Dimensional icon for baby


2018-04-01 17:08:15




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Beautiful decoration of Orthodox churches. The thrill and excitement experienced by every one who crosses their threshold. The faces of saints on icons, candles and the whisper of prayer we are immersed in the mystery of communion with God.

The veneration of icons is an important part of the Orthodox faith. The image of the saints – a window into the divine world.

Meaning of the icons

mernaya ikona

Through the icon through prayer believers turn to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints or angels. The icon is a proof of their visible image, so praying is not an icon, namely a person whose face it is.

The First icon was miraculous, and gave it to the people by the Savior himself. On the towel with which he wiped his face, showed him the way. A sick king Abgar prayed before this image and was miraculously healed.

Icons Express the essence of Orthodoxy and carry the good news of Christ, testify about the true existence of God and are a guide to him.

How to choose a patron Saint

In the tradition of Orthodoxy to name the child a name of the Saint being honored on the day of birth. That's why he was considered the patron after baptism.

If the ritual is performed at an older age, the patron choose in accordance with his name or with that which will give at baptism. Saints semennikov may be several. So from the list choose the day of memory which is closest to the date of birth. Looking ahead on the calendar, that is after the birthday.

This day is the party, and selected a Saint to be a patron, helper and spiritual Advisor. However, the Church does not forbid to choose the man who is spiritually close, for example in the profession.dimensional icon for baby


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The Icon of the patron Saint, the day which celebrated the birthdays, is called nominal. It is customary to have every Orthodox.

About dimensional icons

Dimensional icon refers to personal images. It has been written directly for the newborn. This name was given because the Board sizes for the icons should match the growth of the baby and the width of his shoulders on the eighth day from birth, when it is customary to give a name.

Basically on the icon is the image of the patron Saint in full length. But sometimes instead you may be the Saviour or the virgin, and on the sides of the angel and especially revered in the family defenders. Be dimensional icon is about the cradle of the baby or just in his room.

Is it Possible to give the icon

The Icon may be presented as a gift. But you must understand that the creed is not a guarantee of protection and the grace of God, the more can not be a talisman, a talisman or a beautiful piece of furniture.

If parents, relatives or godparents want to attach the child to the faith, to do it better with very young children. In this case, dimensional icon for the baby will be a valuable offering and along with the pectoral cross will be a personal Shrine.

It is believed that dimensional icon can be presented and an adult. This gift will be memorable and roads, and daily prayer to the patron Saint will be very fertile.

Special meaning

Mernaya ikona unique as born people. It is believed that it contributes to the development of special spiritual ties with his patron. It is not necessary to attach a special mystical meaning in an exact match of the sizes. This is just a reminder to the person about how small he was when he was born.

Orthodox drawn to the image of the icon for a blessing or advice, and the patron asks for it before God. And if the faith of a Christian pleading with deep and true, he will get support.

Therefore, you must realize that by itself, the icon does not help, she invites to prayer, serves as a reminder of God and guide the believer to him.

dimensional icon in Moscow

History icons

The History of dimensional icons, or as they are called, “darling”, refers to the reign of Ivan the terrible. He ordered the writing of the first icons after the birth of her son. Tradition for centuries was the prerogative of the Royal family.

In museums of the Kremlin have survived eight dimensional icons: three belong to the family of Rurik and of the Romanovs.

In the era of Peter I, the tradition began to fade in connection with the introduction to Western lifestyle. Individual cases of writing dimensional icons began to emerge in families kazarskogo kind. Nobles and know, therefore, imitated the ancient tradition.

The Revival of interest in this type of iconography is set in the XIX-early XX century, but interrupted by the revolution.

Dimensional icon for the baby is experiencing a third wave of revival in our day. Now this tradition became widespread.

Production Technology

The carers actually take part in creating the icons. The first thing you need to determine what is depicted on it, that is the story: there is one Holy name and date of birth or, for example, the virgin in the centre, and on the fields - especially revered patron.

In the next phase of the painters proceed directly to imaging to traditional techniques. As the basis is lime, pine, maple or alder Board, depending on the region where the shop is located.

To ensure that the Board is not warped, it strengthens the back: applied to a shallow mantle of cutsacross the fibers and fill in thin plates of a different, more solid type of wood that is paniruyut.mernaya ikona photo

Then the Board is glued with special glue on the basis of fish or animal glue, and then applied to the canvas. A layer of fabric required to smooth out irregularities in the base.

