Prayer of Ambrose of Optina from Smoking will help to overcome the destructive habit


2018-03-23 04:34:19




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Smoking – it is a sin or just a bad habit? If it is a sin, what God's commandment violates the inhalation of tobacco smoke? But if it's a habit, why abandoning it is associated with sadness, melancholy, anger and the person is not able to cope with them? Why you need a prayer of Ambrose of Optina from Smoking, because there is today the book of Allen Carr and a variety of tools such as e-cigarettes or hookahs? Let's try to understand these issues and also to understand what role is played by Smoking in human life.

How come?

As we know, Smoking came to Europe about five hundred years ago after the discovery and conquest of America. Introduction to ancient civilizations of this region for Europeans was mixed. The Spanish conquistadors, people are not faint of heart, was struck by the rites of human sacrifice.

prayer of Ambrose of Optina SmokingAre cut of the body of boys and girls, their throbbing hearts in the clubs, tobacco smoke vestimentis to the sun God with various requests, and the body was eaten at funeral meals. The image of the God of the sun-rattlesnake in the green plumage – consistent with the image of Satan. For Europeans-Christians of the demonic nature of the ritual was clear, and they ruthlessly exterminated local inhabitants.

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On the other hand, Columba and his companions struck the first impression from the meeting with the natives: they sat around and smoked “tobacco” (folded from a special grass up), releasing smoke from his mouth and nostrils. The ritual was accompanied by the invocation of invisible “other” and communion with him in trance. The priests of Smoking a peace pipe, was puffing on a smoke one after another, releasing it in different directions: the land on all sides of the horizon, the sky, calling on the appropriate spirits.


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strong prayer of Ambrose of Optina SmokingMagical character of the ritual of Smoking the Europeans did not pay attention, and as nicotine TRANS so impressed them that they spread it all over the Old World. If the Indians deliberately evoked the demons in the rite of Smoking, the Europeans have to do it unconsciously. But the invisible enemy – dangerous. People who consider themselves Christian, lighting a cigarette, calls the evil spirits. No wonder prayer from the passion of Smoking Reverend Ambrose Optinskogo contains words that tobacco passion that, like any passion, is evil, and go back to where you came from - hell in the womb.

Fatal frankincense Satan

The Devil – it is a caricature of God. Nothing new, he does not create, but only pervert the divine institution. So, in the days of the old Testament the Lord instructed the people to bring “sweetsmelling fragrance" to burn incense fragrant incense during worship. Pleasant smell attracts the Holy spirit and drives away unclean spirits. Desire saturation with the Holy Spirit reflects the prayer from Smoking Ambrose of Optina that people again had the opportunity to pure prayer.

a Prayer to St. Ambrose Optinskogo SmokingTobacco toxic smoke – burn incense to Satan, and censer be the lungs. He while Smoking takes on the image of the fallen angel described in the book of job: a monster like a steaming cauldron (job. 41,12). Because the devil – “a murderer from the beginning”, and burn incense to him is harmful to people. Since Smoking takes effect “the scale of the fast life”. For the smoker it is 1:2, that is, ten years of Smoking shortens life by 20 years, and there is a degeneration of the heirs to five generations.

Why Smoking is a sin?

So the process of Smoking and its consequences – implementation of the ungodly will and a violation of the first divine commandment: “I am the Lord thy God thou shalt have no other gods before me" (ex. 20:2,3). The need to smoke is unnatural, human nature does not require poison the poison and to breathe carbon monoxide smoke. This need – a product of sin. Well aware of this, Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century, carved with rods Smoking in Moscow, the Catholic priests, and Russian for this sin were exiled to Siberia.

prayer from Smoking Ambrose of OptinaIn the last century Silouan gave good advice to those who doubted the sinfulness of Smoking before you light the cigarette, say a prayer "our father”. Then a believer without words understands the incompatibility of prayer, addressed to God, and Smoking, is associated with the devil. “Oculometry heart” addresses the prayer of Ambrose of Optina from Smoking to the Savior with a request to overcome the dichotomy of the heart, completely to give it to God.

The Beginning of spiritual aberration

The Smoker with any experience will deny that it all started with a curiosity or desire to establish themselves in the company. Experience the thrill – mental state, unusual for a normal life, offer a harmless and natural. Everything in life should try. With the first cigarette starts the spiritual decline of the individual, familiarity with the vicious aspects of life. The tobacco smoke is permissible to open any sin, profanity, drunkenness, debauchery. Even if it is not done in fact, sinful temptations enter the consciousness: dealing with unclean spirits does not go unnoticed. “Cleanse my lips”, - cries out the prayer of Ambrose of Optina from Smoking toGod, they defiled demonic kissing.

Illusionary happiness - cigarette

Spiritually non-Smoking – it is a manifestation of the passion of self-gratification: the process is identified with the pleasant moments of life that require more and more cigarettes.

