The most unusual tree in the world. Unusual trees of the world: photos


2019-06-10 02:20:20




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Natural Beauty of our Earth never ceases to delight. Throughout the planet meet the most incredible trees that do not leave indifferent tourists. And among them there are unique instances, which can be seen only in one certain place. So it will be interesting to know what are the most unusual trees in the world (some of their pictures presented), and what is their uniqueness. But, apart from the fact that the plant may be interesting in itself because of its shape or size, people sometimes give them awesome names.

Baobab “Maker”

On the island of Madagascar grows an unusual tree, which in its form resembles a huge kettle. This plant is very well known here, and locals will not be surprised. But it impresses all tourists. Scientists claim that this plant is already 1200 years. In addition, like kettle, it can accommodate a large volume of water. According to some estimates, it “capacity” is 117 000 litres!an unusual tree

This baobab a very thick trunk in which it stores moisture and uses in the dry season. It's also interesting that his roots are of an impressive size and spread for tens of kilometers. It can also collect moisture. In times of drought, this tree drops all the leaves not to waste the water for their maintenance. But instead they go out buds.

These baobabs are very soft wood. When the elephant is thirsty, it breaks the stem and eats the inside to quench your thirst. But an unusual tree in this does not cease to exist. It is very tenacious and is trying to re-root to continue to grow.


This plant belongs to the Myrtle family. It is called jabuticaba or Brazilian grape tree. It is colourful, and it is grown in tropical latitudes. The plant has small leaves, which differ Myrtle aroma. Can grow up to 12 metres but on plantations does not exceed five.

strange trees photo

These plants are different in that their benefits do not appear at the ends of branches and trunk. Of course, this is not the only unusual trees (photo jaboticaba shown above), which bear fruit thus, these include jackfruit, cocoa and several other tropical plants. With the arrival of spring, the main branches and trunk are covered by a huge number of small white flowers. One year a tree can not bring one crop. Ripening lasts less than a month. Ripe «grape» have an almost black color. All fruits not more than 4 cm in diameter. They are very similar to grapes, their flesh the same consistency, but inside there is a large stone. The fruit is very juicy and sweet. From them prepare jams and juices.


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Bottle tree

This tree species grows in Namibia. Each plant not only has an unusual shape, but is distinguished by its dangerous emissions. Their juice is the poison that can cause death not only the animal, but man. In appearance it is similar to milk. These unusual trees (photo shown below) was formerly used as a deadly weapon. The Bushmen were wetted in wood poisonous secretions the tips of their arrows.

most unusual tree

The vegetation can be found in mountainous areas of Namibia. The strange shape of the trunk that resembles a bottle with a wide bottom, led to the fact that the tree called "bottle".


This is a rare plant to see in Cambodia, but not everywhere, but only in some places. These unusual trees of the world (see photo below) also occur in South-East Asia, near the temple of “TA Prohm”. Surprisingly in plants that they seemed to embrace the roots of this ancient structure. Trees can have very impressive dimensions, lifting skyward. And near the temple are growing equally impressive ficus-Stranglers. They also stretched their roots to the building to envelop him.

tree of unusual shape

Peach palm tree

It is believed that the first specimens of this plant appeared in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but today they often find in the South and Central America. This is the most unusual trees because they look really weird. The entire trunk, from roots to the top, decorated with rows of sharp spikes that resemble large needle urchin.

The leaves of the plant are long, oblong. Some of them grow up to three meters in length! The tree itself does not usually exceed 20 metres. The fruits of this plant are edible. I wonder what the native Americans the basis of its diet is made up this “dish”. Today fermented the fruit of this plant belongs to the popular treat.

Crooked tree

Another wonder are the plants that have curved trunks. They grow in Poland, in a forest near the town of Gryfino. There are slightly more than 400. The reason curved trunks is unknown. There is the assumption that each is a tree of unusual shape obtained as a result of human intervention, but who needed it and why - remains a mystery.

According to some conjectures, these plants were intended for making bent wood furniture, for agricultural implements or for boat hulls. Because of the Second world war the owners of theseplots had to quickly escape and now this story will remain a mystery.

the unusual trees in the world photo


Also on the Ground are growing unusual conifers, such as larch, which throws off the fall foliage. And around the city of Alberta (Canada) is soft pine, which is called ‘Burma”. This is the only extraordinary instance of this kind, which has its own fascinating story. It is noteworthy tree that died back in the 1970-ies, but it continued to stand, without fear of decay and decomposition. Experts say that the day of his death, the plant had about 600-750 years.

In 1998, the city was struck by strong wind, which pushed this unusual tree, but caring residents picked it up and put in place - to stand in the same position. Some time later, someone broke the thread, but people are once again put to the trunk. Today come from around the world travelers taking pictures by the tree “Burma”.

Tree of life

Another unusual tree is located in Bahrain. It has approximately the 4th century. But it is remarkable not that, and the fact that grows in the desert, where absolutely no water. In a radius of several kilometers not found in other trees. Its roots are deep in the soil, so some believe that is where the plant produces moisture. But this is not proven, and people still can't understand how this tree turns out to survive. In order to see this amazing plant, every year it comes to about 50 000 tourists.

unusual names of trees


The National tree of India called Bengal Fig, or Banyan, is also an amazing plant. For a long time it was considered the most broad. But the tree still continues to grow. A feature of the Banyan tree are its roots, which hang from the branches. They are so numerous that it seems that not one tree, but a real forest. The tree can grow to occupy the area equal to a city block.

“Walked the tree”

Near the lake Baikal are also unusual plants that belong to the attractions of the area. This is a common larch and pine, which differ in their roots. They protrude from the sandy ground. Over the years the wind blew the sand, and the roots bare for a few meters. But the complex root system helps the tree to stay on the surface. It seems that the plants are on stilts. The most famous grove of “walking tree” grows in Sandy Bay. At this point, the roots come out more than two meters.

unusual conifers

More trees

In addition to these 10 unusual trees there are plenty of mysterious plants. So, you can hear about the Drakensberg trees that grow in Yemen and the Canary Islands. The name of the plant received from its resin and SAP, which have a rich blood color. The local population is sure that this liquid is a true cure-all.

No less unique is the "iron wood". It can be found in Iran and Azerbaijan. Wood plants are stronger than iron and as heavy, so it sinks if you drop it in water. The plant also impresses with its performance, the planting of the “iron trees” to develop into impenetrable. Over time, these plants grow together.

Many many strange and unusual names of trees. So, on Earth you can meet candy, sausage, cabbage, silk tree. They all have their history, characteristics and peculiarities, which are interesting to know and learn. In what country or get, everywhere you can find an unusual plant, which local residents willing to talk for hours.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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