Primer, or, as it is called, primer, – the next stage of work, it is made on the basis of fish glue and chalk. Layer by layer, each thoroughly dried and polished.

The Third layer – directly to the painting. First designated path pattern. Then put a layer of paint. It is cooked on the yolk and has a high strength, is called egg tempera.

The Finished figure to the top, cover with drying oil, so it has remained intact for many years.

Where to buy icon

Manufacturer of dimensional icons – activities icon-painting workshops, often under the auspices of the temple or monastery. They are on order.mernaya ikona Ekaterinburg

The average period over which is ready, is about a month.

This icon does not come cheap, so to avoid any doubt, where an order, you need to consider the price and of course customer reviews on ready work to be performed by one or the other workshop.

Dimensional icon is executed in a style that depends on the school artists.

There are lots of Them, can vary geographically, for example: Novgorod, Moscow, Pskov, Kostroma.

Also vary the style icons of different schools founders. They were the famous icon-painters: Theophanes the Greek or Andrei Rublev.

Custom icons in Moscow

Dimensional icon can be made in one of the many workshops. Their work not only earned grateful reviews buyers, but also marked and consecrated by the Orthodox Church. The most famous and popular, which, no doubt, can be trusted, is the following workshops:

  1. “Dimensional icon" on Serpukhovskaya street is one of the branches of the entire network of workshops. Besides Moscow, they opened in Ekaterinburg, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Tula and Kaluga. In the new project can be requested writing unique icon painters of mount Athos, with whom friendly relations are established. Made in the Byzantine style dimensional icon (picture can't convey all her beauty) is a masterpiece of iconography. It is believed that the images of these places have a miraculous effect.workshop mernaya ikona
  2. Icon painting workshop “In the name of the Venerable alypius of the caves” is at the Church of the mother of God ‘consolation of All who sorrow”. Respect for tradition and strict observance of the canons of distinguished artists, painters.
  3. Icon painting workshop ‘Alexandria’ has a unique style of writing, which draws on ancient traditions but is particularly realistic images.
  4. Icon painting workshop Irene Elias. It is the ideological founder and the creative inspirer of collective of artists. One of the areas of activity – creating a new iconography, the writing of images of recently canonized saints.
  5. Icon painting workshop "Creating a legacy” works in the tradition of the Guild of painters of the city of Vladimir. In addition to writing new images, restoration vintage. You can purchase both those, and others.

Icons to order in Yekaterinburg

manufacturing small icons

The Uniqueness – a trait that differs dimensional icon. Yekaterinburg, being the cultural center of the Ural region, and revives lost traditions, including the art of the Church.

The city has several workshops where the artists create true masterpieces of iconographic art:

  1. Workshop “Dimensional icon” carries out orders related to writing dimensional, wedding, personal, and Church icons.
  2. Workshop “favor” established in 2006. It does not only create icons, but with a painted temple. Adhere to Moscow, and the Yaroslavl school of icon painting. Consecrated the finished work of the priests of Holy cross monastery for men.
  3. Combining “Canon” – a team of architects, painters, woodcarvers and gold, which are engaged in the decoration of temples, in a single ensemble. In his works on biblical subjects are reviving the lost Nev style iconography.

During his address to God or his saints thoughts must be free from worldly Affairs, the image of the icon helps to open your heart and focus on a sincere and spiritual communication.

Encourage your children to respectful dialogue with his patron. These simple words may be far from the right of the Church's prayers should be filled with respect and reverence before the Holy face.

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BE: https://tostpost.com/be/duho-nae-razv-cce/16591-mernaya-kona-dlya-nema-lya.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/die-geistige-entwicklung/16600-dimensional-symbol-f-r-das-baby.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/el-desarrollo-espiritual/16611-dimensional-icono-para-el-beb.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/ruhani-damuy/16592-lshemd-belg-shes-sh-n-s-bi.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/rozw-j-duchowy/16574-pomiar-zestaw-dla-dziecka.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/desenvolvimento-espiritual/16573-dimens-es-cone-para-o-beb.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/ruhsal-geli-im/16597-boyutlu-simge-bebek-i-in.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/duhovniy-rozvitok/16589-m-rna-kona-dlya-nemovlyati.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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