Alex: the name value, character, and destiny


2018-03-25 13:55:23




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Soft, smooth, melodious – so you can describe the name Alex. The value of it will be useful to know moms and dads who want to call son. This information is important for the owners name. What does it mean, what is the impact on the character and fate? The answers to these questions are contained in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Alexis

The first step is to understand where it came from. What is the origin and meaning of the name Alexei? Fortunately, the answer to this question is not a mystery.

small Alex

The Researchers attributed to the smooth and melodious name of an ancient Greek roots. It is believed that it is derived from the word ‘Alexis”, which translates into our language as “prevent”, “reflect”, “protect”.

Easy to guess that the meaning of the name Alexei – “defender”, “protecting”. In our country it has become popular due to its euphony. The peak of the popularity of the name peaked in the 70-ies of the last century, willing to give it to boys now.


How can contact Alex by close family and friends? Alesha, Alex, Leon, Leh, Alyosha, Alyosha, alyoshenka, Lesechka – the options are many. When selecting derivatives with caution, as not all of them can suit the tastes of the owner name.


What is the meaning of the name Alexei for a child? The first thing to mention about his strong attachment to his mother. In early childhood he doesn't like to leave her, concerned even for her brief absence. However, it is not necessary to fear that Alyosha will grow “sissy”. He gladly assumes the role of protector and helper. For family and friends, he can become a true stone wall.


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Alex in childhood

The Terse, closed – is the holder of the name since childhood. Alex prefers to hide his thoughts and feelings from others, share them only with those closest to you. A leadership role doesn't suit him, but he gets along well with peers and is unlikely to become an outcast in the team.

What else parents need to know about the meaning of the name Alexei for a boy, and the fate of its owner? Mothers and fathers should not hope that the son will be a straight-a student. To study well it prevents laziness, although favorite subjects this child is still paying attention.


What is the meaning of the name Alexei for a boy as a teenager? This period can be a real challenge for him. Alesha is constantly changing mood, it can for no apparent reason to take in a state of depression. He also often gets into scrapes, especially if associated with the wrong company. Fortunately, this will not last long. It is important that parents are doing the guy the support he needs.

The Mother and father need to not forget that Alexei is nothing you cannot achieve using the imperative tone. The best results can be achieved by talking to them on equal terms. In this case, he will definitely listen to the advice of parents, which has a lot of respect.


What becomes in adulthood, Alex, the meaning of the name, nature and fate of which are discussed in the article? Compassion, fortitude, kindness, reliability – its main features. This man was not born for heroics, however, perfectly manifests itself in everyday life. He gets along well with others, friendly and sociable. It does not have the propensity for conflict.

character Alexei

This man is a bit absent-minded and lazy. These qualities can become an obstacle in his way to success, as well as a lack of ambition. Alex good in the role of peacemaker, he is committed to justice and calls for it to other people. Violence and hatred opposite to it. To subdue this man to his will, you don't, the decisions he takes himself.

Alex important family traditions, values. For the loved ones he becomes a reliable protection and support. The criticism of this man is negative, much more from it is possible to achieve praise.


“Defender”, “protecting” - that means the name Alex. The meaning of the name, the interpretation directly depends on what time of year was born its owner.

  • Stubborn, persistent, emotional – is the man born in the winter. He may say harsh words, and then the long regret it. He is always ready to fight for justice, to defend the weak who are being bullied strong. Also, Alex, born in winter, has good health.
  • The owner of the name, born in the summer, much more relaxed. It is very dependent on other people's opinions, needs the support of friends and family, colleagues. To realize the potential that man can prevent excessive modesty, he was seriously hurt any criticism. Summer Alexey it is important to develop confidence. Not to mention the fact that this man has a broad-minded, can hold a conversation on any topic. It attracts travel, a mysterious phenomenon.
  • Sensitiveimpressionable – this is Alex, born in the spring. This man is capable of strong feelings, but it is not easy to tell about them. He is amorous, lights up easily and also cools down quickly. Spring Alex – creative nature. He can write songs, sing songs, write poetry. This person avoids conflict, and prefers to settle problems peacefully. He never tries to impose someone the opinion. To power, Alex, born in spring, not committed. But the ability to get along with others helps him to quickly move up the career ladder.
  • What is the meaning of the name Alexei for a person born in the fall? Concise, specific, smart – is the man. He has a well developed intuition that helps it easily get out of the most difficult situations. Public opinion is important to him, but he does not allow others to influence themselves. Alex, born in the fall, likes to have fun in a noisy company, always ready for adventure.

The Secret

The Mystery of the name Alex and its value are interrelated. What hides its owner from others? The main advantage of this men – developed intuition. To others it is very difficult to deceive him, as he is able to anticipate their actions and deeds.

the nature and fate of Alexei

What secret Alex is not ready to share even with close friends and family? This person never blames their problems themselves. If he is in a difficult situation, he is always convinced that it happened due to the mistakes of others.


  • The planet-patron – Neptune.
  • Zodiac Sign-Aquarius.
  • Totem animal-the crab.
  • Plant-talisman – mistletoe.
  • The Stone-talisman-lapis lazuli.
  • Good time of the year – winter.
  • The day of the week – Saturday.
  • Color-green.

Love sex

As the meaning of the name Alexei and character of its owner affect relationships with the opposite sex? A woman who hopes to attract his attention, must have an attractive appearance. This man is a very important beauty and grooming. If the lady doesn't watch out, she will not be able to please him.

