Marking cards in divination. Divination using 36 cards. The interpretation of card combinations


2019-04-17 06:20:52




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Tarot cards – a simple and inoffensive way to know the future. Guess better than at Christmas, when as suggested by Christians, and representatives of other beliefs, evil spirits are not able to hurt people. The forecast these days is done for the year.

We offer traditional, classic, marking cards. When divination should pay attention to the suit and the combination of high cards with a small. It should be noted that the numbers on the cards do not imply any terms or amount of something, or dates. They are regarded as an explanation of the events predicted by aces and jacks, as well as explain what happens to people assigned to the court cards-kings and Queens. Sevens and eights signify the insignificance of the incidents shown tens, nines or sixes. They also diminish the significance of aces and persons. Such a designation card, the tears, the sickness, the rival, state house, should be considered widely, correlating with their own worldly circumstances. All figures in divination – those are the people that are present in the life of the querent. The exception – king or Queen in a pair of six.marking cards

Before you start guessing

Fortune telling 36 cards is considered to be universal. It covers all the most important spheres of life.

Divination is taken For the deck, which was not gambling.

To properly understand and learn the prophecy, the fortune teller and the questioner better to be alone in a quiet place where background noise won't be distracting and you can carefully focus on the sacrament. To speculate on the fate of the valid only once. Before the cards are mixed and laid out, inquiring mentally or aloud formulates a question that wants to get a definite answer: “Yes” or “no”. He also tries to present the situation that worries him more than anything. She will become dominant in the interpretation of the situation.

Before you start guessing witch throws the cards on the table face down and shuffles, and then collects, shuffles and offers the questioner to move half of the deck. This shifted part she takes off and puts under the arm. Now you can start to organize and discuss what the card means.


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The fortune Teller takes off from the deck for three cards and looking at each of the three the one that determines the querent, that is the questioner. It is called signification. Two cards next to it indicate the major events that have seriously affected the querent, lying on the left – it's already happened, and the right – the coming. There are cases where both cards are going left or right from the main. This is interpreted simply either in the past, there was nothing significant or term thereof is not expected.Jack of spades

Significator is placed in the center of the table. The others are shuffled again, removed and laid out shirts up in the following order:

1. From the mid-deck is removed the first card and placed under significator. It shows what lurks in the soul of the questioner, what he represents as a person.

2. Rest of deck should be spread out into four piles. One to put over signification, one below, and the third – on his left, the fourth – right.

3. Take the first, top, stack, separate the top two cards and put them in place of the stack. They show that for thoughts, plans, or desires keeps questioning in my head, tell me what he does at the instruction of the people.

4. Take a second, lower, stack, as well as in the previous case, to separate the top two cards and put them in place of the stack. They show that will leave your life. Well, if it's sickness, it is bad if a dear person. The remaining cards go on top of those that remained from the first stack.

5. Take the third left, stack. To separate the top two cards and place the stack. They mean the most significant developments in recent times. The remainder of the stack of cards must be attached to the previous one.

6. Take the fourth right stack. To separate the top two cards and place the stack. Marking the cards in this position will be covered below. The remaining cards to join the others. They should lay it out: the first two – in the upper left corner (important events regarding significator, but unfolding far away from him), the second two – in the lower left corner (the most remote events of which will lead to everything that happens during the year), the third pair of cards to put in the upper-right corner, fourth – in the lower right corner. All six cards to the right will successively open future: the bottom two – the next event, two middle – next after them, the top two – those that will last.

Just around significator laid out 16 cards, or 8 pairs.ACE of hearts

Maps on the heart

The Remaining cards the fortune teller shuffles again and says: “what was, What is, what was going to end, the heart to calm down?”, and then gives the querent to remove.

Now supposed to separate the top three cards and put aside. In divination they will not participate. Fourth put significator. She says that was in the querent's heart.

The Next three cards to discard, and the fourth to put significator. She will answer the question: “What?”

Again to discard three cards. The fourth will show how it will end.

Again, discard three cards.The fourth will tell you that will calm the heart of the querent.

Remaining in the hands of two cards to discard. A total of 14 cards discarded, and significator expected 4. It – that q holds in the heart, and the events taking place under the influence of emotional outbursts.

Marking cards near the heart is no different from the rest. They show the most important events. In difficult situations, when it is unclear that in the main scenario means smaller maps, you need to see if near the hearts of kings, Queens or aces. Sevens, eights, nines, tens, jacks and sixes – conversations, meetings, roads, trouble and love these figures and the explanation of the events that are aces.


