The American way of life. The American dream


2018-03-20 21:05:18




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From somewhere in the 70-ies of the last century in the Soviet Union slowly began to seep elements of American culture, despite the “iron curtain». Gradually in the country among young people cultivated a kind of bright image of the United States of America. Several generations of young Soviet people of the 70's-90-ies took over the American way of life, fashion, style, music, ideology. They believed that the United States – it's very cool. Many wanted to go there because there is freedom, democracy, expression, and other pleasures of life.

lifestyle of American teenagers

The standard American lifestyle

As in the United States so special? Why a lot of people worldwide still believe that this country is perfect? The concept of “American way of life” became an ideological cliché. And for good reason. Because the media painted a picture of the state of abundance, universal prosperity, freedoms and opportunities. It is believed that the lifestyle of the American people are very active and dynamic, they are businesslike and determined.

The Mandatory attribute of any self-respecting American are: car loans, two-storey house near the city. And, of course, how to do without liberal democracy and religious pluralism?! Regardless of social status or origin everyone is equal before the law, at least, sounds exactly like the propaganda of the American way of life. In General, what all should strive every self-respecting man in America is to get very easy and simple.

How did the American dream

During the great depression in the United States, James Adams wrote a treatise "the Epic of America”, which was first mentioned the phrase such as “American dream». He represented the United States as a state where everyone can get what he deserves, and life will be better, fuller and richer. Since then the phrase caught on and began to be used not only in severe but also in an ironic sense. In this case the value of the American dream is vague and has no clear boundaries. And it is unlikely to ever be clearly defined. After all, everyone puts its meaning in this concept, and that the American dream is even more attractive. Also this concept is very closely associated with immigrants from other countries, where often there is such a vast individual liberty as promoted in the States. It is believed that in America, you can thrust independent work to succeed in life.


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What is it?

The American dream – dreams of a beautiful life, first and foremost, about wealth. In Europe, for example, was a fairly clear class distinction, for many people to achieve prosperity was just beyond reality. States was the country where it was first developed so that individual enterprise, to achieve material well-being could every. And the dream has become the goal of millions of people in the pursuit of quick enrichment.

The Colonists in North America in the eighteenth century very quickly realized the endless possibilities that gives this new continent. In their communities the virtue has become hard work person for your own gain, at the same time, naturally, it was necessary to sacrifice for the needs of the community. On the contrary, poverty was considered a blemish, as only untenable, weak-willed and spineless people couldn't achieve with those unlimited possibilities which gave a new continent. Such people are not respected.

Thus, the formation of a lifestyle based on material things. It was a new morality, a new religion, where success has become a sign of God's love. The nineteenth century was a milestone in the mass emigration of desperate fortune hunters from the Old world to the new world, where it has not really been culture and civilization, but were given unlimited opportunities to obtain wealth. For these people the main values of life was material wealth rather than moral, cultural and spiritual development. Accordingly, what the vector of development than capitalism, could give these migrants to future generations of Americans?

It created a new way of life

If Europe's wealth and property was inherited or the struggle for them was conducted only within the privileged class in America, they became available to everyone. Appeared tough competition, as the candidates were millions. In turn, this unlimited passion for the accumulation of wealth has led to incredible greed that has engulfed American society. Due to the fact that it consisted of emigrants from all possible countries, representatives of various nationalities, religions and cultures, it turned out just incredible symbiosis.

America has provided free access to enriching absolutely everyone indiscriminately, which gave rise to fierce competition and prudent pragmatism of the population, which was absolutely necessary for survival. The United States created its tradition of varied and unusual realities, fusing them into something new.

standard American lifestyle


America – country of incredible contrasts. So, at least, in 1890 commented on her Bedecker, known guidefrom England. It not only coexist but got the opposite in nature of the phenomenon: a fanatical religiosity and materialistic world, the participation and indifference to others, politeness and aggressiveness, honest work and a passion for manipulation, respect for the law and rampant crime, individualism and conformism. All this intricately combined and organically woven into the new American way of life.

In Fact, conformism and became one of the foundations of this lifestyle. Since America was not yet a strong state with social structures, social institutions and traditions were able to organize all motley crowd of migrants, conformity became the only possible form of survival. In the US the establishment of all public institutions started from scratch with a clean slate, and without any support from the past, the citizens took the only convenient course – economic. Humanism, culture, religion-everything was subordinated to the new system of values, where the leading role was played by currency and stocks. Human happiness became measured only by the number of banknotes.

