What does the expression "cuckold"?


2018-03-24 07:57:12




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In many films, women's magazines and forums to hear the phrase "cuckold". After reading it, immediately there is an Association with the betrayal of one spouse to another. At the same time often talking about the horns associated with the male sex. It is noteworthy that such men are called “wife”, and the horn has become not only verbal, but very real form. For example, men, the victim of the betrayal of his wife, can often hint at this event, giving him the gift of reindeer antlers. But is it trite this expression? Where did it come from? And whether other interpretations?


How did the expression: a small excursion into history

Despite its great popularity, especially among the fair sex, the phrase "cuckold"the Has quite an old origin. While it is known practically all over the world. Disputes about the reliability of the date of its occurrence being in our time. For example, some participants such a heated discussion to prove that this expression appeared in the times of the Vikings.

It is believed that when sending their husbands to war or on a voyage his wife had made a special ritual, putting on their heads the helmet, equipped with two horns of animals.

pointing to her husband Rog

The Ban on accompanied by his wife

Other of the contending answer the question: “Where the expression "cuckold" came from?” - a slightly different version. In their opinion, this concept comes to us from the distant 1472. It was then that a decree was issued, forbidding men to be in the army or during the battle, along with their wives. According to this decree, have violated this requirement in men the punishment should have been to the end of his days to wear a special headpiece with horns. Thus all associates can learn about people who have broken the law.


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where the expression cuckold

A unique manifestation of the favor of the ruler

The Expression “pointed horns to her husband”, according to the third, appeared during the reign of the famous Byzantine Emperor Andronicus Comnenus. According to them, the Governor loved to find solace in the company of others ' wives. He was very loving and led a dissolute life. The men who change their wives, he was allowed to hunt freely in his dominions and were granted special powers.

In turn deceived by the men whose spouses were attracted to the ruler, received a gift of antlers. Them they were attached to the gate of his house, in order to confirm the location of the Emperor to the person. By the way, these men jokingly called “wife”. That's why "cuckold" directly correlated with cheating and the actual cheating husband.

cuckold whence came

Comparing husband cheated with animals

A Little later, this expression gained a new meaning. In this case, the deceived husband was compared to stupid cattle, or animals with horns, because most often the latest he knew about the betrayal of his wife. Also about such people it was customary to say that they are likely to notice how they have forehead horns, rather than pay attention to his unfaithful wife. For this reason, the idiom "cuckold" denotes a female or male adultery.

where the term cuckold

Expression has ancient roots

Some believe this expression came to us from the distant ancient times. For example, this assumption is expressed in his work “On the knees of the gods: the Origins of European thought about the soul, mind, body, time, world, and destiny”, R. Onians Version of the researcher is linked with the mystical power which was once attributed to the horns of the Greeks. For example, these items were used as a kind of attribute at the time of animal sacrifice on the altar.

Later the horns began to appear on altars and sacred places. They were called “horns for dedication” and displays a divine connection between the sacrificed animals, by pornositeler and Creator of all creatures. Still later, the horn became associated with manhood. And the expression “to be Horny” meant male lust and love, the desire to find sexual joy with lots of women. Still later came our infamous "cuckold". Where it is hard to say. But versions, as we have said, abound. So it is possible to make certain conclusions.

why cuckold

Medieval poetry and “horned men”

Recall that the horn often had erotic or sexual subtext. The same confirmation can be found in medieval poetry. According to experts, especially such comparisons is famous for the poetry of the XIII century. Most often it tells us that have deceived men in his forehead grows a real horn.

On the basis of these beliefs in Europe and the fashion to decorate the head of the deceived men of large and branchy horns. And there was a crown word Train horns”. So everyone around could understand how it was awarded such a "cuckold" his wife.

Horn inthe nature and value

It is Interesting, that the horns in nature also have a sexual connotation. But the fact is that their animals are often used in the struggle for the female. They are the rank score, which is male in the pack. For example, the more horns, the greater and more important than his position. Horns are also frequently used by males when mating and in the preliminary games. Thus, males with the tips of them gently rubbing their sides with their partners.

Why the antlers?

Most Often, the word "cuckold" there is an Association with antlers. It is believed that every year the animal to the dark Kingdom. At the same time, until you grow a new one, he loses all interest in the opposite sex and does not want to mate.

Giving the deceived husband horn, neighbors and friends not only wanted to inform him about the infidelity of his wife. With this gesture they tried to cheer her husband, giving him the thought of his unspent sexual power and attractiveness.

Moreover, antlers are his pride and dignity. Therefore, changing to your husband, wife, degrading and even insulting his honor. Therefore, when some rulers and influential personality wanted to humiliate the unworthy in their opinion man, in mockery gave him reindeer antlers.

Origin of the expression "cuckold"?

In some cultures the horns were associated with the sins. For this reason, many people argued that for such and such sins on the head of bad people has grown horns. Sometimes the sins of the implied cheating spouse, wearing a sexy character.

Many peoples of the horn was associated with fertility. Therefore, the wearing of horns was evidence of fertility men. It was a remarkable husband and father. Married with him you can have a bunch of children.

In short, the expression has come to us from the distant past. It involves sexual allusion to the betrayal of her husband. Thus, despite differences in the interpretation of some people, the presence of horns in males talked about his inattention to his woman.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/relationship/2222-what-does-the-expression-cuckold.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/adnos-ny/3912-shto-aznachae-vyraz-nasta-lyac-rog.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/beziehung/3911-was-bedeutet-der-ausdruck-cuckold.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-relaci-n/3916-que-significa-la-expresi-n-instruir-a-los-cuernos.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/relationship/2224-what-does-the-expression-cuckold.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/relationship/2221-cuckold.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/arym--atynas/3914-b-l-rnek-nastavlyat-m-y-z.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/relacje/3915-co-oznacza-wyra-enie-naucza-rogi.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/rela-o/3912-o-que-significa-a-express-o-edificar-chifres.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/li-ki/3919-anlam-na-gelir-ifadesi-t-boynuz.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/v-dnosini/3916-scho-oznacha-viraz-nastavlyati-rogi.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/relationship/2404-what-does-the-expression-cuckold.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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