Aries woman. Feature


2018-03-28 03:24:07




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An Aries woman is always energetic and assertive, she always tend to occupy only the first places. She never stays in one place, the entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds. A woman born under the sign of Aries has a strong character and stoically endures all the trials of fate. But her zeal sometimes bordering giddiness and willfulness. She loves herself too much and sometimes forgets about the feelings of others is rude and obnoxious. About say "gonna go".

Aries woman in childhood brings a lot of trouble to their parents. It is constantly active child, she's always moving, very curious from the cradle. Climbs all angles, bumps and bruises never go through. The patience of this child just yet, she does not understand the word "no" and "wait."

The Girl-Aries, it is recommended to give to some sports section, to guide energy in the right direction. Moreover, the child always tries to be first and best, and this quality can bring considerable sporting achievements. But learning is not always going smoothly, the intellectual class, the rams do not like.

These children are difficult to entrap peaceful games more interesting to play catch-up, or to Bang on the drum. In adolescence, it is expressed love noisy companies and clubs.

Aries woman in adulthood just don't stand boredom and loneliness. It is just depressing. Generally, among the rams quite often powerful women, with leadership qualities and a male character. Their lives competition, they seek to bypass all become higher and more significant than others. If you can't stand out status, the Aries woman starts to stand out from the crowd in other ways. Bright makeup, the original hairstyle and bright flashy clothing. She can't live without attention!


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In adolescence, parents should be very careful, as this period is inherent in the Aries extravagance is expressed in mini-skirts and revealing outfits, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

They tend to fall in love at first sight. They love wholeheartedly and passionately. If the object of attention has no focus and feel the same way, the real hunting begins, and most often Aries woman emerges victorious, having achieved his goal. 

For all his impulsiveness, she may be childishly naive, demands that his men constantly prove their irresistibility and attractiveness. In ways, it resembles a petulant child. 

Never a woman will not be able to be with a man who will be her limit. She needs freedom and constant movement. Easier to quit, even the man she loved, but to get the cherished freedom of action. Important for her normal sexual relations, if the man does not suit her in bed, then it may be cause for separation.

The Combination of horoscope sign Aries

Rat. Often arrogant and aggressive. It is not a simple woman for Aries.

Bull. Very ambitious.

Tiger. This woman is peculiar outbursts, but they quickly go out.

Cat. A real savage.

The Dragon. Has punchy character, for such people there are no closed doors. Able to convince and to persuade.

Snake. Pretty tough woman Aries.

Monkey. Heavy in nature, often does not have friends.

The Horse. Sometimes it is pretty hard and can hurt words, even of a loved one, but quickly moves away and apologizes.

Goat. A fighter for justice.

The Cock. The most aggressive combination, she just can't live without quarrels and even fights.

The Dog. The most peaceful combination. Ambitions are present, but not as big. Easily would trade a career for a family.

A Pig. Despite the external strictness and power has a heart of gold. Home and work are two completely different people. 

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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