Country of idealists and dreamers

At least so called America its President Coolidge. Because this is a country where every worker can become a millionaire, because he has a dream. It does not matter that we can't all be millionaires, the main thing-to believe, to dream and to aspire to it. And nobody is going to debunk this myth, because the value of the individual in the United States was directly proportional to the Bank account of its owner. Over time limit of the highest level receded further and further: hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions, billions. Because achieving dreams – the collapse of the system stop, which is not permissible. You only need to move forward. This is, perhaps, the American way of life similar to Communist.

wealth [

The USA and the USSR: similarities and differences

Despite the fact that the Soviet way of life was radically different from the American, was still in two such contrasting countries a single entity. Oddly enough, but the pursuit of growth in material values was a common goal of both the U.S. and the Soviet dream. The difference consisted only in the fact that in America end in itself – individual enrichment, and for the Union – a collective, universal material well-being. But in both cases the idea was based of progress – non-stop industrial development, the movement for the movement.

To promote the progress of the conditions of life constantly change and people must adapt to new realities. To do this he must work and, thus, labor has become equivalent to freedom. Work became even some kind of religion, because the one who was nothing, could be everything. Such propaganda was carried out in the Soviet Union and the United States of America.

lifestyle of the American people

Previously, the farmer, cultivating his land, could provide all the necessities, as a result of industrialization, he became entirely dependent on the state, and he had to sell themselves on the labour market. Thanks to the work developed discipline and self-organization that brought the society to the absolute order, which was a utopian ideal. All work was for the benefit of the economy, which has become a tool of control. On the banknote of one dollar is a symbolic inscription «New order forever”, which perfectly characterizes the US position in world politics.

Freedom, equality and ...?

At the time, the slogan of the French revolution was “Liberty, equality, fraternity". What in all ages was an accomplishment in any society. In the Declaration of independence America puts practically the same thesis, only instead of the brotherhood stated “the Right to pursuit of happiness”. Original and interesting interpretation. But is it all a idealistic and transparent?


If the European States in the first place stood a man with his personal qualities, here comes to the fore the equality of all people regardless of cultural and spiritual development. Freedom is the right to participate in the competition, and under the equality means the same opportunities for business development. Well, “the right to pursuit of happiness” and so speaks for itself. Personality, strength of spirit, cultural development, and other do-gooders in this society are not needed and not important, there is only one notion of power – this is the economy that dominates all spheres of human life and the state.

Mass as the basic principle of a new life

Due to the individual enterprise of America from an agrarian country into an industrial. Craft labor a thing of the past, and began mass production of consumer products. The population became part of a huge economic machine. People have become consumers to the fore began to leave material wealth, which was all the more. But the actual reins of power were in the hands of owners of large corporations and corporations that dictated the conditions of life of the whole country, and not only. They eventually were able to spread their influence to much of the world.

The Economic elite began to subdue andcontrol the society. Mostly at the helm were people from the lower classes of society, far from high culture, spiritual development and enlightenment. And the American people consisted of ordinary people, so the culture of the United States began its development of market spectacles. In the end she conquered the whole world. Her principle was that culture became part of the celebrations of the working man, who after a hard work was necessary to relax. So now is the image of modern life, and not only in America.

High and delicate matter obviously could not contribute to this kind of recreation. Therefore, mass culture of the United States consistent with the goals of the American economy. So that set such a way of life in which it lost its moral values, completely dissolving in the material world, becoming only a cog in an incredible economic machine.

the American way of life

Typical American family

In the usual sense is a model American family, so hard to impose American cinema? It's a business dad who works at a big company, mother-housewife, to arrange a barbecue for the neighbors on Saturday and making two of their children teenagers sandwiches to school. They sure are big and beautiful two-storey house, a dog and a pool in the backyard. As well as a large garage, because each member of the family your car. But it's only a beautiful picture, which hard treated to unsuspecting viewers from different countries, and the States themselves. So lives only a small stratum of the population. A huge portion of Americans can't afford to buy healthy food, so eats low-quality fast food, this America occupies the first place the world in the number of people suffering from obesity. This problem also contributes to the fact that the image of modern life in America, mostly sedentary.

Some sedentary work, after which they spend time either in the bar or in front of the TV at home on the couch. Others fall into the other extreme-the pursuit of perfect beauty. That's why America is so developed beauty industry that promotes the image of the ideal women from the glossy covers of magazines. All conditions are created in order to ladies, young and old poured huge amounts of money in the achievement of these standards.

Also is the United States launched the technology race in the entertainment industry. Constantly come out with new gadgets that are particularly interesting to the youth. In the pursuit of fashionable novelties in all spheres, be it cars, computers, iPods, smartphones, clothes, shoes, accessories and other attributes of modernity, shaped by the lifestyle of American teenagers. The system is designed so that everything becomes obsolete very quickly. To be successful, fashionable and popular, you need to constantly acquire new things. As mentioned earlier, the progress never stands still. And now humanity is beginning to see the fruits of their thoughtless unlimited consumption, but, unfortunately, the system still.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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