The Smoker loses the ability to live in the real world without secondhand smoke, considering this is a small and pardonable weakness, but not a sin. The process itself brings calm, relaxation, relieves tension, makes the conversation comfortable, helps you think when solving problems - but few if any excuses will not lead smokers, protecting your favorite passion.

 prayer against Smoking Ambrose OptinskogoMirage dissipated when they decide to abandon their little sin-and defeated. This harmless habit is irresistible. Soberly assessing the situation, the courageous person recognizes that he needs prayer help. "Father Ambrose, you alone have the boldness to ask for something from God," a prayer to St. Ambrose Optinskogo Smoking, not accidentally, begins with the following words. He is a smoker, the haves of unclean lips, and does not expect to be heard without the help of the saints.

Ambrose of Optina: a program of healing

To enter and to release themselves from smoke is not a sin, but to become a slave to this habit – really a sin. Thought Ambrose of Optina. The struggle with sin is an internal struggle and must be waged by spiritual means. Pills and substitutes, tips and books - the weak assistant. Prayer against Smoking Ambrose Optinskogo to do with the following episode from his life. A resident of St. Petersburg, bakuriansi a day to 75 cigarettes for two years fought with her passion – and hopeless. He turned for advice to the elder, and received from him a letter with the program of military action. This program is necessary to adopt all beginners struggle with their passions. Prayer from the passion of Smoking Reverend Ambrose Optinskogo

  1. To Confess in my life. To remember all the sins from the age of seven and repent of them.
  2. To Partake of the Holy Mysteries.
  3. To Read a gospel Chapter a day. But if attacks depression – read repeatedly. That is, the reading of the gospel to beat the demon of melancholy and despondency.
  4. To Make 33 bows to the ground by the number of years lived by the Savior.

With this program, the recipient automatically took a drag on his cigarette, but a sudden headache didn't let him do it. Strong prayer of Ambrose of Optina Smoking has done its job, neither in this nor in other days former smoker could not endure the tobacco smoke due to pain in the head. When he came from St. Petersburg to Optina Pustyn to thank father Ambrose, that by touching a stick to the head, delivered him from pain.

A Standstill and tears

So marked the end of his struggle with passion Smoking one religious woman. The experience of Smoking – the whole life from the age of 13 with breaks for pregnancy. All attempts to quit were accompanied by depression, hatred for the loved ones (husband, kids), tantrums, apathy. Prayer of Ambrose of Optina Smoking read in such moments, mechanically, “automatic”. But as soon as she was puffing on a cigarette, came back to her love and gratitude for your patience to my dear family. Cigarette, which caused her physical aversion, return, however, the fullness of life and appropriate behaviour. The psychiatrist stated that it was not his client, the psychologist wrote a ton of sedative pills. Four times she read the notorious Allen Carr. Pool, gym, hall, interesting work, interesting job, knitting – all worldly diversions do not help: adequate non-Smoking person, a loving mother and wife the woman become without a cigarette fails.

You should be two

This woman is not alone in how she feels, hopeless struggle with the passion of Smoking. Many give up and continue to smoke. Although the fight is not hopeless, it is just not the means. None of the program items outlined by Ambrose Optinsky, was not mentioned in this story: neither confession nor communion (she admitted that didn't take the sacrament for a long time), nor the reading of the gospel as the main way of dealing with the attack of unclean spirits (depression, hatred, anger, irritation), no bows. Despite the many worldly means, they fought alone, not even conducted, because it wanted to lie down all day, so didn't touch her.

prayer of Ambrose of Optina to quit SmokingPrayer from Smoking Ambrosia Optina offers to call in the help of God: “Begged the Lord to help me in the fight against evil passion”. One can not hope to his will, it is a sign of pride, which repels God's help. But it is impossible to lower hands. We must constantly and patiently to do whatever, and not lose hope for deliverance. “there are two of You: you and God and the devil, so you win”, said St. Ambrose, one of his spiritual children.

The Subtleties of spiritual warfare

The Prayer of Ambrose of Optina for getting rid of Smoking is a powerful tool in spiritual warfare, because it puts all the emphasis and involves the humility to seek help. Where humility is lacking, will fail. In our history it happened. In this woman's life was the moment when she made a vow to God to quit Smoking. This is what not to do. The fight against Smoking became her obsession, a matter ofhonor: how is it I can't do what you promised!

Theophan the recluse for this reason wrote that only the enemy can advise to be bound by vows that then people suffered from their inability to perform. The correct approach to the problem is this: “I want to quit, try, my hardest, maybe, God willing, and – work”. A vow, or to the pride of leads, or failure. The fight may be a long time with varying success, when there are failures should continue the prayer of Ambrose of Optina, to quit Smoking completely.

Sometimes this prevents the so-called “ancestral sin” when still persisting passion deceased relatives interfere with the deliverance from the sins of their living descendants. Instead of scorn and accusations need to take care of their afterlife: to bury, to remember them in prayer and to give alms.

Saving prayer

Above were analyzed prayer from Smoking Ambrose of Optina. Text its better to know by heart. It may happen that an attack of tobacco passion will overtake you somewhere on the road or among the people. Prayer book at hand will not, without the prayer support we can get confused and frustrated. Habit in such cases to read the familiar prayer will always come to the rescue. Father Ambrose, please help us!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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