and obtain the degree of candidate of Philology (1996) appointed by the head of the Commission for languages (Lviv Polytechnic). The author of numerous articles and monographs. Winner of two major Ukrainian prizes: them. Coalminer (2004) and im. Grinchenko (2008).
But is clean and spotless Iryna Farion? Her biography, as it turns out, has a lot of “footy” spots.
The family information is very scarce. Fahrion its origin does not advertise. Perhaps there are reasons. Statement rusofobki about what the true nationality should not be validated and demonstrated, suggests that perhaps many bloggers and authors of articles about her were right, calling it Jewish. In fact, if we dig a little history, the name "pannochki" obviously not Russian. The word “convey” be found except in Yiddish. Means “rogue” (the man who fails to profit). It turns out that the true nationality is Irina Farion - Jewish? Not the fact (the mystery hidden behind the dense curtain nationalist with a thick layer of dust), but the probability is great. The villages (settlements) of the Commonwealth, which included the right-Bank Ukraine, settled by Jewish shopkeepers, moneylenders and artisans expelled from the German principalities. By the way, there originated a well-known socialists of the 19th and 20th centuries (again, a true Jewish Form, Ulyanov, etc.)
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Who were the parents of Irina Farion, also no information. We only know that the father comes from the village Sokolya (mostys'kyi R-n), mother is from the village Busovyska (starosambirs'kyi R-n). Both — from the Lviv region (Western Ukraine).
Sister Martha is an employee of the city hall of Chicago and part — the girlfriend of the ex-Ambassador Miller.
The Daughter of Irina Farion, Sophia, had become famous scandal staged by the media. The girl was extremely offended by the fact that it “called” non-Ukrainian name, and sued the newspaper «High castle”.
Fahrion were married and Semchishina Ostap, a native of Lviv, 1967 was Repeatedly brought to criminal responsibility. In 2010 fahrion filed for divorce.
What the MP Irina fahrion at first didn't say persistently denied and what finally admitted, having managed once again to distort the reality? Was, had torn a piece of life! Site that is not just not publicized, and carefully suppressed. It turns out that in the month of April 1987, being at that time still a lab assistant, she applied for membership in the Communist party (postkarte No. 08932425). A year later she was a member of the party (case No. 258, inventory 2, П92 Fund, the Lviv regional archive). Left the ranks of the Communist party immediately after the failed coup. Itself Irina Farion (photo presented in the article) for a long time denied its involvement in KP and admitted his membership only in 2013, stepping in front of a wall of evidence is built by journalists. Oil poured into the fire, a former Professor of Lviv University Anatoly Atamanchuk, who in a 2012 interview journalist Anatoly Shariy. Below — the contents of this conversation.
When a reporter asked how untrue the rumors that Farion was in the party, the former teacher said that it was the elder branch (Ukrainian) and one on the faculty who was a member of the Communist party. Was part of the party Bureau of the Department of Philology. In the meetings the tone was set by Irina fahrion, sharply condemning those who were not loyal to the CP.
Of Course, it was about private life, about relationships fahrion in the students ' years. According to Anatoly Atamanchuk, she "of course, “excellent” learned, was smazlivenkaya on the face, but thin with wonky legs..." a Former teacher of ambiguously hinted that a student from chastity was distant and could support loved onesrelationships with many teachers, but immediately caught himself, saying that in any case does not condemn fahrion, since the Communists have the right to love.
The journalist Specified and the time when this "lady Irina" joined the ranks of the CPSU. It turns out that Farion was adopted in the party before entering the Institute. According to the teacher, he became acquainted with her when fahrion studied in the third year, in 1983. She was a member of the party, chief. "Knocking", but then it was the norm for party members. She allegedly wrote that fahrion — the name of her husband. That's not true, the husband she had. The maiden name of. Her work in postgraduate teacher was not familiar. When the party came, did not know. However, suggested that not officially out, you may be performing partzadanie implementation.
The question Arises: "If fahrion — Communist, why one cannot say this in the open?" If she really is of the staunch and, in fact, repainted, she and “Freedom” threat. After all, most of Lviv citizens in the course of its history.
Atamanchuk noticed that the lions — specific city where the hereditary intelligentsia practically no, because the Jews in the war was destroyed, the poles went. The place of departed occupied the village. And decent people, from his point of view, newcomers. And don't say anything because her classmates in the West, and those who remained - the same as fahrion.
Incidentally, they had had enough. Irina fahrion managed to light up not only the accuser but also the accused. Focus only on one sensational trial.
In 2010 rusofobku discuss virtually all media, including Ukrainian. The explosion of emotions provoked by the video, which fahrion chastised children for what they were called Russian names, advising those who are not corrected, to collect suitcases and to leave Ukraine: "do not call Dear Mary, if Mary, let going to where they live Masha!" In the end, a five-minute belief of children that Russian names are only for Russians, Irina Farion asked: "do Not evacuate not medievia Ukrainian names!"
Of Course, the children were told about the visit of the “strange aunt’ parents. And, naturally, moms and dads were outraged by the behavior of the MP and decided for discrimination to file it in court. What fahrion said that children did not want to offend, but "our names are adapted to the phonetic system of Russian is wrong!" Her speech addressed to children, caused outrage not only among parents but also among psychologists, the media, and politicians. For insulting children on fahrion sued.
Thanks to abuse can quickly become famous. And to be remembered. The most effective way of PR. MP Irina fahrion, apparently, knew about it. And enjoyed. For how can one explain such a number of arranged it scandals? Perhaps, for the overall picture it is enough to consider the last three years to its violent activities. So:
1. June 2010 — fahrion said that the Ukrainians who consider Russian their native language, are degenerates, and they need to be held accountable.
2. June 2012 — rusofobka seeking dismissal of the taxi driver who refused to switch from Russian radio waves.
3. In the same year at a meeting of the regional Council in Lviv fahrion said something like this: “Where did Russian language come from? Who sowed it? What shit he grew up?”
4. May 2013 — on passing the memorial meeting, the Deputy said that the victory of the Soviet will not be a victory for the Ukrainian.
5. June 2013 — fahrion wrote a letter to the SBU, accusing him of treason 148 MPs, appealed to Poland with a request to recognize the Volynsk tragedy genocide. Some members (including Petro Symonenko) complained then that the medicine is not yet reached brain transplant.
6. March 2013 — Alexander Zubchevsky (Communist) sues fahrion, demanding to compensate moral damages for gross insult. The court satisfies the claim in September of the same year and obliges rusofobku to pay 20000 UAH. Zubchevskiy. Fahrion defiantly refuses to pay, calling the Russian-speaking Zubchevsky “being”.
7. April 2014 — rusofobka resents the fact that some speeches in Parliament are heard in Russian: “In a strange language they speak, or louts, or occupants. Just send CADS, and invaders should be shot!”
8. Then about the protests in the South-Eastern part of Ukraine: «These creatures... deserve only death!”
They, like scandals, it was too much. Perhaps if you piece together all that time “fill” Irina fahrion, it would be possible to capture an infinitely long series about modern hybrid of nationalism (or chauvinism) andliberalism. To add a controversial touch to her portrait, it is enough even a couple of her statements. Judge for yourself.
January, 2013 Ideological fahrion, podpisalis energy torchlight procession in honor of Bandera, said that banderizatsiyu Ukraine to stop nobody.
October, 2013 fahrion States (all in the same tone) that the Ukrainian generation will continue the nationalist struggle against the enemies of the people, appeared today in the face of “gangster regionalism”, “rotten liberalism” and “pathological communism”. Ukraine, in its opinion, has two enemies: the Russian-speaking population, corrupting society from within, and Russia itself.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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