Chieftain is... Definition, characteristics and history


2018-11-25 04:00:46




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The Phrase “be Patient Cossack chieftain will!” has already become winged. Saying it, we're not really thinking about the meaning of the words, although the meaning invested in it are correct. The leader of the free Cossacks, many associated with military honor, valor and courage, but everything is so simple with this title? Ataman – noble the Governor or still dashing rogue? Let's discuss this question.


Who are the chieftains?

This term has multiple definitions, each of which is justified captures the essence of the kind of cases dealt with by the person referred to as chieftain. First of all, he – the leader of the Cossacks, replacing them father not only in home “home”, but also during combat feats. Moreover, in this embodiment, chieftain – post election, almost democratic, dashing warriors alone and in its sole discretion choose their leader, and in the case of dissatisfaction with the decision after a certain period of time can deprive him of the right to be their representative.

But there is another meaning as to what is "chieftain". The definition given in the dictionaries says that this person – head of bandits, mercenaries, and rogues. In this vein, the word takes quite a negative connotation, and the chieftain do not associate with any person brave nor courageous. The bandit leader in the subconscious of most – it's not just Robin hood, but on the contrary – unprincipled brigand, who for the sake of achieving their goals and methods do not scruple to use any means, ready to violate all sorts of notions of honor and chivalry.

ataman definition

Robber soul

In fact, the way it is, ataman – it is dominant over a group of people who escaped from the conventional legal system. At the time when only originated the notion of the Cossacks, and in the heyday of the page in the history of our state, people from this social class was the military unit subordinate to the commander (king or Governor). They kept to themselves, listened only to his elder, who was guided in the actions on the principle of “who pays more, and serve”.


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The Cossacks were more bandits, gathered in disparate groups that have long collaborated with each other, on the contrary, divided the spheres of influence. The chieftain (the definition sounds like the head of the bandit gangs or irregular military formations) were collected subordinates as necessary. He was responsible for providing gangs with food and weapons, were engaged in tactical planning and in General was her “brain”.

what is the ataman

Military rank

Ataman of the Cossacks – the leader of a military unit. Its numbers could be different, so the chieftains were divided not only on the well-known Smoking and Koshevoy (on these titles we will tell you a little bit more), but also in marching, company officer, acting. There was also division managers responsible for specific areas, for example, Lissitzky ataman – is the man who is in charge of hunting, Krasnoy – was responsible for trade, school – the Cossacks taught the basics of science and literacy.

A Very powerful word meaning "chieftain" is acquired along with the prefixes “cabin”, “Stanichno”, “village”. Such leaders were responsible for entrusted to them administrative and territorial unit and its inhabitants. In addition to direct recruiting, such chieftains were engaged in issues of conflict resolution, raising money, including from outlets located on the territory entrusted to them.

This man had not only the judicial power and could decide quarreled Cossacks, and Executive, so he could physically punish his subordinate, which rather can be called wards, because the soldiers could, at its discretion, how to choose their leader and “fire” it. In a combat situation obedience was unquestioning ataman, Cossacks followed its “dad” and were willing to put on the battlefield for his head.

meaning of the word ataman

From North to South

Who is the chieftain, knew in many areas. Such a position often observed at the don and Zaporozhye Cossacks. But they are not the first called as its leader. The first mention of the chieftains are in the historical documents of the thirteenth century, later approved «leader» began Carsten Kind, which is surprising, because he was Navy. Tsar Ivan the terrible in 1570, granted him a license for privateering in the waters of the Baltic sea, it clearly meant that Karsten was given the title of chieftain of the ship and its crew.

However, the longer the term to apply specifically to the land commanders, who were related to the Cossacks. The chieftains were in such power structures:

  • Zaporozhian Cossack army.
  • Black sea Cossack host.
  • Don Cossack host.
  • Novgorod chiefs of the city watch.

Note that in the Ukrainian language the title is written and sounds a little different, namely, as “otaman” that from the point of view of the etymology is wrong, because then the word loses its rootsorigin.


Origin of words

What is "chieftain" will help clarify the parsing words and the translation of its individual parts with the original. The most common version of the origin is the Transfiguration from the German dialect words atta and mann. The first can be interpreted as “father”, and the second – “husband”, “knight”. United together, the two parts give rise to the term "chieftain", which very well explains the essence of this military rank, after all, translates as “the father of soldiers”.

There is another opinion, according to which the ancestor of the word is one of the names of the Ottoman Empire, also called the Ottoman. Zaporozhye Cossacks are not always defended the borders of their state. First their formation did not disdain to sell their services and Crimean khans, some of them were the minions of the ruler of the Golden Horde. Perhaps this was the reason to believe that the word "chieftain" of Eastern origin.

Our response to the Amazons

Usually the ataman called the wife of the leader of the Cossacks, bandits, or was, however, in the history of those ladies who rightfully bore the title, being real warriors. One of the most desperate was Maria Nikiforova, better known as Marussia.

The Girl was a daughter of the military, perhaps it has left a strong imprint on her life views and values. Being quite young, she joined the anarchists initially participated in campaign activities, and then gathered around him a team of like-minded people.

Even before his majority (21 years) she engaged in terrorist activities, were involved in looting, murders and robberies, for which the authorities were sentenced to the death penalty, which, however, is not brought into effect, replacing the indefinite with reference to penal servitude.

She managed to escape, and once again to do his dark deed. Squad Marousi operated in different territories and was always in the thick of the Civil war. The girl partly obeyed the Makhnovists contributed to the Bolsheviks, but in the end was unable to engage in any constructive activities. According to one version, Marusya still shot when began a massive sweep of unreliable and dangerous elements in a new, Communist society.

what is the definition of ataman

Cossack father

As we have said, the chieftains are divided into Smoking and Koshevoy. The first was less important from the point of view of its sphere of influence, but this statement is quite controversial. At the camp were 38 people with the same rank, each subordinate was Smoking. Chose of the chieftain, which is called Smoking, the Cossacks, it was either a former Governor or an ordinary employee. The main thing - that it the person has satisfied the majority of the members of the community. No one else could influence the process of elections, it is always exclusively “your” the man honored, respected and listened to.

The Chieftain received a salary. At that time, when the Cossack army was subordinate to the Imperial power, it was 27 rubles, and also warriors (voluntarily and at its sole discretion) shared with him part of the loot. Attitude to Smoking was so trust and “FILIAL” that the Cossacks could go for him even against the will of the higher rank of commander and, on the contrary, at the request of his immediate leader suffered temporary difficulties and hardships.


A Person with this title was the head of the camp, his command was not only the Cossacks, but also Smoking, clerk, captain, judge. As Kurennoy ataman, otaman also were elected to Parliament, where he annually had to give a report on their activities. With almost limitless powers, he had to constantly reaffirm their own right to them.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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