Skuratov, Yuri I.: a biography, personal life, photo, dirt


2019-03-18 02:00:34




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Swept over Russia, dashing the nineties ruined the lives of many people, including those who accidentally turned on a par with the high officials of the state and built his political and legal elite. Appeared in those years, the term “lawlessness” to fully characterize the atmosphere that prevailed in the highest echelons of power. One of the few that tried to resist the lawlessness and populateusers for it was Skuratov, Yuri Ilyich, who served in the period 1995-1999, the post of Prosecutor General of Russia.

Skuratov Yury Ilyich

The youngest Professor in Russia

Born Yuri I. June 3, 1952 in the capital of Buryatia Ulan-Ude. After graduating in 1968 high school, he became a student of the Sverdlovsk law Institute, which he graduated from in five years. Their education young graduates have continued in graduate school, the end of which was the defense of a thesis.

Giving the Home required two years of active military service, which he held in the special battalion of internal troops Yury Skuratov, the dirt on which in the future will be an example of blatant lawlessness, and returned to his native University, where, having unblemished reputation, have devoted themselves to teaching as an associate Professor and Dean of one of faculties. Soon after receiving his PhD, he became the youngest in the Soviet Union, Professor, doctor of legal Sciences.

Getting started in the capital

Such a talented lawyer could not long remain in the shadows, and in 1989, he received an invitation to work at the Central Committee of the CPSU. There's a young Professor performs the duties of a lecturer, consultant and Deputy head of the Department. Two years later, Yuri I. is among the closest associates of Vladimir Barannikov, who was the head of the Ministry of security.


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In Moscow, his career is developing rapidly. When in 1993 the attorney General to be a vacancy for the position of Director of the Institute of problems of law and order, among all the candidates preference gets Skuratov, Yuri Ilyich. This institution he has headed for two years, after which the Federation Council approved on the post of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Skuratov Yury Ilyich girls

At the head of the Russian Prosecutor's office

Many who had the opportunity in that period to work with Yuri Lenin, remember him as a competent professional. He managed, despite the lack of experience in practical procuratorial work (as can be seen from the previous material, he had to deal mainly with theoretical issues), to quickly navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and to fully perform all that was demanded by the specific situation.

Especially note the contribution of this man to the improvement of living standards of prosecutors. Unlike the present day, when workers of this important state apparatus have sufficient material security, in those years, prosecutors and investigators, especially among young employees, were on the brink of poverty and could somehow exist as a result of worries Skuratov.

It Should be noted that this situation is not unique – it's typical of many States in a period of economic and political crises. Suffice it to recall the Italy of the sixties and seventies. In a time when all developed European countries, the highest investigative unit and Prosecutor's office, in order to avoid their dependence on “virtue” have received quite adequate material contents and medical insurance for the whole family, in this country for a long period, law-enforcement officers were forced to work on enthusiasm.

The Law on Prosecutor's office

Another important result of that period was the emergence of the Law on the Prosecutor's office. Thanks to Yuri Ilyich was adopted by a legislative act, preclude the possibility of arbitrariness on the part of senior state authorities against the attorney General and his deputies. If the head of any other Department could be removed or appointed on the basis of the personal order of the head of state, the Supreme public prosecutors appointed and dismissed only by the Council of the Federation.

Yury Skuratov, Prosecutor


The Nineties had its characteristic peculiarities. No wonder they went down in history of the country with the epithet “dashing”. Then a side of public life bore clear signs of deviations from the rule of law, and one of those who showed then principles, was the Prosecutor General of Russia Skuratov, Yuri Ilyich.

Referring to the information in a large number of the Russian mass media the mid-nineties, you see that in that period there had been considerable investigation of corruption, which was suspected by many heads of the mayoralty of St.-Petersburg. And although the Commission of inquiry, sent to the city on the Neva river, consisted of representatives of three ministries-the interior Ministry, FSB and Prosecutor General's office, it is known that the initiator of its creation was Yuri Skuratov – the Prosecutor not only high professional level, but also deep integrity.

High-profile criminal cases and the resulting conflicts

It was the cause of conflict with people from the innerthe President's entourage. If until 1998 the confrontation came to light after the collapse of the well-known financial pyramid of GKO (State Short-term Bonds) that caused the economic crisis, it has shown the severity.

It Began with the fact that Yuri Skuratov – the public Prosecutor, vested with the broadest powers, – initiated the investigation into the activities of a number of officials holding top state posts and suspected fraud with bonds, t-bills, for which they used their official position. There is no need to list all whose names were mentioned in the list of defendants in this large-scale criminal case. Suffice it to say that it “adorned" of the many who stood in those years at the helm.

