The son of Dmitry Nagiyev - the new rising star


2019-04-26 09:00:24




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The Son of Dmitry Nagiyev Cyril - rising star of the Russian show business. After the famous father Cyril conquers the top of mount Olympus in the film industry - in films, tries himself in the role of leading TV shows. The participants of the shooting process note the professionalism of the young man, obvious acting talent. Apparently, the genes - a serious thing, and the son of Dmitry Nagiyev no wonder he entered the theatrical Institute.the son of Dmitry Nagiyev

Biography actor

Kirill Nagiev - the son of Dmitry Nagiyev and Alice cher. Born in 1989, September 31. Saint Petersburg was the birthplace of the actor, a very sweet and dear.

The Son of Dmitry Nagiyev ROS most of the time with grandma and grandpa, parents have been very busy at work. Dmitry Nagiyev made their way in the world of show business, and Alice Sher worked as a DJ on radio "Europe-plus". Later, when father and mother divorced, the boy also continued to spend much time with his grandfather and grandmother, but never ceased to carry out almost every evening my father, who lived nearby.

Career Choice

When it came time to make a choice in favor of the profession, not just the young man decided to become an actor. Manila, archaeology, medicine. But a high school diploma, to put it mildly, was limping and decided to try his hand at acting. He entered the School-Studio of the Moscow art theatre, studied there for two courses and then transferred to the St. Petersburg Academy of theatre arts. Peter never let his resident, Cyril returned from Moscow to their hometown.

He remembers himself as a young boy, who grew up in the rapture favorite city, and this feeling will never go away. Saint-Petersburg is a heroic city. Here spent all 900 days of blockade grandfather Cyril, during his stay in town he kept a diary, which described his life. Cyril admires the heroism of the veterans of the great Patriotic war, every year brings them flowers on parade.


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A passion for the theater lived in the boy since childhood. Father often took it with him when he was in high school theater, and the kid from the backstage and watched the performances. Therefore, to make a final choice was quite simple, because the guy grew up in an acting environment and knows from the inside all its ins and outs.the son of Dmitry Nagiyev, a photo biography

First steps in cinema

Even as a boy, Cyril was often present on set with his father. Basically he's not just hung around the Pope, and worked as an administrator, watched, attended to the necessary things, everything was prepared and laid in their places. Debut role, after which it became known to the press, the son of Dmitry Nagiyev (photo, biography it will be reviewed by us siegodnya), was the role in the TV series "Daddy's girls". Cyril coped with it successfully, and began to receive a new invitation to appear.

One of the most important works involving Cyril Nagiyev was the film "Brigade: the heir", where he played the son of the main character from the TV series "Brigada". After this career novice actor went up. Movies "Anya", "the Territory of Jah", "Run", "Russian cross" and other paintings have become the hallmark of the actor. Kirill likes to play, he good at to get into character, acting talent is in the son of Dmitry Nagiyev in full.the son of Dmitry Nagiyev photo

Kirill Nagiev today

The TV Channel "Friday" has launched a new project called "Revizorro show." The leading program was already an experienced actor Kirill Nagiev, which has shown to be a good professional in the field of television, he copes with the role of the master of the show. The program is given a chance to justify those institutions that have not been checked Elena's Bat, and the dialogue with the representatives of the good news, Kirill Nagiev. The ratings of the program grow, along with the growing popularity of the actor and TV presenter. Increasingly on the covers of magazines, you can see what it looks like the son of Dmitry Nagiyev, a photo of a young actor often appears in the press.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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