You dreamt about the fish? Look in the dream book!


2019-06-06 21:20:15




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dream fishYou had a fish? Then we need to look in the dream book and find out what it means! The generally accepted interpretation of this dream is considered good luck, because everywhere and at all times fish - a symbol of abundance. But, friends, if it were so simple, then there would be our article! The fact that fish in dreams can mean and not very bright prospects. It all depends on what it is you dream, what you do with it and so on. Consider the most popular variations of this dream.

What we will tell the dream book of Gustavus Miller?

  • If you dream about fish you caught at the bait, then get ready for disappointment in life.
  • Catch fish in the dream, hands? Be aware that in real life you personally make enemies!
  • To See a huge fish swimming in clear and clean water means the beginning of some big things that can bring you good dividends if the time to turn your head.

I had a fish? Look for the answer from Evgeny Tsvetkov!

Eugene Flowers in your dream book paints a very unusual dreams involving fish. In particular, if you see a fish in an aquarium at home, you should know that you are monitoring. There are people who constantly analyzes and evaluates your actions. On the one hand, it's rather vulgar dream, but it all depends on the context! For example, if aquarium fish your dream alive and healthy, watching you solely for your benefit (or protect you look better). But if the water in the aquarium is dirty and the fish sick or dead, don't expect anything good from this track - you're going to hurt.what is the dream of many fishes


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Why dream about raw fish?

  1. Gustav Miller argues that sleep eating raw fish - problems with the digestive system and respiratory system. However, if a fish eats a young girl, her young man will be very gentle with her soft and real.
  2. David Loff interprets the dream as follows: had the fish that you eat raw, expect illnesses and financial losses.
  3. Sigmund Freud sees nothing bad in this dream. According to him, the dream tells about a noticeable increase in your credibility and authority in both professional and intimate sphere of life! If you eat raw fish of different species (carp, perch, pike, shark meat, the gudgeon), then expect success in business, full satisfaction from committed actions and financial independence!

What dreams a lot of fish?

  1. According to Miller, to dream of the many lively and brilliant fish for the early enrichment! Men such a dream promises success in business, and women - iridescent intimate perspective and as a result future pregnancy.what dreams raw fish
  2. According to Tsvetkov, cleaned in a dream a lot of fish - the news. If you fry the cleaned fish, then wait for great news from afar; if the salt - the sad news; if you're going to smoke - will receive news that will really surprise you.
  3. See a lot of fish, which is not caught? Freud says that it is the problems in sexual life. Men will experience some stress in dealing with the weaker sex, and women will often have to visit a gynecologist. If you dream you see a lot of fish mate or spawn, refrain from casual sex. There is a risk to be trapped...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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