Alex in love

What else can you tell about how the meaning of the name Alexey and character affect his romantic relationships? It's safe to say that this man is not only focusing on appearance. Sincerity, loyalty – qualities that are also very important to him. For Alexei, it is important that the woman was devoted to him, cared about him.

Holder name – not the man who is willing to change partners as gloves. By nature he is monogamous, he is easily able to remain faithful to his beloved. Not to say that Alex experienced in flirting. However, the fair sex is this person like because of their natural charm and easy nature.

Alexei has every chance to fall in love with a lady who will be a little older than him. He likes experienced and seasoned, delicate and affectionate women. From his partner he subconsciously waiting for maternal warmth. Attentive, sensual, gentle – is that he is in bed. First of all this man cares about the pleasure of the partner, and only then about his own.

Marriage, family

Whether a happy marriage of a man named Alex? The value of the name and fate are directly linked, and it concerns a family. High probability that to give up their freedom Alex will be decided only by the age of 30. He will make the offer of good, clean and economic lady. This man is willing to take on the role of protector, will take care of your family and to protect her.

The value of the name Alex suggests that its owner is not inclined to change. It is easy to remain faithful to his beloved even after many years of marriage. From his wife, this man also waiting for loyalty. If he finds out about the betrayal of the second half, the relationship will immediately come to an end. If the marriage relationship will be sincere and trustworthy, nothing more, he doesn't want to.

What else can you tell how is the family life of the owner of the name Alexey? The value of the name and fate are related, so the marriage is most likely to be happy. Family for this man – a tranquil haven in which unacceptable scandals. He is ready to concede the second half in detail, to acquiesce. However, all important issues Alexey prefers to solve independently. He readily takes the financial security of the family, also refuses to help his wife with the housework.

His children, Alex is very fond cares about touching them throughout life.

Career Choice

“Defender," that's the name Alex. The name value has a direct impact on the choice of profession. This man there is a thirst for creative activities. He can succeed as a writer, designer, artist, actor.

the career of Alexey

As Alexey attracted to the exact Sciences. Forensic scientist, surgeon, physicist, engineer – he is able to succeed in any of these professions. Laborious and monotonous workabsolutely contraindicated the owner name. His career directly depends on how he is passionate. Work in a slipshod manner Alex does not know how, he's meticulous and scrupulous.


Not to say that the owner of the name wants to take a leadership position. However, if this happens, he can be a superior chief, who enjoys the respect of his subordinates.

Alex can also start their own business. Intuitive, responsible attitude to work – these qualities will help him succeed as an entrepreneur. However, this person is more like a small business than managing a large enterprise. Lack of ambition – quality, which may fail.


What else can you tell us about the meaning of the name Alexei and interpretation of the name? If the man is passionate about something in childhood, then this case has all chances to become his profession. For example, a boy who loves to draw can become a famous artist. A child who enjoys making model airplanes, has all chances to become a successful aircraft designer.

Hobbies Alexey

Alex – the man often seen with a book in his hands. This man prefers fantastic works. It also attracts adventure novels, stories about travel. Alex easy going, so among his Hobbies can include Hiking, trips to other cities and countries.


What can you tell about the health of the owner name? In General, it is not worrisome. However, Alexei is necessary to monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important for proper nutrition, avoiding harmful foods in favor of healthy food.

The Man so-called, is often taxed at work. This can lead to insomnia, nervous strain. Alex must find time for rest, otherwise his health will begin to deteriorate.

The Owner name is not a good patient. To be treated this man does not love, abides by doctor's orders reluctantly. He has more trust in alternative medicine, which can lead to serious health problems.

Daily Horoscope

The meaning of the name Alexei has a direct impact on the character and destiny of its owner. However, importantly, under what Zodiac sign were born male.

  • Aries-active, energetic, courageous. Ambition in the character of Alex is wonderfully combined with the sentimentality and dreaminess. This person likes to be praised, admired them. From time to time he fails to distinguish sincere compliments from gross flattery.
  • Taurus – a passionate nature and gentle. Alex, born under this sign is independence and freedom. For this man it is important of all in life to achieve. It is characterized by perseverance, he will never deviate from the once chosen path.
  • Gemini-man dreamy and freedom-loving. Alexei managed by this sign, too busy building castles in the air. The more time he spends in his imaginary world than in reality.
  • Cancer – a person who likes to command and to obey. This man does not like to share with others their innermost thoughts, does not let anyone into your inner world. Kindness, compassion, devotion – his positive qualities. Of the disadvantages are laziness and self-doubt.
  • The lion – nature narcissistic and selfish. Alex, born under this sign cares primarily about themselves. However, he is noble and generous, readily stands up for the weak, which hurt the strong. This man like admiration, compliments.
  • Virgo-the person persevering and purposeful. Alexei managed by this sign of life is a fighter. An important role in his life plays on. To communicate with him difficult, because he makes others too high.
  • Scales – a man educated, intelligent, accommodating and discreet. This man easily won the respect of others. In your inner world it's very rare people manage to unravel its true purpose.
  • Scorpio – the dark horse. Alex, born under this sign is strength, arrogance and selfishness. It is more importance to their own desires than the needs of others. Such a man is dangerous to have as an enemy.
  • Sagittarius – romantic, which for a long time looking for a soul mate. Optimism, faith in a better, easy ability to survive failure – his positive qualities.
  • Capricorn – nature is ambitious, hardworking and serious. For this man's important career, he is willing to work hard for high positions.
  • Aquarius-a friendly personality and free-spirited. Alexei managed by this sign, does not depend on the opinions of others. It takes all the decisions independently, consults only with himself.
  • Pisces-the dreamer and the dreamer. This man is constantly searching for the meaning of life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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