Batyushkov: a short biography of the poet


2018-03-22 15:13:11




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Konstantin Batyushkov, a short biography of which is described in this article, was a talented Russian poet with a difficult fate.


Batyushkov brief biography

Nicholas and Alexandra Batyushkova hopefully waited for the birth of the fifth child in the family. They wanted a son because they already have four daughters. Their long-awaited boy came into this world in may of 1787, in Vologda. The father belonged to an old noble family, but was in disgrace because of his uncle who participated in the plot against the Empress.

Six years after the birth of Constantine, his mother caught the problem - mental illness. In 1795, she died.

His childhood Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolayevich held at the family estate and studied at home. And after the death of his mother was sent to boarding school in St. Petersburg. His main hobby was French and Russian literature, he learned to perfection the Latin and read the works of Horace and Tibula.


Thanks to the patronage of his uncle, Trustee of Moscow University Mikhail Muravyov, in 1802 Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolayevich entered the service in the Ministry of national education. During the following years he worked in the office of Muravyev.

In 1807, disobeying the wishes of his father, the poet enrolled in the militia and went with a militia battalion to Prussia. During the fighting he was wounded and sent for treatment in Riga, and then - for the restoration of native estate.Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolayevich

In 1808, he participated in the war with Sweden. After she took an extended vacation because of deteriorated health. Mother's illness affected the children, it was hereditary. About this time, Batyushkov, a brief biography which will not describe all the colors of the incident, begins to suffer hallucinations.


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On Christmas day of 1809 the poet came upon the invitation to Moscow, where he met with Karamzin, Pushkin, Zhukovsky. With the first two persons he met very close.

In may of 1810 was dismissed. A terrible premonition of his illness would not let him live peacefully. He rushed between Moscow and the village where lived his sister.

In 1812, he moved to the capital to work in a public library. His colleague was I. A. Krylov.

The Poet participated in the war of 1813, was an adjutant of General Raevsky. Home has returned only in 1814.


In the Spring of 1818 was hosted in Odessa by the local Governor. It was then that he received a letter from his friend Turgenev, stating that Batiushkov invited to the diplomatic mission in Naples.Konstantin Batyushkov verses

In 1819, the poet lived in Venice. In 1821 he visited Germany to improve mental health. He began to feel that he is being persecuted. The situation got worse.

1822 was in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, there occurred the most tragic cases of his mental state. He repeatedly tried to kill himself.

In 1824 it was decided to send Batiushkov in a psychiatric hospital in Saxony. There he spent four long years, and returned to Moscow when his seizures have almost stopped.

Pushkin saw the poet for the last time in 1830. He was so impressed with this quiet and tragic madness, wrote the poem "God forbid I go crazy".

In 1833, Konstantin moved to Vologda, to the house of his nephew, where he lived until his death twenty-two years. Batyushkov, a brief biography which does not reflect the whole drama of his fate, died of typhoid fever at the age of sixty-eight years.


First poetic experiments happened Batiushkov about 1804, when he became friendly with members of the "Free society of lovers of literature, Sciences and arts". After his friends, he tried to compose, and his works began to print.

During the Prussian campaign he wrote several good poems, and begins to translate the "Liberated Jerusalem", a poem of TASS.

During the battle of Leipzig killed his best friend and comrade-in-arms Ivan Petin. Batyushkov dedicates several poems, including "Shadow friend" is one of the best works of the poet.Konstantin Batyushkov creativity

One of the most difficult moments in life Batyushkov, a brief biography which is unable to accommodate them all, asked for support to Zhukovsky. It was after his passionate speeches, the poet began to prepare for the release with the publication of his works, published in 1817.

In 1815 the poet was a member of the society "Arzamas".

Konstantin Batyushkov, whose work is of great importance for Russian literature, has done a great job over the poetic speech of the Russian language. His poems are unusually sincere and "breathe deeply".

The Majority of literary critics claim that Konstantin Batyushkov verses which was clean, brilliant and imaginative, influenced the formation of Pushkin.

Personal life

The poet's life was not happy, he never married and had no children.

For the First time experienced the feeling of love in Riga during treatment after being wounded. It was a girl, Amelia, the daughter of a local merchant. Their affair had nothing to continue after the departure of Batiushkov.

In 1812, the house venison poet met Anna Furman, feelings which instantly seized him. Their relationship lasted for aboutthree years, and all believed that the case goes to the wedding. But Anna was not in love with Batiushkov, she just wanted to fulfill the will of his guardians and enter into an advantageous marriage.

Konstantin Nikolaevich, who understood it, and refused the wedding and came down with a severe nervous disorder, which was treated a few months.

In his remaining years he never met the one.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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