The average length of the penis of men in different countries – what they say about research scientists?


2018-05-08 21:00:35




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Why do men more often than women, are interested in, what is the average length of the penis among representatives of different nationalities? Perhaps because deep down they don't believe the assertions of most women that size for them is irrelevant.

Many men try to use every opportunity to prove yourself and your partner that the size of his penis is not small, and some even make great efforts in order to increase their genital organ. Let's learn statistics, what is the average length of the penis in males in different countries?the average length of the penis

Traditionally, it is believed that the small size of manhood Asians. Men of the Far East and Southeast Asia, as a rule, are always at the end of such ratings. This is not surprising, since the average length of a member of men in China is about 11 cm, in Thailand and India – 10 cm, whereas in Korea – 10 cm

“Golden mean" represents a male population of European countries. The average length of the penis in 14-16 inches (erect)

Is considered a classic “average” in the size of the US population, Canada, England, Germany and other countries of the European continent.

The penis, the average length of which slightly more than 18 cm, has received “palm” and is the identity of Africans, and more specifically, residents of the Republic of the Congo.penis average length

Does penis size for female orgasm?

Scottish scientists conducted their own research on the subject of how important for the fair sex size of a man's penis. The survey involved more than 300 women, of whom 60% said that the size is not matter, 34% of respondents chose a size larger than the average, and only 6% of respondents reported that they like the smaller size medium. Does this mean that such a thing as the length of the middle member is the cornerstone of the success of an intimate relationship between a woman and a man?


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If we talk about the features of female physiology, men fixated on the size of your member, you should know that the vagina of any woman has a high ability to change their size, tightly covering the penis regardless of its size. Therefore, in a purely physiological sense, the assertion that the size of manhood for most women it does not matter, is true.

As noted by the women themselves, in order to get an orgasm, the most important thing for them is to relax and trust your partner, the only way to get maximum pleasure. Naturally, for complete relaxation is important, especially the emotional component of relations between the partners, and not the fact the size of the sexual organ of men.the length of the average dick

As recognized by the women themselves, a man should be able to understand what a woman likes, and what-not. It is this ability of men to guess the slightest innermost desires of his partner is able to bring any woman to the very peak of arousal. Trusting the man, knowing that he feels for her only the warmest feelings a woman can fully relax and to get pleasure and give it to your partner.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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