Aces on the periphery of the alignment, in the presence of kings or ladies heart, the houses of these people. Without the figures-letters.

The ACE of clubs tip up – bad, down-right. Workplace any state-owned building on the maps indicated by the map. Cross the suit is responsible for professional activities, official papers and relationships, money, that is the material side of life. The ACE of clubs is paired with the same king – the fulfillment of the wishes. ACE of clubs with the nine of diamonds – the receipt of large sums of money. With the ten of spades – prosecution.king of spades

The ACE of spades – very strong in the emotional sense of the event. Tip up-good, down-bad. The ACE of spades next to the map used to describe a person – a passionate love. If ACE had peak ten – at a specified time will be unexpected receipt of money. Peak and cross aces together, and both edges up, promise a lot of trouble from the representatives of the official authorities.

Spades almost always add a touch of the negative events shows clubs and worms, while all diamonds, on the contrary, positive.

ACE of diamonds-the letter. What is written in it, show the neighboring cards. Diamonds – it is almost always money. Ten of diamonds-information about the transfer of money, six – direct money, cash. Seven, eight, or nine of hearts next to the ACE of diamonds-love letters.

ACE of hearts – the people, the indicator of marriage. Next to the map indicating the person – a Declaration of love. ACE of hearts, in contrast to the aces of clubs and spades, carries a positive meaning for adjacent maps, regardless of the direction of the tip.


The King of clubs – Treasury person, the middle-aged. When guessing on love make him as a brunette. Jack of clubs at the king shows great sorrow. The nine of clubs next to the king – good luck, if the edge down. Raised – trouble from the breech face. The absence of the king – bad luck.

King of spades-unpleasant male, informal a person with great strength. Depending on the surrounding cards it can be both enemy and protector. If near Queen and Jack of spades – that's good, because it shows the family of the venerable master. Other peaks of clubs or king of that suit acts as the bearer of trouble. If he's near a diamond or a heart from the subject can expect a friendship, assistance and support.

King of spades - a man of any age, but the king tambourine – it is always the young and unmarried people. Make him interested in the subject, if he's blond. Jack and ten of diamonds with the same king – caring, thoughtful and generous boyfriend.

The King of hearts-married man, sometimes at the age. Often – the husband or father. The king of hearts next to the Queen of the same suit – a serious relationship, and if the divination fell nine and ten of hearts, the wedding can not be avoided.king of hearts


Before you start guessing, it is customary to choose the card designating certain people. It's kings and Queens. If wondering married, a widow or a divorced woman, as significator choose the Queen of hearts, and if the girl, referred to diamonds a lady. Clubs lady-friend. Peak – as a rival and a villain. Next to the diamond – harms in monetary Affairs, next to the clubs – at work. Great sorrow if by her the seven of clubs or peak nine. Any other lance – the good old lady. The Queen of spades with the nine of hearts promises great happiness.the fortune telling 36 cards


Jacks traditionally show someone cares, and here, too, it all depends on the suit. Of clubs – Treasury, hearts – love. Three jacks caught on one line – very big trouble. There is a sign: if a Jack of clubs from all four will get their first – it is an indicator of true predictions. Caught between two ladies, he said that one of them will change your husband. Pair the Jack of clubs and the same eight-a lucky break.

Jack of spades – empty, useless, wasted effort. He also reveals the thoughts and plans of the king of spades. Jack of spades next to the Queen of the same suit – a big scandal, maybe a fight.

If in divination fell at the same time Jack, Queen and king of diamonds, the querent expects a comfortable future.

The Jack of hearts next to the seven of clubs foretells the birth of a child, and four aces in the balance promise to the infant wealth, intelligence, good health and good character.which card means


Tens of present in a situation, in the presence of courtiers shapes such as stripes,show the interest of these figures to the querent.

A Dozen clubs in divination – important changes in state Affairs. Next to the seven of clubs – award or other cash incentives at work. Near the eight of clubs – a legacy. At the same time dropped seven, eight, nine and ten of clubs – the most happy combination.

Dozen peak – always the failure, the failure of plans. Clubs – at work, with tambourines – lack of money, worms – on the love front. With a nine or eight of spades-illness and death. Only near the peak ACE it promises monetary gain, and even thoughts of the king or the Queen of spades, if one of these cards had close to ten.

