Maria Duval - predictions


2019-06-02 10:00:30




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Almost all of us want to look into the future. One of curiosity, others to the complex challenges posed by life. And yet we want happiness, even to those who have it. Psychics and magicians of all kinds skillfully playing on human weaknesses. And we bring them your money to become richer, more successful, happier. Mages do get rich and live happily ever after. And we, their mother lode, only wait and hope. Someone may argue that in the history of mankind were real seers, such as Nostradamus or Vanga. So maybe clairvoyant Maria Duval – a talent from God?

Curriculum vitae

Maria DuvalThe life of the seer is hidden behind a veil of secrecy. We only know that she was born in 1938, lives in Sunny and hospitable Provence in the South of France, though born in Milan. Her real name is Carolina Maria Gambia, Maria Duval – is a fictional alias. Her parents were aristocrats, and uncle Guido of Vesselin possessed psychic abilities. He held the post of clergyman and was very fascinated by the esoteric, even wrote several books on the subject. Perhaps little Mary inherited his uncle's gift. School she didn't do lessons without desire, but get good marks. Even then the girl noticed that somehow learns the correct answers and the course of solving her strange task. In the future Maria Duval used her gift as a source of livelihood. She has a grown son, Anthony, Palmo, the daughter of Dominic Crossey and three girls, Morgan, Izaura and salt, of which they are jointly raising. By the way, lived in Mexico, the actress with the same name and almost the same with the prophetess of the age.


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The Maria Duval Business

Clairvoyant Maria DuvalAfter some time an ordinary seer, and achieving fame, Maria Duval created the company in the preparation of horoscopes, Natal charts, and preparation of amulets and charms. A company called Astroforce. In the market of magic services it has existed for many years and quite successfully. The reason for that served as a self-fulfilling prophecy of Madame Duval. So, she helped Brigitte Bardot to find her beloved dog, together with the police has solved some crimes, in particular, helped to find the kidnapped people contributed to the success of many politicians, artists, businessmen. For these and other achievements, she was awarded a high honor to visit the Vatican and personally to talk to the Pope. In 1997, the IOM year Duvall has sold his company to the Hong Kong Health Tips Ltd. Now Madame Duval, head of the Institute of parapsychology in Kallaste, and the new Astroforce not hesitate using her name to dupe simpletons.

Activities current Astroforce

Astrologer Maria DuvalThe New owners continued the business begun by Madame Duval. They provide magic and esoteric services are horoscopes made individual charms, reveal the future showing all upcoming problems and their solutions. Figures from the company claim that Maria Duval talisman which can gain everyone creates with their clients, telepathic communication, so all the magic services provided by the company, equivalent to the services most of prophetess. Like, nothing wrong with that, unless you consider the fact that a psychic with the company is not cooperating. All horoscopes, maps and talismans makes anyone, not just Duval. The second unpleasant moment - the extraordinary intrusiveness of the company. Its representatives are so eager to offer their services in many countries served dozens of complaints, and in New Zealand banned all advertising of Astroforce.

Newspaper «duck»

Maria Duval talismanOne of the assistants to the expansion of clientele for the liars is the media. How does it work? In various Newspapers, the Internet, and sometimes in magazines placed by “full truth” about Maria Duval's description of her accurate predictions. Also actively used technique of “appreciation from customers”. Invented stories about how the psychic Maria Duval has helped so-and-so and so-and-so to get rid of a curse, to create a family, become a millionaire. Fictional characters vividly describe all the troubles and magic rescue. Below is the address, how to contact psychic clairvoyant free to ask her questions. The word “free” truly has magical properties because he bought thousands of innocents who have forgotten, where is the free cheese. Writing a letter, people will stop fish zagotovka the bait.

“Disinterested” recovery

Maria Duval about the RussianThe clairvoyant Sent a letter comes the answer with a description of future troubles and offer you help. Itself a magical ritual promise to hold free. Poor man must pay for only some of the means by which Duval will conduct the ritual. If you think that's fair. Why would she try to save the unknown to her, and even items for the ritual to be spent? So people send to the specified address money, indulging in everything and even taking on debt at interest. Correspondence can take years because of the troubles from the accident victims and members of their familiestranslated. The second way to fall for the hook – fill innocent applications or the solution of simple puzzles. People refers to the editor response. After a time at its postal address a letter arrives warning about waiting for his misfortunes and the text that the hereditary astrologer Maria Duval for free will help to get rid of them. Of course, not all publications engaged in such activities. A lot of Newspapers and magazines is absolutely not fraud. However, those who sell the company's Astroforce addresses his readers, is also available.

Become a millionaire easy

Maria Duval photoThe Third option fraud – happy writing. Come they not from France and, of course, not from Maria Duval. Senders can be known by nobody organizations from different cities of Russia. Where do they get the names of people, addresses and phone numbers, covered with darkness. The letter they send to everyone indiscriminately – and seniors, and very young, both women and men. In a letter to the man joyfully reported about the big win, for example, cars or a few million. Happiness is at hand, it is small. Just need to buy an inexpensive product or to transfer a small amount of money, and a million is in your pocket. So the victim is believed in his lucky star, the letter is signed by name of Maria Duval. Photo of a clairvoyant, and sometimes written in an incomprehensible language of the manuscript are attached. That's such lovely company. Ostap Bender with its “Horns and hooves” to them far.

What does Maria Duval with our money

Maria Duval predictionsOn the globe is home to almost 9 billion people. If even one out of a thousand will write her a letter, get a few bags of letters. No man will cope with such an avalanche of correspondence, especially not in time for everyone to make a personal horoscope. But Maria Duval is already under eighty, age is pretty respectable. Of course, she never tell anyone no letters wrote and the correspondence was Packed. It has already enough to do. Despite his 76, the seer travels extensively, all the time “sitting on suitcases”, she says, because many people in different countries waiting for them to arrive Maria Duval whose predictions come true with amazing accuracy. Hardly clairvoyant participates in the fraud Astroforce and other companies. However, not to know that scammers hide behind her name, she can't. Why she did not react – a mystery.

Madame Duval in Russia

In 2008, the IOM year clairvoyant visited Russia. Cheerful and smiling, she got off the plane. In the capital she walked the streets, took lots of photos, even from the Windows of his hotel room. Maria Duval about Russia has made the forecast, which gave the journalists. She predicted the return of Putin to the presidency, although noted that it would be pretty tough leader. By the way, the well-known Pavel Globa said that President Medvedev will. The Russians clairvoyant predicted the growth of wealth and financial success. For the country as a whole Madame Duval predicted within five years, raising the standard of living to European discovery of new deposits of oil and gas and access to world leaders. Well, something already has come true. The rest – time will tell.

Prophecy for the future

If the prophecy about Russia is similar to the truth, then predictions of the future seem fantastic. Maria Duval says that the dollar will collapse soon, people will start to work at home and once in three years to take a vacation for the whole 365 days. To check the health of the people in the home. About the treatment of Madame Duval does not specify, but I'm sure life will be long, up to 140 years. One religion, humans will not work. On the contrary, there will be new religious movements, and not the most peaceful. Technical progress will make a huge leap. Our orbit will fly not only satellites and debris, and numerous factories. The life of humans will move underground, where they will create cities, parks and even forests. Also, the more actively will the development of the marine and oceanic expanses. To manage all this will be women, and men are engaged exclusively in space. They colonize 8 planets, one of which is Mars. Incidentally, you will find life. And alpha Centauri will open a tourist route, although the star from us is 4 light years. Here is a wonderful future. It is a pity that none of us won't survive.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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