Black Moon in Cancer in women: characterization, influence on sun signs


2019-05-25 21:00:27




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The Moon in the Natal chart of a person is important. The moon has a strong influence on women, as they are more emotional than men. Black Moon in Cancer in women, as well as its importance in other signs of the zodiac helps to understand some of the characteristics of the beautiful half of humanity. Astrological predictions help to prevent the negative influence of the black moon.

the Moon in Cancer in women

Lunar Influence of Cancer

In this zodiac sign the planet is like a home – it fully reveals all the characteristics of the heavenly bodies. Women with Moon in Cancer has a special attraction to the family, friends and relatives. They are willing to devote their entire lives to care for loved ones.

The Moon in Cancer in women is responsible for particular emotions, the desire to help even strangers. These ladies are welcoming and cheerful, love their husbands and children. The prerogative for the fairer sex is born under the auspices of the Cancer moon, is the maintenance of the home, support and protection of weak people.

the Black Moon in Cancer in women

In Addition to the positive qualities of the Moon in Cancer in women grants and negative traits. This is due to the influence of the water sign of the zodiac. Cancer gives the lady a certain inaccessibility, susceptibility to depression, power. Many of the representatives of lunar Cancer quarrelsome and not love excessive attention to his person and also jealous and Moody.

Black Moon in Cancer in women

Lilith (the second name of the black moon) itself is a negative symbol that brings to life the human pain, suffering, danger. It opens up all the ugly aspects of personality: the tendency to cheat, the ability to manipulate people for their own goals, aggressiveness.

Women born at the time of joining the black moon in the water sign of the zodiac, are doomed to loneliness and the eternal search for refuge-where they expect and love. Typically, these ladies often marry and divorce, feeling kindred souls with the elected person. They can find a compromise with self, constantly striving to go from where really needed.

The Black Moon in Cancer in women makes to betray the dearest people-parents, children, lovers. Here the maternal instinct, especially developed in lunar Cancer, is displaced, and the woman does not feel responsible for their child. Some ladies become “cuckoo”, leaving their children, they do not wish them evil, but rather the opposite – such women think that without them, kids will be easier.

Woman Scorpio Moon in Cancer

Black Moon in Cancer in women. Compatibility with sun signs

The White Moon opens in the positive, creative qualities of character – the desire for motherhood, care, mutual help. What can be said about Lilith – it endows a personality with anger, impatience, inability to understand and accept people. Black Moon – is the companion of negativity causes a person to abandon moral and ethical standards. In certain circumstances, fails to minimize the impact on the planet, and sometimes its influence leads to disastrous consequences – vagrancy, crimes.

Combined with the zodiac constellations, Lilith enhances the negative qualities of each. The planet is constantly experiencing their wards. In the period of 9 years, people have situations that prevent them to commit ugly deeds. However, how will behave during a strong impact, she fully depends on her.

Woman with Cancer Moon in Capricorn

Black moon in the other zodiacal constellations in women

Under the influence of the sun sign of the zodiac the influence of the moon either decreases, or increases. Lilith is in each sign for about 9 months.

No constellation is not able to resist the power of the black moon. She reveals in the women's deepest, most daring traits. Heavenly body brings benefit, since at a certain position it gives pupils a sense of purpose, confidence and self-sufficiency.

the Moon in Cancer woman compatibility

Lilith in Aries

Rude, aggressive, arrogant woman. In the heat of passion commits a hasty and rash acts. The temptation for her are the men working with her or her peers. Faced with them, she is unable to control himself.

Lilith in Taurus

A Woman who have a special passion for money and jewelry. She loves them so muchready to give his soul for the next “bling”. The temptation for such a lady – dubious pleasure, dalliance.

Black Moon in Gemini

Overly talkative, superficial woman. Her nervousness, restlessness rendered useless and the cheating propensity at times irritate others. You need to learn to control myself. Here the temptation is the desire to gossip, to discuss friends and relatives behind their backs.

the Moon in Cancer in women

Lilith in Cancer

Mood swings characteristic of this ward of the planet. The black Moon gives the ladies some mystery, charm, they are attractive and interesting men, many people call them witches (a great example of this - woman-Scorpio). Moon in Cancer (Lilith) contributes to the formation of a strong, independent personality, with a penchant for people. Temptations: passion, megalomania, the desire to dominate throughout.

Black Moon in Leo

Bright as a Christmas tree decoration, woman-Leo under the influence of Lilith becomes unmanageable. Boastful, arrogant person, not seeing anyone around him. To trigger the development of “slumbering” negative traits can quarrel with the influential patrons are older, family, mother or children.

Lilith in Virgo

Petty, a dry and pedantic lady, prone to fraud. Their tediousness, the woman pushes away potential mates. To provoke her negative act can colleagues and authorities.

Black Moon in Libra

Lack of confidence in their own abilities and make a woman hesitant in some important life issues. However, there is downside – a woman under the influence, she can be overly confident, going “heads” to the purpose. The role of temptation here is to communicate with a lover.

Lilith in Scorpio

The Woman, hungry for passion, thrills. Vicious, enticing, she has a thirst for the occult and magical knowledge. She is wary of communicating with thrill-seekers, occultists and cultists, because it is more susceptible to suggestion.

the Moon in Cancer in women

Black Moon in Sagittarius

Unpredictable, adventurous, prone to outrageous. She has to be careful in dealing with intellectual genius, wealthy sponsors, otherwise her secret will come out negative, destroying everything in its path.

Lilith in Capricorn

The Cold, unapproachable and rational person, it is often closed and rather shy (as an example – female Cancer). The moon in Capricorn does not allow sensitivity, reduces emotional. A woman under the influence of the black moon and Capricorn achieves desired by pressure on the strings. That is, such a lady can use in achieving the purpose of blackmail and threats. To provoke the awakening of negativity in it can parents close men-brother, father, lover.

Black Moon in Aquarius

The Woman, to defy moral norms. For her nothing is sacred, it is able to betray people close to her. Irresponsible, it should never be relied upon. The temptation for ladies will be particularly high if her family and friends too trusting towards her.

Lilith in Pisces

A Woman subject to frequent attacks of hysteria. It is a conflict, often for a simple situation makes the tragedy, loves to exaggerate. Drawn to secret knowledge, he is particularly interested in the personal lives of other people. Temptation for ladies born under the auspices of the black moon and Fish, considered the possibility of getting something to bypass the law.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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