Skuratov Yuri I. personal life

In October of the same year, Skuratov, Yuri I. ordered to initiate criminal proceedings on materials relating to the laundering number of high-level individuals of large sums using one of the Swiss banks. It was widely reported then by the media. It was argued that there was evidence of bribes received by Russian officials and two firms for providing them with profitable orders for the restoration of the Moscow Kremlin. It was a very sensational case, and the memory of it has survived to the present day.

Among the apparent and hidden enemies

It is Quite clear that the forces against whom was directed the actions of the attorney General, gave him a most active resistance, and they used everything available at their disposal. As mentioned above, many of those who had the opportunity to work with Yuri Ilyich, agree that he, being a first-rate theorist of law, did not have sufficient experience in practical work, were not in court and had never led the Prosecutor's office.

As man is by nature a direct and principled, Skuratov was not experienced in hardware and propaganda wars. This inevitably had an impact in his underestimation of the handling of the media and most Russian journalists. Also failed him and the lack of ability to understand people, especially evident in the mistakes made by them in implementing personnel policy. All this resulted in very unpleasant consequences, the victim was Yuri Ilyich.

Material, compromising attorney

In early April of the following year in respect of Skuratov criminal case and during the investigation he was removed from office. It happened once a month before, on TV was shown the film, claim the documentary. It had footage, which allegedly Yury Skuratov in the bath, or in a private apartment engaged in improper conduct with two women.

Skuratov Yuri I. RSSU

In Itself, this act, although it is deeply immoral, does not fall under any of articles of the Criminal code. However, the case against Yury Ilyich was initiated and he was charged with that sexual services of those women was allegedly a bribe received from one of the defendants. The absurdity of such accusations was evident, however, to prove his innocence and expose the libel to the attorney General was extremely difficult.

Forgery was so roughly executed that no one ever really believed that they had removed it. Even in the media, not daring to say that the film is Skuratov Yuri I. with the girls, I used the wording “the person similar to Skuratov”.

Forced resignation

Yury Ilyich categorically denied the authenticity of this video, and the video quality was so low that it is not possible to draw definite conclusions. Even on the approval of persons engaged in the official investigation, she was recognized as “pre-genuine”. It should be noted that the legal confirmation of what Skuratov, Yuri I. with the girls depicted in this film, was obtained.

Despite the lack of evidence, this vile at its core, the story was publicized in the press and caused a public outcry. The result has been the resignation of Skuratov held on the basis of the decision of the Federation Council, adopted on 19 April 2000.

Skuratov Yury Ilyich biography

Subsequent professional and social activities

After the forced resignation Skuratov, Yuri Ilyich, whose biography States that his life from this point makes an abrupt turn, takes part in the presidential elections in 2000. For all its virtues, it does not succeed, gaining only a small percentage of votes. This is not surprising – most of them were at that time still under the impression of recent articles and TV spots, character who played Yuri Skuratov. Photo from "revealing" the review has not yet erased from memory.

The following year, as representative of the people's Khural of Buryatia, he became a member of the Federation Council. But this place can't stay long, and soon he loses his powers – “girl” Yuri Skuratov ruining his career and in this case. Another attempt to get back into the power structure were undertaken in 2003, when Yuri Ilyich decided to run for the State Duma as a candidatefrom single-member constituencies. However, the attempt was not successful. He was denied registration because of inaccuracies in the filing of documents.

Activities of the former head of the Prosecutor's office in our days

Currently, Yuri Ilyich, as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist party, is active in leading a number of social and legal structures. In addition, he is chair of and a Professor at the Russian state social University (RSSU), created in 1991 on the basis of the government decree on the conversion of the former party schools.

To teaching this University had attracted many talented teachers in Russia. A big role in his work plays an experienced lawyer Skuratov, Yuri Ilyich. The University is currently implementing a unique program of training of students aimed at strengthening and expanding the legal base of our state.

Yury Skuratov photo

Skuratov, Yuri I.: personal life

The Wife of Yuri Ilyich – Irina – an engineer-economist. They have two adult children, as well as the father, became lawyers. The elder son Dmitry-the graduate of the law faculty of Moscow University, candidate of legal Sciences – the head of the Fund Marshall Capital. Daughter of Alexander, which specialty is "international law", teaches at the Moscow Institute of international relations.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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