Red Apple what dream? What have red apples on the tree?


2018-03-26 01:09:15




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What is sleep? The parallel between reality and fantasy or the response of our subconscious for the past day? A clear and credible answer to this question does not exist. So, medicine is inclined to think that the dream – a normal physiological process during which our body rests and gains strength. Back think of esoterics who believe that night dreams carry something mystical, intractable simple truths.

As for ordinary people, and here there is disagreement. Some do not pay attention to the content of their dreams, while others, on the contrary, each time trying to unravel its meaning, truly believing that due to the response received, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from harm and unhappiness. On the agenda the question about what it means prividevshayasya red Apple? What dreams the fruit and you are warned about, we learn from our article.

red Apple, what a dream

Dream interpretation Vanga

The Great Bulgarian prophetess explained this dream easily. Wang noted that the red Apple, prividevshayasya in night dream, symbolizes the beginning of a good period. This means that all our plans will soon be carried out. Use your chance, because at the moment good luck and good on your side.

Dream interpretation Miller

Miller also had his own thoughts about the dream in which you saw a red Apple? What dreams this fruit, according to the famous psychologist? Red Apple – auspicious sign, signifying the wisdom and willingness to overcome all obstacles. The opening of these qualities will help a person who suddenly appears on the doorstep. Maybe, he was directed to the right path and allow you to access the essence of what is happening.


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Dream interpretation Hasse

Dream interpretation Hasse red apples to symbolize the coming joy, happiness and victory. The same applies to communication with the opposite sex. If you believe the interpretation, then soon on your way to meet the man who is perfect for the family. Good fortune in the work. Maybe soon you will be offered a high position or greatly will increase the salary. what dream red Apple treeIn any case, the success will accompany you everywhere.

Dream interpretation Tsvetkov

What have red apples on the tree? This question has a clear answer in the dream book Tsvetkov. Unfortunately, nothing good these night dreams, in the opinion of the famous esoteric, do not portend. Dream red Apple promises a painful condition and associated long-term treatment. As for work and relationships, here of the dreamer are waiting for disappointment and failure.

Dream interpretation of Aesop

Aesop has a different opinion on sleep, which had a red Apple. What dreams the fruit according to Aesop? Red Apple is positioned in this case as passion, seduction and temptation. Perhaps in life a situation arises that will put you before a choice. Dream interpretation argues that it is not always beautiful the fruit is sweet, so, before you eat it, think several times.

If in your night dreams you bite a red Apple, what is a dream? Aesop connects prividevshayasya fruit with a offer that you will not be able to resist.what dreams collect red apples

And as interpreted dreams in which you eat the red Apple? What dream? Such visions are associated with health problems. Dream book advises to do it at this stage that, in future, to avoid complications.

Erotic dreams

In the erotic dream of the red Apple is compared with passion, forbidden fruit, a tempting offer, a deceptive situation, etc. if the fruit appeared in the dream of a young man? Red Apple with a delicious and large fruits indicates that the dreamer is perfectly formed relationships with the fairer sex. He is always the center of attention, and that's fine.

If the young person is under the Apple tree, the dream suggests that the dreamer is a long time dream about a girl who has no idea about his feelings.

If a man takes the fruit from a woman, it means that this person wants to seduce him.what dream red apples a lot

The Young man dreamed a dream rotten and worm-eaten red Apple? This means that it is not fully satisfied with the current sexual partner. It may be worth something to change or make into the intimate life of a few nuances.

The Degree of ripeness of apples

The interpretation of the dream as a whole depends on how the Apple is Mature. So, if the fruit is not yet ripe, it indicates that you have not reached the level of maturity and wisdom. You have such a situation which will require maximum concentration and exposure. And if you can resist these trials of life, then there will be a period of transition to a new level.

The Fruit is ripe and beautiful? You have a solid position in life that allows you to find a way out of even the most difficult and confusing life situations. The same applies to relationships with the opposite sex. You have the ability to ensnare any, even the most unshakable person.

What else about this dream that can tell the dream? What have the red Apple, which are approaching the stage of decay. This suggests that the dreamer is not satisfiedcurrent sexual relationship. Perhaps this is due to the fact that past love still remains in your heart, and maybe your partner isn't ready for diversity in intimate life.dream interpretation what dream apples are red


If in your night dreams you ate a red Apple and felt its taste, it is remember what it was. Eating fruit, you feel satisfaction from the taste? So, in the future you are waiting for luck, happiness and love.

Apple has turned sour? These dreams indicate your unwillingness to serious actions and discoveries. You are too insecure that will succeed. So take your time - everything goes on as usual.

Bitter and tasteless apples means approaching trouble. Please note that where it came from Apple. If you filed it, remember who it was. Beware of this man. The fruit was ripped off you? Problems arise due to your fault.

Beautiful red Apple turning rotten? This means that soon you will be tempting an offer you can't refuse. But in vain! By adopting it, you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation. You'll need a lot of strength and endurance to get out of it.

Accessibility fetus

What dreams Apple tree with red apples, which were very high? The inability to get the fruit of the tree suggests that the objectives are achieved.

If you are not paying attention to the height, make the decision to climb to the top and get the precious fruit, what does that mean? Your dedication and the hardness will not allow any obstacles to interfere with a cherished dream.

What have red apples on the tree? If the fruit is located on the lower branch, but as soon as you try to get them, the barrel unexpectedly grows - it shows your insecurities and shyness. If you are going to deal with this, it did not reach the desired.what dreams Apple tree with red apples

Gather apples

What a dream to collect red apples? If the land lay ripe and beautiful fruits in the future you expect a big success and luck. This is especially true of work. Perhaps, thanks to the efforts of the dreamer, the authorities will finally find the works and will be awarded on merit.

If I had night dreams to pluck the apples from the very top, it means that because of your arrogance, the fact that you are so calculated fail miserably. Be humble and not tell other people about your plans for the future.

What have red apples? Much fruit around means that you are surrounded by good friends who will come to the rescue at the right moment. If there was a large number of rotten apples, almost everyone who calls himself a friend, actually want you to fail.

Buy, sell apples

What have the big red apples that you purchased at the store? This means period good luck. Don't miss your chance.

what dream red and green

The same dream can be interpreted differently. So, dream of ripe fruit in the store signify the beginning of a relationship, which most importantly will take the place of sex.

If you take the last red Apple, and is behind a huge line – wait for luck, which will come to you.

Are you Buying rotten fruit for a large sum of money? This suggests that you will fail. Be careful. Don't take questionable suggestions and do not sign any documents without reading them.

Red Apple, dream woman

What have apples red and green, an unmarried girl? This means that soon she will marry a good man.

If such a dream saw a girl in marriage, it is expected to soon welcome addition.

Other important stuff

If a dreamer rolls a red Apple on the table, it means that in the future he will learn something secret.

The fruit Lying on the grass talking about what in your environment is man, who calls himself a friend. You should look to your social circle. Someone builds a long time intrigues you. The dream advises not to trust blindly anyone who has ever turned to you with a request for help or confided in.

What has a dream in which you treat someone with a red Apple? This suggests that you really want to find love. If you get a good look at this man, then maybe this is the one. Note that if a dream person your gift. If not, then to a serious relationship is far from you.

What if you stole the red apples? It's a bad sign that will lead to failure in business and unattainable goals.

We Really want our dreams carried only positive emotions. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. So if you had a bad dream, get up before sunrise out of bed, go to the window and say 3 times: “Where the night – there and sleep”.

Have a Pleasant night of dreams!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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