Mari: religion what faith is?


2018-12-10 09:00:40




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Mari are a Finno-Ugric people who believe in spirits. Many people wonder, what religion are Mari, but in fact they cannot be defined by Christianity or the Muslim faith, because they have their own idea about God. This people believe in spirits, the tree is sacred for them, and the devil they replace Ovda. Their religion implies that our world originated on another planet, where they laid two eggs of a duck. Of them hatched the good and evil brothers. They created life on Earth. Mari conduct unique ceremonies, respect the gods of nature, and their faith – one of the most unchanged since ancient times.Mari religion

History of the Mari people

According to legend, the history of this nation began on another planet. On the Ground flew a duck, living in the constellation of the Nest and laid some eggs. So there was this people, according to their beliefs. It is worth noting that they still do not recognize the world of the names of the constellations, naming the stars in their own way. According to legend, the bird flew out of the constellation Pleiades, and, for example, the Big dipper they call the Moose.

Sacred groves

Kyoto – sacred groves that are so revered Mari. Religion implies that people needs for a national prayer to bring in the groves of public. This sacrificial birds, geese or ducks. To conduct this rite, each family needs to choose the most beautiful and healthy bird, because it will test the suitability of the ritual cards Mari priest. If the bird is fit, she apologize, followed by lighting with smoke. Thus the people expressed their respect for the spirit of fire, cleansing the space of negativity.Mordva Mari Udmurt religion


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It was in the woods praying all Mari. The religion of this nation is built on unity with nature, so they believe that touching the trees and through sacrifices, they create a direct connection with God. Themselves groves are not planted on purpose, they are there for a long time. According to legend, the ancient ancestors of this people chose them for prayers, based on how is the sun, comets and stars. All the groves are divided into tribal, rural and universal. Moreover, one can pray a few times a year, and others – only once in seven years. A great energy power is in Kyoto, according to Mari. Religion forbids them to swear, make noise or sing, being in the woods, because they believe nature is the incarnation of God on Earth.

The Struggle for Kyoto

For many centuries, groves tried to cut down, and the Mari people for many years advocated the preservation of the forest. First, they wanted to destroy the Christians, imposing their faith, then denying the Mari sacred places tried by Soviet authorities. To conserve the forests of the Mari people had to formally accept the Orthodox faith. They attended Church, defended the service and secretly went into the woods to make worship to their gods. This led to the fact that many Christian customs have become part of the faith of the Mari.

Legends about ATS

According to legend, once long ago lived on Earth the obstinate Marika, and once she angered the gods. For this she was turned into ATS – a terrifying creature with large Breasts, black hair and inverted feet. People avoided her because she often curse, cursing the whole village. Although help she could. In the old days it is often seen: it lives in caves on the outskirts of the forest. Still think so Mari. The religion of this people is based on natural forces, and it is believed that Ovda – the original bearer of the divine energy that can bring both good and evil.what religion at Mari

In the forest there are interesting megaliths, are very similar to blocks of man-made origin. According to legend, that Ovda have built protection around their caves so that people wouldn't bother her. Science suggests that the ancient Mari was defending himself against enemies, but their own process, and to set the stones they could not. Therefore, this area is very much attracted to psychics and magicians, it is believed that this place is a powerful force. Sometimes I visit him all the peoples living nearby. Despite how close I live Mordvinians, Mari, Udmurts, religion is different, and it is impossible to attribute them to one group. Many legends are similar, but only just.

Mari bagpipes – shower

Shower is a real magical tool Mari. This unique bagpipes made from cow bladder. First two weeks, it is prepared using cereal and salt and then when the bubble will flounder, attached to it the pipe and horn. Mari believe that each element of the tool endowed with special powers. The musician who uses it can understand what the birds are singing and talking animals. Listening to the game on this folk instrument, people fall into a trance. Sometimes with the help of suvira people are healed. Mari believe that the music of the bagpipes is the key to the gates of the spirit world.

The Veneration of deceased ancestors

Mari don't go to the cemetery, they call the dead to visit every Thursday. Early on graves Marie did not put markings on them, now they just set the wooden deck, where they write the names of the dead. The religion of the Maris in Russia is very similar to the Christian that in the sky of soul live well, but live believe that their deceased relatives are very homesick. And if you live not be to remember their ancestors, their souls will become angry and start to hurt people.whatreligion at Mari

Each family sets up a separate table for the dead and covers him, as for the living. Everything prepared on the table must be invisible for guests. All treats after dinner give to be eaten by a pet. This ritual is also a petition the ancestors for help, the whole family at the table discussing the problems and asking for help to find their solution. After a meal for the dead drowning the bath, and only after a time there come the owners themselves. It is believed that it is impossible to sleep while all the villagers do not spend their guests.

Mari bear-Mask

There is a legend that in ancient times a hunter named Mask angered the God YuMO their behavior. He didn't listen to the advice of the elders, killing animals for fun, and he was distinguished for cunning and cruelty. For this God punished him by turning into a bear. The hunter repented and begged for pardon, but YuMO ordered him to keep order in the forest. And if it is properly to do it, then in the next life will be human.


Religion of the ancient Mari pays special attention to the bees. According to the old legend is that these insects are the latest hit on the Ground, having arrived here from another Galaxy. Marie laws mean that each map should have its own apiary, where it will get propolis, honey, wax and pollen.what religion are Mari

Signs of bread

Every year the Mari milled flour by hand to prepare the first loaf. During its preparation, the hostess needs to whisper in the dough good wishes for all who are planning to treat treat. Considering what religion at Mari, you should pay special attention to this sweet treat. When the family goes on a long journey, bake special bread. According to legend, it has to be put on the table and not clean up until the travelers gets home. Almost all the rituals of the Mari people associated with bread, so every housewife, at least for the holidays, but baking it myself.

Kueche – Mari Easter

Mari not use oven for heating and to cook food. Once a year in each house bake pancakes and cakes with porridge. It is done on the occasion under the name COGECA, it is dedicated to the renewal of nature, and it is customary to commemorate the dead. Every home needs to be homemade candles, made maps and their assistants. The wax of these candles are filled with the power of nature and the melting time increases the effect of the prayers, according to Mari. What faith is the religion of this people, is difficult to answer, but, for example, Cagece always coincides with Easter, celebrated by Christians. Centuries have erased the boundaries between the faith of the Mari and Christians.the religion of the ancient Mari

The Celebration usually last for several days. The combination of pancakes, cheese and a loaf of Mari is a symbol of the tripartition of the world. Also on this holiday, every woman needs to drink from a special ladle fertility beer or kvass. They also eat colored eggs, it is believed that the higher the host will break the wall, the better will be laying hens in the right places.

Ceremonies in Kyoto

In the forest are about all the people who want to unite with nature. Before prayer card, light a homemade candle. It is impossible to sing and make noise in the groves, harp – this is the only musical instrument permitted here. Conducted purification rites by sound, for this stab on the axe. Mari also believe that a breath of wind in the air will cleanse them from evil and will allow you to connect with pure cosmic energy. Yourself prayer spend a short time. After them a portion of food sent to the fires of the gods to enjoy the treats. The smoke of fires is also considered to be purifying. And the rest of the food handed out to people. Some take food home to entertain those who couldn't make it.the religion of the Maris in Russia

Mari appreciate nature, so the next day the cards come to the place of worship and remove all. Then in the grove are not allowed to anyone, from five to seven years. It is necessary to restore energy and was able to satiate her during the next prayer. That's what the religion of the Mari, it is for the time of existence began to resemble the other faiths, but still many rites and legends preserved unchanged since ancient times. This is a very unique and amazing people, faithful to their religious laws.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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