Comparative characteristics of the Kalashnikov and Kiribeievich. The opposition of the people and the government


2018-03-21 07:12:07




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In his work the artist brings the reader to the XVI century, during the unlimited power of the terrible. The main characters of the poem are the merchant Kalashnikov and the Oprichnik Kiribeievich, and not the king. The writer has raised the subject of dignity and honor. The work forces the reader to think about important issues such as freedom, human rights, violence and arbitrariness, and ways to protect themselves and their families.

Description guardsmen of Kiribeievich

comparative characteristics of the Kalashnikov and kiribeievichComparative characteristics of the Kalashnikov and Kiribeievich gives an idea of the main characters of the novel. Oprichnik had a heroic strength, he was a brave, perfectly proved to be in battles, so enjoyed the favor of the king. Kiribeievich felt very close to the surrounding beauty, was able to enjoy it and admire, so wide his eyes could not pass the beautiful wife of the merchant Kalashnikov Alena Dmitrievna. The woman immediately won the heart of brave guardsmen, one of its kind he had lost his composure, his legs tottered, and my head is foggy.

Comparative characteristics of the Kalashnikov and Kiribeievich allows the reader to create an image of people's favorite and man, endowed with power. Oprichnik felt their impunity, so that stepping through all the moral laws started harassing Alena Dmitrievna. He was unaware that his daring don't like kissing a woman, that their actions are a disgrace to the family Kiribeievich Kalashnikovs. Oprichnik was not ready to waiver Alena Dmitrievna and the challenge to a duel from her husband.

The Confrontation between the merchant and the guardsmen

kiribeievich KalashnikovNobody in town, even the king did not know the true reasons why he decided to fight Kiribeievich Kalashnikov. Oprichnik is undoubtedly surpassed by the power of the merchant. A simple man of the people was impossible dream to fight a professional soldier, constantly involved in fist fights. But the moral laws were on the side of the Kalashnikov, and Kiribeievich is well understood. The confidence of the Oprichnik is seriously weakened after the words of the merchant that he will fight to the last breath.


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Comparative characteristics of the Kalashnikov and Kiribeievich shows that the person is aware of their own right, can beat anyone. Oprichnik lost on fair and open fight temper, so he died at the hands of the enemy. The merchant, above all, puts truth and honor, that is, the moral laws of the people. This is an iron nature that is able to stand up for the honor of his family. For him death is better than dishonor.

The Execution of Stepan Kalashnikov

the merchant Kalashnikov and the Oprichnik kiribeievichThe Merchant was not willing to admit the true reason of the fight, choosing as payback for the death of the best of the Royal guardsmen penalty. Ivan the terrible was a cruel, but its fair. If he knew why there was a fight, he would be pardoned Stepan. Comparative characteristics of the Kalashnikov and Kiribeievich shows that the preservation of dignity in the understanding of people comes into conflict with social conditions. Lermontov has always maintained that shaping properties of the personality of the person need only on national grounds.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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