Ten of diamonds-getting money or gift. Next to the Jack of clubs – a big success in money matters. Likely, higher wages. Next to the ten of clubs – well-paid job. Dropped a couple dozen and six of diamonds – the fulfillment of a wish.

Ten of hearts – happiness, joy, love. With another heart-love connection. Once among the cards of hearts, it foretells a happy resolution of all difficulties. With the nine, king and Queen of hearts – wedding.


Nine of clubs next to the figure shows that soon this man will forever go away from the life of the querent. Being next to a diamond, the nine of clubs foretells joy and receiving a large sum of money, and near the pike – trouble over money. Success with the opposite sex indicates a combination of clubs nine of hearts with a nine or a ten.

Nine of spades next to the figure – passionate love, and the eights or sevens of the same suit – sex.

The Nine of diamonds-love single person. Next to the ten of diamonds – the quicker receipt of the money. With the loss of four kings and nines of diamonds you can expect fun and good company.

The Nine of hearts next to any six-heart out at the street. Next to the eight of hearts or a seven of the same suit – a date in the room. Next to the ten of hearts – wedding. If in divination fell all the worms – full enjoyment of love. Next to the Queen of spades – happiness.the numbers on the cards


Eight of clubs – unmet expectations. Next to the figure indicates the death of this man, but next to the Jack of clubs – a happy occasion. With the ten of clubs – an unexpected large inheritance. With seven of the same suit – a great joy, and sat down next to another and the ACE of hearts, a happy marriage with a rich man.

Eight of spades-illness, death, failure. The seven of clubs next to it – adultery. Near peak ten – a disease. Eight of spades and the four kings-drunk with unpleasant consequences. If, in addition to eight peak, in the scenario fell seven spades, the divination should be immediately terminated and this day the cards do not touch. Also misfortune bodes situation when the situation, in addition to eight peak dropped eight of clubs card suit.

Eight of diamonds-talk, daily routine chores. Next to the ten of diamonds – the receipt of money. Eight and seven of diamonds with the figure – treason, betrayal, breach of obligations. Jack of diamonds eight of clubs along with – fire.

Eight of hearts improves the value of any adjacent cards. When near clubs, it portends success in the profession if with her diamonds – we can expect monetary gain. Near the peaks – favorable resolution of unpleasant circumstances. Paired with the nine of hearts-pleasant assignation. With Jack of hearts – conversation.


The Seven of clubs next to the ACE of clubs – a brilliant victory over all rivals and competitors. Paired with ten of the same suit – a journey with a nine of clubs – a happy combination, promising a lot of money and happiness. Bad if it turned out to be near peak eight, – change a loved one.

Seven of spades-unexpected losses, deceptions, quarrels, tears and separation. If the next ACE of hearts – the troubles can be avoided. With the ten of clubs – a major loss of money or property.

Seven of diamonds-a great map, smoothing the unpleasant predictions. It means a gift of precious metal, if it is a close figure.

Seven of hearts-pleasant incident on the love for the road


Six – the map on the road. Of clubs – in the state house. Paired with a diamond ACE & ndash; boring and useless journey.

Peak – to the far side. Diamonds with a seven – way beyond money.

Jack & ndash; leaving in the neighborhood or in a short time and with pleasant circumstances. Next to the seven of hearts – a wedding trip.

The six of Hearts next to the worms – path to a narrowing, and with another suit – a delay in business. Six of hearts with a diamond ACE & ndash; offer hands and hearts. The most important of all – the six of diamonds. Map this smooths the unpleasant predictions. However, once paired with a nine or a ten of spades, it foretells death.state house maps

The Final prophecy

All cards deployed and studied, however, our divination 36 cards is not over. To learn will be fulfilled make a wish, you need to count the number of sixes. If in scenario there are four, then it is necessarily true. It's show and four aces or four tens.

Four ladies – gossip, Sorority, four jacks– trouble, vanity. Sometimes Jack indicates the proximity or the interest of the king of the same suit. Well, when a drop of four kings – success in studies and profession, support of the authorities.

The Prevalence of small cards advantages showing a boring and empty life. The querent will be entire year to stew in their own juice.

Well, if the balance has fallen more than the red suit. Nine of hearts promises happiness in love, and all the cards of diamonds suit – a lot of money and enjoyment from their spending. Nine of clubs or the nine of spades – in a lot of trouble, tears and disease.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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